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Fokus Fonting Package 5.
July Nineteenninetynine
Yes, Yes. Its that time of the month again. The time where all the little
boys and girls gather round their computers anxiously awaiting the arrival
of the new Fokus pack. Well, Here it is, right before your eyes, blaring in
full technicolor. Thats right. Number 5. Only 95 packs away from 100. Who
knows what the future holds in store for us. Well just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, there has been some changes already occuring around us.
Our page has finally been erected by the almighty zippy. Go check it out
at http://www.drastic.net/fokus/. On a sadder note, the one we call grymmjack
has decided to leave us for the fact has no more time nor skill to be in
a group. While the skill part may be arguable, we all know time is an
inescapable factor that plagues all of us. We wish him the best of luck in
future endeavors.
The door to the I want to join Fokus club was left open this month,
unfortunately, three blind nazis with machine guns for arms mistaked it for
a bathroom and scared all the would-be members off. Better luck next time.
deviant81 im doing alot of wheel reinventing.
I have no idea what this means, but deviant asked me to quote him and i need
to take up more space
Fokus 5 - Operation Fontland
Even tho the new additions to Fokus were scared away by the blind nazis,
we do hope that they will find their way back next month.
Hopefully some of these new talents will posses the powers of ascii
drawing and help strengthen the ascii division of Fokus.
* Note * The door to the I want to join Fokus club will be guarded 24/7
due to an FBI investigation following the blind nazis incident.
And actually, the quote knocturnal brought up, it did make sense.
Oh, on a serious note: The bots are back up, and be sure to check out Zippys
homepage for Fokus, its superb. Great work Zippy
- Deviant
Hi, spear here. :. Id like to make an offical rant in a news letter.. just
because this is an ideal group to do so in. Id like to make some comments
about a few things that have been nagging me lately. Fonts. Fonts fonts fonts Recently, in Gutter12, A few people who I wont name were quoted saying in
their own words, fonts suck, font artists are mere talentless lazy bastards
that cant draw pictures. Ha. Hahahaha. Sure, stereotype all you want, but
there have been fonts released recently that BLOW THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR COMIC
RIPS!. And when i say comic rips, that includes the originals that are
essentially comic rips, just not in a comic.. Sure, there are font people that pump the same stuff out over and over, but if youre going to stereo-
type, stereotype the entire medium. Id like to know what makes ripping a comic, that has been done for 10 years so fucking amazing still.. Weve all
seen better. Id like to know why a font artist gets shit for releasing
simular fonts, yet a pic artist can rip a comic, throw the worst font in the WORLD on it, and people call him amazing.. Talk about lazy!?! They think
the above RIPPED PIECE OF ART justifies lack of TALENT for shaping letters. The truth is, it takes more artistic talent to alter a font into what people
like Mr. Wrong and Fluor, and Tna can create than it does to copy a picture
that youve been doing for 5 years. Why? Eventually there isnt any challenge
to ripping a comic, because you can basically draw a character out of your
head original comic rips... Sure, I may not be able to draw a picture,
but I bust my ASS off trying to innovate and create the talentless fonts
that I do.. Just keep that in mind the next time you rag on a fontist.
And on that note, we end this addition of our ever so grand newsletter.
Any rants, raves, or anything of the sort can be sent to fokus@antisocial.com
Be sure and check out next months pack, which comes with a free sack of
ganja. We do all we can to appeal to a wide variety of audiences
Have fun and dont forget, today is the next day of the rest of your life.
Not the first. Use your brain. Peace. -knocturnal.
July Nineteenninetynine
Yes, Yes. Its that time of the month again. The time where all the little
boys and girls gather round their computers anxiously awaiting the arrival
of the new Fokus pack. Well, Here it is, right before your eyes, blaring in
full technicolor. Thats right. Number 5. Only 95 packs away from 100. Who
knows what the future holds in store for us. Well just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, there has been some changes already occuring around us.
Our page has finally been erected by the almighty zippy. Go check it out
at http://www.drastic.net/fokus/. On a sadder note, the one we call grymmjack
has decided to leave us for the fact has no more time nor skill to be in
a group. While the skill part may be arguable, we all know time is an
inescapable factor that plagues all of us. We wish him the best of luck in
future endeavors.
The door to the I want to join Fokus club was left open this month,
unfortunately, three blind nazis with machine guns for arms mistaked it for
a bathroom and scared all the would-be members off. Better luck next time.
deviant81 im doing alot of wheel reinventing.
I have no idea what this means, but deviant asked me to quote him and i need
to take up more space
Fokus 5 - Operation Fontland
Even tho the new additions to Fokus were scared away by the blind nazis,
we do hope that they will find their way back next month.
Hopefully some of these new talents will posses the powers of ascii
drawing and help strengthen the ascii division of Fokus.
* Note * The door to the I want to join Fokus club will be guarded 24/7
due to an FBI investigation following the blind nazis incident.
And actually, the quote knocturnal brought up, it did make sense.
Oh, on a serious note: The bots are back up, and be sure to check out Zippys
homepage for Fokus, its superb. Great work Zippy
- Deviant
Hi, spear here. :. Id like to make an offical rant in a news letter.. just
because this is an ideal group to do so in. Id like to make some comments
about a few things that have been nagging me lately. Fonts. Fonts fonts fonts Recently, in Gutter12, A few people who I wont name were quoted saying in
their own words, fonts suck, font artists are mere talentless lazy bastards
that cant draw pictures. Ha. Hahahaha. Sure, stereotype all you want, but
there have been fonts released recently that BLOW THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR COMIC
RIPS!. And when i say comic rips, that includes the originals that are
essentially comic rips, just not in a comic.. Sure, there are font people that pump the same stuff out over and over, but if youre going to stereo-
type, stereotype the entire medium. Id like to know what makes ripping a comic, that has been done for 10 years so fucking amazing still.. Weve all
seen better. Id like to know why a font artist gets shit for releasing
simular fonts, yet a pic artist can rip a comic, throw the worst font in the WORLD on it, and people call him amazing.. Talk about lazy!?! They think
the above RIPPED PIECE OF ART justifies lack of TALENT for shaping letters. The truth is, it takes more artistic talent to alter a font into what people
like Mr. Wrong and Fluor, and Tna can create than it does to copy a picture
that youve been doing for 5 years. Why? Eventually there isnt any challenge
to ripping a comic, because you can basically draw a character out of your
head original comic rips... Sure, I may not be able to draw a picture,
but I bust my ASS off trying to innovate and create the talentless fonts
that I do.. Just keep that in mind the next time you rag on a fontist.
And on that note, we end this addition of our ever so grand newsletter.
Any rants, raves, or anything of the sort can be sent to fokus@antisocial.com
Be sure and check out next months pack, which comes with a free sack of
ganja. We do all we can to appeal to a wide variety of audiences
Have fun and dont forget, today is the next day of the rest of your life.
Not the first. Use your brain. Peace. -knocturnal.
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