this image contains text
Oh Yeah... Here it is again fORCE News NOW IN FULL COLOUR
... woohoooo....
ay again. fORCE6 Is finally
here once again, no not late.. lets
call it fashionably late
? wellnever
the less were here again.
Anubis:is back, well hell yer im back !
Yepo i have quit acid, why cause i just did so there.
. While ACiD is
cool and all, its not about only being in a big group its
about the art
work and the dedication to the disipline.I learnt alot ju
st being in Acid
for a short term.. i could have gone on for a lot longer, b
ut to be honest
Im not happy just being a artist. I like to organise and h
elp people so
here i am !! Sorry Radman I feel bad and i apoligise for an
y inconveniance
i have cause you. and to the group for thinking that Acid
was better ...
believe me its NOT ...let the americans and that continent
have there scene
and we have ours.. it wont take long now to get right up the
re ..with the
the so called best.
Id like to take the time now to thank the remain
ing way cool art people
for making the group what it was/is/and always will be..
without you guys
the group is nothing. Many of the members still remaining
are the from
the Origional merge with,
Felix,Kurrupt,Krisis, Gumby,
Plus others ive missed, and it really
does makeme proud to see the people
stick by thegroup...thanks fellas..
Also before i forget z-force would
like to shoutout to the fellas on
the wall at SG . and a big fuck you
to dv8 the lame little prick...
dv8 id hate to be you Mphoto.
e he even looks like a Prick!!
Photo by The Mad Photographa
As I said above, we had a few departures and uncertaincies
within the group.
On their way out the door is Warhammer who is ship
ped over to anemia..why
wh? WHY?? and another uncertainty is Spoonman..whi
ch we haave no idea what
the hell he is doing.if youve seen spoonman..contact your loca
l authorities
or call 1-800-spoonie...
Amongst all the confusion we have also had a couple of add
itions to the
group Grump, the boy from brissy, while hes only
been in the ansi scene
for a month or so hes turning out some great work includding
vgas and ansi.
Also Squirt formerly from SiCK has seen the light a
nd headed ForceWay..
Plus our one and only Kurrupt has tried his hand at
some S3Ms so check em
out of course in the usuall hip hop niggah kurrupt style :
Id also like to add that artist, come and they go, and in e
ither situation
we as a group appresiate there contributios to the group and
wish them well
in whatever they go on to ...
Well after a
bit of discussion and
persuasion from
members and outside
influences, weve made a few dissisio
concerning where the group is headed.
N E W S Were now accep
ting VGA and RiP
artists so if you think u got the nack
give us your app form.. as i said above weve already pick
ed up one vga
artist by the name of Grump and things are loo
king to be going ok...
We are also looking for more MUSOS! If you think you have it,
tell us !!..
Legendis doing a damn fine job but he needs a co
-pilot :
Red Haze our SuperCoder is at the moment in the pr
ocess of hooking upsome
vga capabilities into our viewer so you pricks cant say nu
thin then! :
Id Also like to thank Goo/Felix for their help o
n maintaing the homepage
and our force channel without uncountable bots and flood scri
pts :
I think one bot will do guys :
If your on iRC drop into force and have a chat to us or req
uest sum work
whateva. .there is ALWAYS sum loser in their waiting to answer
questions :
PLUS.. This goes out to all the people form around the wor
ld interested
in becoming a force HQ .... Please PLEASE complete ALL relevan
t information
and drop it into force to a FORCE MEMBER ONLY! ...... there h
ave been like
2-3 foney HQ established already by people who arent even in
force! sheeit
or just mail all the details to force@ozemail.com.au
On a great note..were happy to announce that in the st
yle of acid and a
couple of others..were happy to take a modding group under our
wings namley
Xpress or xPS! The group consists of the talented a
rtists and modders of
force and abroad which deals in obv/iniq/imp/pcb and ren moddi
ng of sorts..
so look out for any future releases of Xpress as a divis
ion of force.
On the 17th - 19th Of
January, Australia had
its first REAL K-rad
Demo Party, OZ96
Goblin, im stillwith by Z-force
ya.OzGasm96 would have my Z-force
been better : We only had a couple of force entries don
t ask me why but
one reason being kurrupts 2nd ansi was handed in
20 mins late on irc, and
my car being a FORD couldnt quite get there in time :
But kurrupt being kurrupt..pulled a 2nd place with
his Backup incase zf
fucks it all up and misses these 2 entrys well done. He also
collected 70
and one of those coolie game pad things which i forgot the nam
e to : Yup,
our force boys are multi-talented! : yer and Z-force
would like to send a
FUcK YOU to the sly aboriginie that
stole my Jim Beam and coke on
George street..
