this image contains text
Fuckmonkey 6 hey you used that pic before!!!
Happy fuckin halloween.. Its actually the day before, but by the time
youll be reading this itll be halloween. Its the end of the month, im on
issue 6, that means 6 releases this month.. woohoo.. Last month, i converted
back to the original zine idea, this month ive came up with a compromise. Ive
decided to release fm as both a zine and a mag, so for those of you who the
mag didnt work for, you can read the zine..
Also, I have a dope interview with knocturnl in this issue. Knocturnl isone of the best artists drawing right now and im glad to have a interview withhim in the mag. Hes got some pretty interesting stuff to talk about so be sure
to check it out..
Letter to the editor thing, well, there is no thing.. That should of
been my opener for this paragraph. After lossing last issues letters, i didnt
recieve any for this issue, maybe its time constraints.. Anyway i wont be
doing this aparently, because of lack of interest. Maybe ill reinstate it in
the future..
Six issues, i never imagined releasing this many, so this goes to all
of you out there who read the mag and keep me motivated.. Six issues is no big
feat, but im glad to of made it this far. After issue 5 i thought about not
doing the mag anymore, but after a few encouraging words from knoc, i decided tocarry on..
Welp, thats it for this halloween issues intro, hope you guys have
a fun night..
written by: propane
Topic: floating head
Oh no not another floating head!!! Why does everyone complain about thissure some floating heads are lame. But i have been witness to quite a few good
ones. Floating heads are neat to view if they are drawn on a large scale. Why
do so many complain about the floating head, but say nothing about the stack
20 whores on top of each other ?? I mean you say floating head looks odd, i say
stacking multiple figures on each other looks odd..
Maybe you dont agree with me, maybe i dont care. Either way please
refrain from complaining about floating heads, the ones complaining are usually
the same ones not drawing, so fuck you anyway.. Id rather see a quality
floating head, then you ramble about how ansi has gone down hill, All the while
you do nothing to help the situtation..
If you feel your floating head has been disgraced, dishonored, or dissedin general, please send me your sob story at fuqmonkey@hotmail.com..
If you feel i have disgraced your multiple body stacked on each other
ansi, send me hatemail at the same address. I dont really mind what you say
as long as its mean and vicious..
This article didnt make alot of sense, but i had to get this off my
written by: propane
Topic: bullshit holliday
Well, its that time of year again, kids running around dressed like
pokemon, or whatever is the fad nowadays. Another summer down the drain, onto
the cold dismall winter. Halloween is a pretty weird tradition. I mean lets lookat this logically. You dress up, and people give you candy. This is a bullshit
holliday for sure. Anyways, Ive got a few suggestions to liven up your little
celebration of monsters and ghouls.
Suggestion 1
Take the time out of your day to score some hallucinagenics. Any will dobut the rule is paper sucks, tabs are better.. Atleast in my experience. Anyway
take the lsd, then proceed to drive/walk around during the trickortreat times
and scare all the little kids with your rat poison induced jibber..
Suggestion 2
Spend a little extra time this year diggin a hole in your front yard,
decorate the yard accordingly, and turn your light on for the kiddies. Find the
best michael jackson costume you can, and hide in the hole. When little trick
ortreaters come up unsuspectingly wanting candy, you can drag them in the hole
with you and fondle their genetillia..
Suggestion 3
The old stand-by with a new twist. Go out snatching bags, but this year takea baseball bat with you. This will ensure your seizure of the bag, and also
help you dominate the really tough 8 year olds. Btw, beware of the candy corn..
Suggestion 4
Sleep through the day, then at night go out and steal as many pumpkins as possible. Take your surplus of pumpkins, pile them in the middle of a road
visible from your house. Completely saturate the pumpkins with any combustible
product. I suggest gasonline, kerosene, or even paint thinner. Stand a few
feet back from the pile of pumpkins, and throw a match. run for your house, thenwatch the firman put out a pumpkin fire..
