this image contains text
Back fr
om the Dead and ready to
dish out the best report on w
happening in the Oz ARt
OK back again, and with a vengence. There seems to ha
ve been heaps of
activity within the art community in Australia. With Mr.Ski
zo joining
ACiDand Mr Krinkle doing art for fIRE, though this is
only rumours. It
seems that all the artists have abandoned Australia, looking
for fame in
the international scene.
DONT DO IT!!!! Support the Australian Scene join
Continuing on: In Australia fORCE seems to continue i
ts move forward. In
that I mean we has done a deal with a local radio station in
Sydney. fORCE
will support a programme called Denied Access from 10:30 to
12:00 at night
on 100.1 FM. The Programme is dedicated to the art/demo/m
uzic scene and
currently are playing mods and s3ms over that air.So why
not submit some
work, join fORCE and get it played on the radio
Having said that, its time to support the Australian art
community again
by turning up to Coven 96 held in South Australia.
As we get closer to
the date of the Demo partyIll feed you readers more info
mation about the
competitions, prizes and dates. Its really gonna rok, as we
learnt from
0z96 and can only get better I HOPE.......
fORCE goes monthly. Yes its true!!! we have decide
d to do monthly paks, so
as to get more interest and regularity. We decided to do thi
s so that the
artist get more exposure and to be more competative in the
scene.So all you fORCEmembers can now feel s
atisfied that your work will
get seen every month. This just might have somthi
ng to do with what got
said in Superflu emag.
Yah!!! Z-force computer is fixed and well
be seeing him back online in
the near future. Aslo meaning that Point Zer0 will
be back up asap.YAY!
There has been a huge influx of members of late. We seem t
o be getting
more popular in the art scene.
Back from a o/s groups is Warhammer. You lov
ed his work beforeand
now youll love it again. Its good to have you back again
!!! I had to
beg him to re-join
AKi andClarissajoin the crew of
ANSi artist, with there unique style and
character, and well see big things from them in the near fut
ure, and a new
VGA artist has emerged from South Australia, going by the h
andle Miller.
Even though the good old state of S.Australia doesnt have m
any artists we
do have quailty.
We have had a huge influx of members joining the group in
the muzic dept
and Id like to welcome them aboard. Aultar
joins us in the muzic div.
and will greatly inprove the list of talented artists alre
ady there.
Also joining the muzic subdivision is Chip and
Sir Walt. Its good to have
them aboard and and these doods has some talent,
so watch out for these
guys. I wonder what Chips favorite food is
Another joining the muzic divisionis Fender w
ho also takes a management
role in the running of Deste
and a true madman joins
the ranks of fORCE
going by the name iNSANE
HisAnsi and muzic will
be a true asset to the
The iNSANE on the Lose.
Beware! if you see him do
not provoke!! Armed and
Danderous with computer
Sound Card.
Now we cant forget the coders, of fORCE. S
on Gohan joins the ranks of
thecoding divsion and will greatly boost the output th
ere with some
Last but not leastsaving the best for last Zero Vel
ocity joins the ranks
of fORCE as a top Ansi artist. His style and talent just
oozes from
his pictures. Formally of Roc, hes a huge a
sset to the group and
well see big things from him in the near future...
Yah!!!! fORCE NET is up and active. For those of you
who who havent seen
or posted a message on fORCE NET, Why the fuck haven
t you . Anyway if
you dont have axis to it and want a hub in your state and
your a member
of fORCE just mail me or post a messaeg to a member and il
l get a node
number out to you. Remembering that fORCE net is fORCE me
mbers only!!!
Because the last pak being soooo.. big for our standar
ds fORCE has
decided to make sub-divisions. The newest being Dest
e, a muzic division
that is self run and managed by both Legend
and Fender.With the suppo
of dennied access, 100.1 fm Sydney,this division will g
et air play with
there muzic andwill florish.
fORCE iNET -Well now if I dont say it now, these
guys will come round and
bash me with a big fome baseball bat.Goo and
Felixhead our one and only
inet team. They have finally finished the home page. BOUT T
IME which
is located at www.zip.com.au/force.and without
them we couldnt hold
the fORCEirc channel. Why not join force and s
ay hi to these boys. They
are bound to say hi and abuse you . Fun aside, these guy
s are part of
the back bone of fORCE and should get credit where
its due
Thanxs doods for your efforts...
From Legend
1. fORCE has merged with the sydne
y music group Deste.. After alot of
arguing and general yakking between myself music head and
destes music
head Fender we have finally merged. Deste
keeps its name.. It didnt get
changed to TranceSensual like Anubis and I wante
d, but hey! So the heads
of the music division are now Fender and myself I
also maintain my role as
Senior Member and general Legend ..fORCE
or whatever you wanna call it
will be putting out quaterly music disks. Watch for out fir
st music disk
which should come out before easter..