Going on ... it was good to see that we are progressing as
a art community,
in that we are now looking to expand and teach knowledge to
others that are
interested but dont really have a clue .... The demo par
ty brought many
different ppl from around australia to meet and share a
common interest
which can only benifit ourselves..hopfully well
see more of this happenn
in the future so as to continue the progress of the art comm
From The
Mad Photographa
Well heres a Question for
Who travels interstate to go
to a art / demo party and
interviews members of there
own group..... No answer
WELL -AV- of course h
I cant
believe th
at ppl will travel so
far to interview each
just doesnt make sence
Whos this could it be 2 -AV- members
interviwering each other ...
Final Departing Words by Z-force
Ok on a final note..id like to say FANX! To all the peop
le not only in
force but round Sydney/Australia and even Overseas groups g
iving us the
encouragement and support.. its great to see so many ppl ac
tually pay an
interest in the group...
Id also like to say thanx to Blue Apache,Harl,Aspect
and the rest of you AV
fellas for bein such good drinking buddies : and if i he
ar u knock Sydney
one more time ill flatn u all :
From Anubis
Id just like to take this chance to thank Z-forc
e for all his support and
in everything he has done to keep the group
alive. Well done dood your a
credit to yourself and everyone that knows you... and i susp
ectthat, that
goes for all the group as thinking that aswell.
fORCE Net is on its way, so
that work and mail can be axis mo
re freely
between the states. Its only going to be forfORCE members
, so that they
can get there work easily into the pak and
talk freely to other members.
Any ideas or thought on this, please feel free
to post me mail on any
Hq in Australia or at force@ozemail.com.au
Also can Tracker 1 please mail me Anubis at for
ce@ozemail.com.au and
leave me your email address
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app form and u
ploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest you and or
to fORCE@ozemail.com.auand it
will be prosseced ASAP..
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the application generato
rs textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good i
dea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa
Point Zero Z-Force 61
.2.8097016 World HQ
Mindflux Ozone 61.2.4
162513 Eastern HQ .
The Temple Anubis
61.8.3224558 Southern HQ
VT Sorathis 61.9.3839
534 Western HQ
. City iz Burning ExtreMIST
1.418.841.3410 Canadian
HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard Russian
Gehenna Fruitcake
61.2.8945093 Upload S
The fORCE home page is at: Har
oz96 rocked..congradulations to all that won/placed and
and to the organisers..Random/Ozone/BArtist/Squirt and budd
putting on such asuccessful ev
... woohoooo....
ay again. fORCE6 Is finally
here once again, no not late.. lets
call it fashionably late
? wellnever
the less were here again.
Anubis:is back, well hell yer im back !
Yepo i have quit acid, why cause i just did so there.
. While ACiD is
cool and all, its not about only being in a big group its
about the art
work and the dedication to the disipline.I learnt alot ju
st being in Acid
for a short term.. i could have gone on for a lot longer, b
ut to be honest
Im not happy just being a artist. I like to organise and h
elp people so
here i am !! Sorry Radman I feel bad and i apoligise for an
y inconveniance
i have cause you. and to the group for thinking that Acid
was better ...
believe me its NOT ...let the americans and that continent
have there scene
and we have ours.. it wont take long now to get right up the
re ..with the
the so called best.
Id like to take the time now to thank the remain
ing way cool art people
for making the group what it was/is/and always will be..
without you guys
the group is nothing. Many of the members still remaining
are the from
the Origional merge with,
Felix,Kurrupt,Krisis, Gumby,
Plus others ive missed, and it really
does makeme proud to see the people
stick by thegroup...thanks fellas..
Also before i forget z-force would
like to shoutout to the fellas on
the wall at SG . and a big fuck you
to dv8 the lame little prick...
dv8 id hate to be you Mphoto.
e he even looks like a Prick!!
Photo by The Mad Photographa
As I said above, we had a few departures and uncertaincies
within the group.
On their way out the door is Warhammer who is ship
ped over to anemia..why
wh? WHY?? and another uncertainty is Spoonman..whi
ch we haave no idea what
the hell he is doing.if youve seen spoonman..contact your loca
l authorities
or call 1-800-spoonie...
Amongst all the confusion we have also had a couple of add
itions to the
group Grump, the boy from brissy, while hes only
been in the ansi scene
for a month or so hes turning out some great work includding
vgas and ansi.
Also Squirt formerly from SiCK has seen the light a
nd headed ForceWay..
Plus our one and only Kurrupt has tried his hand at
some S3Ms so check em
out of course in the usuall hip hop niggah kurrupt style :
Id also like to add that artist, come and they go, and in e
ither situation
we as a group appresiate there contributios to the group and
wish them well
in whatever they go on to ...
Well after a
bit of discussion and
persuasion from
members and outside
influences, weve made a few dissisio
concerning where the group is headed.