Well, I hope my suggestions come in handy for some of you doodleboys..
Have a safe and happy halloween..
written by: propane
Topic: kit owns
What has the doodleboy come to. I was sitting in ans the other day,
right after a recent outbreak of takeovers had been defused, when some kid
called prime2k starts asking kit who are you man and saying some pretty rude
things to her. This kid went on to mention these people as the best artist
smoke, w7, and a few others i dont really remember. How could ANY self respect
art enthusiast not know who kitiara is. Kits been owning ansi for quite some
time, and i dont see her getting alot of recognition..
The scene is bad, granted, its deffinatly worse off for people like
this guy being in it. I mean shit he named w7 wtf.. While were on the state of
the scene, i would really like to know how people get picked for ops in ans.
There are a few people who deffinatly deserve ops, but quite a few of the guys
have no buisness having @s. These guys havent even been drawing as long as I
have, and they get ops.. Is this because of some gay relationship between them
and another already established opper? maybe so.. I just know that it seems a
bit odd how they are chosen, and felt a need to publicly say so..
Another thing, why do people changes nicks so much.. I mean shit, pick
a identity and stick with it, just because your trendy in life doesnt mean it
should bleed over into my beloved scene. Im tired of trying to keep track of
people, and then people still call them by there original nick, instead of the
new one. Do us all a favor, save the explanations, keep your nick and quit beingretarded. Your nick change wont make you any cooler..
written by: propane
Topic: Lazy fucks
Well, its the end of the month, and still no releases.. Buttraiderz
released their 2nd pack, but aside from that absolutely nothing. This sucks, whydo you people call yourself artists, when you dont draw. You should be ashamed.Why is it so fucking hard to release monthly, its been the standard for years
who are you to change it. People cant even release bi-monthly regularly. This
is complete retardedness..
Do yourself a favor, if you dont wanna draw, dont waste someones time
by having them put you on the memberlist. Do what all the other washups do, idleon irc and say how everyone ELSE sucks..
When did the scene get reduced to the short picking of groups we have now. With the big groups of yesterday seemingly finished, who will carry the
artform forward. I look around but dont see alot of promising situations. What
happend to all the cool groups.. Glue mia used rip plf kia i dont get it.Is it because we dont praise the great artist like we once did? why do they
kill their groups?? I used to LOVE download plf packs each release. Looking
forward to byms ansis.. But this sadly has come to a end i think. And used, oneof my all time favorite groups, dead, sure their is supposed to be a last pack,
but i dont see a need to contribute when the people i joined the group for, areno longer apart of it.. And glue, where is my beloved glue. we need some 22
love to spark our farts.. WE NEED ACTION..
On to November, hopefully there will be some more activity in the ansi scene, soi will have more to write about, as of now im at a loss for words.. so go draw
you fuckers..
written by: propane
Topic: Knocturnl interview
Session Start: Sun Oct 29 02:03:34 2000
02:08 propein ok, well im not gonna do the normal, state your name crap, cause obviously your name is knocturnl, so lets do something different. When and why did you first start ansi...
02:08 propein i guess those shouldve been ???s
02:10 knocturnl well..i started drawing mainly when i started calling bbs and noticed all the elite ansis around and ive always been kindof an art guy..so i asked the sysop of this one board like what was the deal with that..and he hooked me up with thedraw and it all started from there..
02:10 propein ok, so what year was that?
02:10 knocturnl early 96..
02:10 propein that was scary..
02:11 knocturnl im reading your mind
02:11 propein anyways.. When you first started, what artists did you look to for inspiration?
02:12 knocturnl actually..the first artist i ever really saw anything from was jeepee..and then filth..there werent any artists in my area, so i had to go to irc for inspiration..
02:13 knocturnl and from then on..i just d/led hella packs..so i guess youre going to ask me how i looked up to then?
02:13 propein yah no local artist here either..
02:13 propein NO !!