2. Check out the leet ForceApp thingy i coded
my shameless plug
3. On a more serious note Id like to thank
on behalf of the fORCE members
Fruitcake for all the work he has done since Force
-06. He has been working
very hard!! Hes setup forcenet and has been a goddam inspera
tion to every
member in force.. A big thankyou goes out to Fruitca
ke for all the work
that he has done! Were all really lucky that he hasnt off
d and joined
a overseas groups! Your hard work does not go un-noticed
Super quick greets goto : genesis, budd, fruitcake, goblin, j
ax gremlin!
From Anubis
It has been a good time for fORCE.The last pak was huge
and everythingwas
quality work in the pak. Nootropics emag Sup
erflu reveiwed our pak and Id
just like to thank him on the effort and commentshe made.
fORCE will be going monthly so that we can g
et the artists work
distributed more often and quicker. Bi-monthly is to lo
ng between paks
and being a artist of this scene, I cant really wait 2
months before
my work gets released.
Many people have commented on whats good and bad in the art
scene. While
I too have opinions on other people work, Respect is the b
asis of what
truely should be looked at. The time and effort spent b
y that artists
never really gets looked at. Only what it looks like to yo
u. Its a shame
that people are like that, but here at fORCE I and the co-
ordinators try
to over look what is phyical, and see what really was invov
led within the
Even copied pitures from comics are cool as they develop
peoples talent
and imagination and shouldnt be flamed. I draw what I like
and i encouage
other peolpe to do what they want, instead of what the sce
ne wants.Why
get stuck doing what everyone expects of you ???? or even
why do what
others want ???? Its the satisfaction that you get after
completing a
peice that is the fORCE that drives you to continue ... and
should never
be compromised.
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app form and u
ploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest you and or
to fORCE@ozemail.com.auand it
will be prosseced ASAP..
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the application generato
rs textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good i
dea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa
Point Zero Z-Force 61
.2.8097016 World HQ
The Temple Anubis 61.8
.3224558 Australian HQ
. Evil Intensions Betrayer
1.408.251.6220 Canadian
HQ :
Carnage Caynan +49
.224.2851 German HQ
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard Russian
Gehenna Fruitcake
61.2.8945093 Upload S
The fORCE home page is at:
COVEN 96 coming at ya: 12th-14t
h July, SA.
om the Dead and ready to
dish out the best report on w
happening in the Oz ARt
OK back again, and with a vengence. There seems to ha
ve been heaps of
activity within the art community in Australia. With Mr.Ski
zo joining
ACiDand Mr Krinkle doing art for fIRE, though this is
only rumours. It
seems that all the artists have abandoned Australia, looking
for fame in
the international scene.
DONT DO IT!!!! Support the Australian Scene join
Continuing on: In Australia fORCE seems to continue i
ts move forward. In
that I mean we has done a deal with a local radio station in
Sydney. fORCE
will support a programme called Denied Access from 10:30 to
12:00 at night
on 100.1 FM. The Programme is dedicated to the art/demo/m
uzic scene and
currently are playing mods and s3ms over that air.So why
not submit some
work, join fORCE and get it played on the radio
Having said that, its time to support the Australian art
community again
by turning up to Coven 96 held in South Australia.
As we get closer to
the date of the Demo partyIll feed you readers more info
mation about the
competitions, prizes and dates. Its really gonna rok, as we
learnt from
0z96 and can only get better I HOPE.......
fORCE goes monthly. Yes its true!!! we have decide
d to do monthly paks, so
as to get more interest and regularity. We decided to do thi
s so that the
artist get more exposure and to be more competative in the
scene.So all you fORCEmembers can now feel s
atisfied that your work will
get seen every month. This just might have somthi
ng to do with what got
said in Superflu emag.
Yah!!! Z-force computer is fixed and well
be seeing him back online in
the near future. Aslo meaning that Point Zer0 will
be back up asap.YAY!
There has been a huge influx of members of late. We seem t
o be getting
more popular in the art scene.
Back from a o/s groups is Warhammer. You lov
ed his work beforeand
now youll love it again. Its good to have you back again
!!! I had to
beg him to re-join
AKi andClarissajoin the crew of
ANSi artist, with there unique style and
character, and well see big things from them in the near fut
ure, and a new
VGA artist has emerged from South Australia, going by the h
andle Miller.
Even though the good old state of S.Australia doesnt have m
any artists we
do have quailty.
We have had a huge influx of members joining the group in
the muzic dept
and Id like to welcome them aboard. Aultar
joins us in the muzic div.
and will greatly inprove the list of talented artists alre
ady there.