N E W S Were now accep
ting VGA and RiP
artists so if you think u got the nack
give us your app form.. as i said above weve already pick
ed up one vga
artist by the name of Grump and things are loo
king to be going ok...
We are also looking for more MUSOS! If you think you have it,
tell us !!..
Legendis doing a damn fine job but he needs a co
-pilot :
Red Haze our SuperCoder is at the moment in the pr
ocess of hooking upsome
vga capabilities into our viewer so you pricks cant say nu
thin then! :
Id Also like to thank Goo/Felix for their help o
n maintaing the homepage
and our force channel without uncountable bots and flood scri
pts :
I think one bot will do guys :
If your on iRC drop into force and have a chat to us or req
uest sum work
whateva. .there is ALWAYS sum loser in their waiting to answer
questions :
PLUS.. This goes out to all the people form around the wor
ld interested
in becoming a force HQ .... Please PLEASE complete ALL relevan
t information
and drop it into force to a FORCE MEMBER ONLY! ...... there h
ave been like
2-3 foney HQ established already by people who arent even in
force! sheeit
or just mail all the details to force@ozemail.com.au
On a great note..were happy to announce that in the st
yle of acid and a
couple of others..were happy to take a modding group under our
wings namley
Xpress or xPS! The group consists of the talented a
rtists and modders of
force and abroad which deals in obv/iniq/imp/pcb and ren moddi
ng of sorts..
so look out for any future releases of Xpress as a divis
ion of force.
On the 17th - 19th Of
January, Australia had
its first REAL K-rad
Demo Party, OZ96
Goblin, im stillwith by Z-force
ya.OzGasm96 would have my Z-force
been better : We only had a couple of force entries don
t ask me why but
one reason being kurrupts 2nd ansi was handed in
20 mins late on irc, and
my car being a FORD couldnt quite get there in time :
But kurrupt being kurrupt..pulled a 2nd place with
his Backup incase zf
fucks it all up and misses these 2 entrys well done. He also
collected 70
and one of those coolie game pad things which i forgot the nam
e to : Yup,
our force boys are multi-talented! : yer and Z-force
would like to send a
FUcK YOU to the sly aboriginie that
stole my Jim Beam and coke on
George street..
Going on ... it was good to see that we are progressing as
a art community,
in that we are now looking to expand and teach knowledge to
others that are
interested but dont really have a clue .... The demo par
ty brought many
different ppl from around australia to meet and share a
common interest
which can only benifit ourselves..hopfully well
see more of this happenn
in the future so as to continue the progress of the art comm
From The
Mad Photographa
Well heres a Question for
Who travels interstate to go
to a art / demo party and
interviews members of there
own group..... No answer
WELL -AV- of course h
I cant
believe th
at ppl will travel so
far to interview each
just doesnt make sence
Whos this could it be 2 -AV- members
interviwering each other ...
Final Departing Words by Z-force
Ok on a final note..id like to say FANX! To all the peop
le not only in
force but round Sydney/Australia and even Overseas groups g
iving us the
encouragement and support.. its great to see so many ppl ac
tually pay an
interest in the group...
Id also like to say thanx to Blue Apache,Harl,Aspect
and the rest of you AV
fellas for bein such good drinking buddies : and if i he
ar u knock Sydney
one more time ill flatn u all :
From Anubis
Id just like to take this chance to thank Z-forc
e for all his support and
in everything he has done to keep the group
alive. Well done dood your a
credit to yourself and everyone that knows you... and i susp
ectthat, that
goes for all the group as thinking that aswell.
fORCE Net is on its way, so
that work and mail can be axis mo
re freely
between the states. Its only going to be forfORCE members
, so that they
can get there work easily into the pak and
talk freely to other members.
Any ideas or thought on this, please feel free
to post me mail on any
Hq in Australia or at force@ozemail.com.au
Also can Tracker 1 please mail me Anubis at for
ce@ozemail.com.au and
leave me your email address
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app form and u
ploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest you and or
to fORCE@ozemail.com.auand it
will be prosseced ASAP..
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the application generato
rs textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good i
dea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa
Point Zero Z-Force 61
.2.8097016 World HQ
Mindflux Ozone 61.2.4
162513 Eastern HQ .
The Temple Anubis
61.8.3224558 Southern HQ
VT Sorathis 61.9.3839
534 Western HQ
. City iz Burning ExtreMIST
1.418.841.3410 Canadian
HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard Russian
Gehenna Fruitcake
61.2.8945093 Upload S
The fORCE home page is at: Har
oz96 rocked..congradulations to all that won/placed and
and to the organisers..Random/Ozone/BArtist/Squirt and budd
putting on such asuccessful ev
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