02:13 propein im gonna ask you whos your favorite all-time artist :
02:14 propein wow i mixed up words..
02:15 knocturnl btw..ive been drawing for 4 years..its about damn time someone interviewed me
02:15 knocturnl favorite all time?
02:15 knocturnl hrmm..
02:15 knocturnl lets see..
02:15 propein youve never been interviewed?
02:15 knocturnl shaft, tna, tetanus, mr4tune,..
02:15 knocturnl thats about it
02:15 knocturnl i dont like many peoples art
02:16 propein picky bastard
02:16 knocturnl and no..no one has ever interviewed me..im just the underdog i guess
02:16 knocturnl i never get noticed..
02:16 knocturnl but ah well
02:16 propein you get noticed :
02:16 knocturnl tk was nice as well
02:16 propein i saw you listed somewhere as one of the new ansi gods
02:16 propein heh
02:17 knocturnl im not a picky guy when it comes to a certain type of art..i mean im not only into fontists or whatever..i like to see a nice pic now and again too
02:18 propein im pic biased :
02:18 propein but ive got a few fonters who i admire :0
02:18 knocturnl im trying to get away from the font stuff actually..ive been doing that for too long..
02:18 propein i dig your pics :
02:19 knocturnl now that i got shading down i think i can tear up pics now
02:19 knocturnl or 25 liners at least
02:19 propein heh
02:19 knocturnl fonts just get old after a while..i mean theres only 26 letters..
02:19 knocturnl pics you can do pretty much whatever you want
02:20 propein its hard to come up with good font ideas :
02:20 propein anyway
02:20 propein out of the groups you have been apart of , which one did you enjoy the most?
02:20 knocturnl hrmm..thats tough
02:21 knocturnl probably blade..being my first group and all..i mean that was middle 96..so the scene was still pretty active then..lots of good stuff going on..
02:21 knocturnl i learned alot in those days..
02:21 propein yah first group love : i know that feeling...
02:22 knocturnl yeah. heh. next question?
02:22 propein I hear there is a bit of controversy over your departure at avenge.. would you like to publicly clear any mis-information up ? :
02:22 propein i was typing, you impatient fart..
02:23 knocturnl yes..yes i would first off..i left avenge for a SS position in awe..creator felt like being retarded and said they kicked me out..i forget what the reason was..but know you know. i left on my own free will.
02:24 propein :
02:24 knocturnl ..and wheres my ops?
02:24 propein heh
02:24 *** propein sets mode: +o knocturnl
02:24 knocturnl yay.
02:24 propein So, how did your SS position in AWE work out?
02:24 *** knocturnl sets mode: +snt
02:25 knocturnl well..i never really got it. it was handed over to dissonance instead.
02:25 propein ahh, another knife wound eh
02:25 *** knocturnl changes the topic to look mah! im being interviewed!@!
02:26 propein So how long were you in awe? and where did you go from there?
02:26 knocturnl yeah..who cares..i got over it
02:27 knocturnl hrmm..i was in awe for a while..untill it died..i dont remember exactly how long..a good six months at least..when i left awe i went to glue.
02:27 propein glue is a fun group, how did you like it there?
02:28 knocturnl heh..well at the time..it was a good group..before people got too big for their own pants..
02:28 knocturnl when it was still in that fun stage..you know?
02:28 knocturnl that was pretty much why i joined
02:28 knocturnl i liked that atmosphere there
02:29 propein yah glue was fun when i was around
02:29 propein 22 is a cool guy..
02:29 knocturnl yeah..he used to be..
02:29 propein heh
02:29 knocturnl once again..people got too big for their own pants
02:30 propein any grievances youd like to air out?
02:30 propein
02:30 knocturnl no..i love everyone..and everyone loves me.
02:30 propein except me
02:30 propein on both accounts..
02:30 knocturnl no..i love you
02:30 propein So , why dont you break down the rest of your group history, whered you go from glue, and so on..
02:31 knocturnl ok..let me do this from the start..itll be easier that way..