Also joining the muzic subdivision is Chip and
Sir Walt. Its good to have
them aboard and and these doods has some talent,
so watch out for these
guys. I wonder what Chips favorite food is
Another joining the muzic divisionis Fender w
ho also takes a management
role in the running of Deste
and a true madman joins
the ranks of fORCE
going by the name iNSANE
HisAnsi and muzic will
be a true asset to the
The iNSANE on the Lose.
Beware! if you see him do
not provoke!! Armed and
Danderous with computer
Sound Card.
Now we cant forget the coders, of fORCE. S
on Gohan joins the ranks of
thecoding divsion and will greatly boost the output th
ere with some
Last but not leastsaving the best for last Zero Vel
ocity joins the ranks
of fORCE as a top Ansi artist. His style and talent just
oozes from
his pictures. Formally of Roc, hes a huge a
sset to the group and
well see big things from him in the near future...
Yah!!!! fORCE NET is up and active. For those of you
who who havent seen
or posted a message on fORCE NET, Why the fuck haven
t you . Anyway if
you dont have axis to it and want a hub in your state and
your a member
of fORCE just mail me or post a messaeg to a member and il
l get a node
number out to you. Remembering that fORCE net is fORCE me
mbers only!!!
Because the last pak being soooo.. big for our standar
ds fORCE has
decided to make sub-divisions. The newest being Dest
e, a muzic division
that is self run and managed by both Legend
and Fender.With the suppo
of dennied access, 100.1 fm Sydney,this division will g
et air play with
there muzic andwill florish.
fORCE iNET -Well now if I dont say it now, these
guys will come round and
bash me with a big fome baseball bat.Goo and
Felixhead our one and only
inet team. They have finally finished the home page. BOUT T
IME which
is located at www.zip.com.au/force.and without
them we couldnt hold
the fORCEirc channel. Why not join force and s
ay hi to these boys. They
are bound to say hi and abuse you . Fun aside, these guy
s are part of
the back bone of fORCE and should get credit where
its due
Thanxs doods for your efforts...
From Legend
1. fORCE has merged with the sydne
y music group Deste.. After alot of
arguing and general yakking between myself music head and
destes music
head Fender we have finally merged. Deste
keeps its name.. It didnt get
changed to TranceSensual like Anubis and I wante
d, but hey! So the heads
of the music division are now Fender and myself I
also maintain my role as
Senior Member and general Legend ..fORCE
or whatever you wanna call it
will be putting out quaterly music disks. Watch for out fir
st music disk
which should come out before easter..
2. Check out the leet ForceApp thingy i coded
my shameless plug
3. On a more serious note Id like to thank
on behalf of the fORCE members
Fruitcake for all the work he has done since Force
-06. He has been working
very hard!! Hes setup forcenet and has been a goddam inspera
tion to every
member in force.. A big thankyou goes out to Fruitca
ke for all the work
that he has done! Were all really lucky that he hasnt off
d and joined
a overseas groups! Your hard work does not go un-noticed
Super quick greets goto : genesis, budd, fruitcake, goblin, j
ax gremlin!
From Anubis
It has been a good time for fORCE.The last pak was huge
and everythingwas
quality work in the pak. Nootropics emag Sup
erflu reveiwed our pak and Id
just like to thank him on the effort and commentshe made.
fORCE will be going monthly so that we can g
et the artists work
distributed more often and quicker. Bi-monthly is to lo
ng between paks
and being a artist of this scene, I cant really wait 2
months before
my work gets released.
Many people have commented on whats good and bad in the art
scene. While
I too have opinions on other people work, Respect is the b
asis of what
truely should be looked at. The time and effort spent b
y that artists
never really gets looked at. Only what it looks like to yo
u. Its a shame
that people are like that, but here at fORCE I and the co-
ordinators try
to over look what is phyical, and see what really was invov
led within the
Even copied pitures from comics are cool as they develop
peoples talent
and imagination and shouldnt be flamed. I draw what I like
and i encouage
other peolpe to do what they want, instead of what the sce
ne wants.Why
get stuck doing what everyone expects of you ???? or even
why do what
others want ???? Its the satisfaction that you get after
completing a
peice that is the fORCE that drives you to continue ... and
should never
be compromised.
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app form and u
ploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest you and or
to fORCE@ozemail.com.auand it
will be prosseced ASAP..
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the application generato
rs textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good i
dea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa
Point Zero Z-Force 61
.2.8097016 World HQ
The Temple Anubis 61.8
.3224558 Australian HQ
. Evil Intensions Betrayer
1.408.251.6220 Canadian
HQ :
Carnage Caynan +49
.224.2851 German HQ
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard Russian
Gehenna Fruitcake
61.2.8945093 Upload S
The fORCE home page is at:
COVEN 96 coming at ya: 12th-14t
h July, SA.
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