this image contains text
F o k u s F o n t i n g
p r e m i e r e e
d i t i o n
Knocturnal speaks,..
Hello. Welcome to Fokus Fonting package 1. In case you don
t know, we are a
group formed from the shambles of the now defunct Awe Letter
ing. Many people
may think we were formed because of the death of Awe, but in
fact, we were
around before their demise in an effort to provide ourselves
, along with the
scene, a group thats focus is on activity and closeness rath
er than a group
full of inactive artists who rarely even to get speak with o
ne another to
exchange ideas. Our packs may not be of regular size, but th
ats only for the
fact that we strive to promote quality over quantity and a f
amily atmosphere
if you will.
Sure, this pack may not be filled with 100+ line comic rips
or pics of big
breasted females with less than half their clothing, but you
can rest assured
than what you will find in this pack is 100 original and in
no way altered
images of previously released work. So, on that note, I hope
you enjoy the
Mr.Wrongs words,..
Like Knocturnal said above, the spirit and the essence of
Fokus is based on
motivation and friendship. Motivations meaning that the mem
bers are caring
about what is and what happens to the group. Friendships m
eaning that we
dont want the group to be an unpersonal organization where
people only
release their art together and dont even know each others n
ames. Drawing and
being in a group is supposed to be fun and interesting that
s what well try
to keep going in Fokus.
Another point that id like to talk about is the how and why
of the death of AweLettering. Theres a lot of confu
sion/rumors concerning it. I just want you to
understand that WE DIDNT KILLED AWE, Tna did it. We decided
to quit and make
Fokus because we didnt liked the ambience, the inst
ability and the non-
motivation of its members. Altough Fokus is based o
n the same concept as Awe,
it is definetly different. Now that being said, i hope peopl
e will understand
more clearly why Fokus exist and what are its purpo
Altough our member list is small, its only constitued of se
rious and talented
artists. That brings me to another point about Fokus
were trading quality
over quantity. We may release small packs in the future, but
well try the best
that we can to make them quality packs. Fokus is sti
ll looking for fontists who
are talented and/or have potentential and who are interested
in sharing this
project with us, may it be ansi, ascii, or rip. Catch us on
Fokus or mail your
application to Fokus@antisocial.com. Thanks to have taken th
e time to read the
Fokus first interaction with the outside world and e
njoy our pack.
Thanks again, see you next month
F o k u s
F o k u s F o n t i n g
p r e m i e r e e
d i t i o n
Knocturnal speaks,..
Hello. Welcome to Fokus Fonting package 1. In case you don
t know, we are a
group formed from the shambles of the now defunct Awe Letter
ing. Many people
may think we were formed because of the death of Awe, but in
fact, we were
around before their demise in an effort to provide ourselves
, along with the
scene, a group thats focus is on activity and closeness rath
er than a group
full of inactive artists who rarely even to get speak with o
ne another to
exchange ideas. Our packs may not be of regular size, but th
ats only for the
fact that we strive to promote quality over quantity and a f
amily atmosphere
if you will.
Sure, this pack may not be filled with 100+ line comic rips
or pics of big
breasted females with less than half their clothing, but you
can rest assured
than what you will find in this pack is 100 original and in
no way altered
images of previously released work. So, on that note, I hope
you enjoy the
Mr.Wrongs words,..
Like Knocturnal said above, the spirit and the essence of
Fokus is based on
motivation and friendship. Motivations meaning that the mem
bers are caring
about what is and what happens to the group. Friendships m
eaning that we
dont want the group to be an unpersonal organization where
people only
release their art together and dont even know each others n
ames. Drawing and
being in a group is supposed to be fun and interesting that
s what well try
to keep going in Fokus.
Another point that id like to talk about is the how and why
of the death of AweLettering. Theres a lot of confu
sion/rumors concerning it. I just want you to
understand that WE DIDNT KILLED AWE, Tna did it. We decided
to quit and make
Fokus because we didnt liked the ambience, the inst
ability and the non-
motivation of its members. Altough Fokus is based o
n the same concept as Awe,
it is definetly different. Now that being said, i hope peopl
e will understand
more clearly why Fokus exist and what are its purpo
Altough our member list is small, its only constitued of se
rious and talented
artists. That brings me to another point about Fokus
were trading quality
over quantity. We may release small packs in the future, but
well try the best
that we can to make them quality packs. Fokus is sti
ll looking for fontists who
are talented and/or have potentential and who are interested
in sharing this
project with us, may it be ansi, ascii, or rip. Catch us on
Fokus or mail your
application to Fokus@antisocial.com. Thanks to have taken th
e time to read the
Fokus first interaction with the outside world and e
njoy our pack.
Thanks again, see you next month
F o k u s
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