02:31 propein go for it
02:32 knocturnl blade/fuel/lazarus/awe/avenge/awe/glue/?/fokus/used/hiero
02:32 knocturnl something like that.
02:32 knocturnl i dont remember where i went when i left glue.
02:32 knocturnl heh.
02:33 propein :
02:33 propein i applied to lazarus one time.. :
02:33 propein damn rejection
02:33 knocturnl i was in there for one pack i think
02:33 propein So what do you think your worst scene moment has been
02:33 knocturnl then it died
02:33 knocturnl warpus was a cool guy
02:33 propein you murderer!
02:33 propein oh sorry.
02:35 knocturnl worst scene moment? uhmm..i dont really know. the scene has been pretty good to me..me and dissonance had some stuff going on about the awe position..and tna as well..and thext when i reviewed for operation rescue
02:35 knocturnl but just small stuff..nothing really big or exciting.
02:35 propein ohh
02:35 propein lemme hear the thext thing :
02:35 propein i like drama
02:36 knocturnl heh. i reviewed a glue pack, send the review to him and he wouldnt put it out..he said it was too harsh because i gave em too low of a score, that it would make em look bad or something..so we got into it over that..uhmm..i dont remember exactly what was said..but it didnt last long
02:37 propein cool
02:37 propein you know its harsh when thext says they scores are too low
02:37 knocturnl i think they ended up with like a 4 or something
02:37 knocturnl
02:37 propein heh
02:38 propein So, out of the 3 or 4 people drawing regularly these days, who do you like?
02:39 knocturnl ive always liked zeusII, i liked milkmang get your ass drawing again ..mr wrong is good, if he decides to start drawing again..cryogenic was getting pretty good..and of course you P
02:39 propein haha yah right..
02:40 propein anyways, Any future plans? aside from the current group, are you planning on doing anything spiffy anytime soon
02:40 propein like maybe a 100+ liner :
02:41 knocturnl right now i dont have much time, its all taken up by my gf..but thats all good..uhmm..i hope to see a new use for ansi..telnet boards are ok too i guess..
02:41 knocturnl but thats kinda off the topic
02:43 propein yah
02:43 propein telnets are fun but not widely used
02:43 propein to much ascii for my eyes
02:43 knocturnl yeah..i do ascii too
02:43 propein ansis are good for say...
02:43 propein magazines
02:43 propein *cough*
02:44 knocturnl yeah..a fuckmonkey ansi would be nice eh?
02:44 propein hell, a ansi from ANYONE would be nice
02:44 propein no one draws
02:44 knocturnl i dont see how you could use a 25 liner in a zine though.
02:44 propein maybe ill take another crack at ebuild
02:44 propein or there is always learning how to program
02:45 knocturnl yeah..learn c then let the linux kids compile it themselves
02:45 knocturnl theres always dosemu..
02:45 propein programming is beyond my range of comprehension
02:46 knocturnl gutter worked under dosemu
02:46 propein well, you draw the 25 liner, ill find a use
02:46 knocturnl i like the mag idea better than a zine anyways
02:47 propein ok, well, do you have any parting words for the kids out there spanking it?
02:47 knocturnl so..no what do you do in your real life?
02:48 knocturnl are you homosexual?
02:48 propein who? me
02:48 knocturnl any of those good things?
02:48 propein im a monkey fucker
02:48 knocturnl sounds fun..
02:48 propein yah my gf doesnt approve though.
02:49 knocturnl maybe she sould try it..maybe shell like it
02:49 propein yah
02:49 propein its amazing what peanut butter and a wild animal can do for a woman..
02:49 knocturnl yeah..ive seen enough dog humping pr0n for today..
02:49 propein haha
02:50 propein anyway, this is turning conversational, so i say were done
02:50 propein once again any last words?
02:50 knocturnl yeah..people..get off your ass..draw..you have time..i know you do..dont say oh..ive got a life now..or a gf i have a gf too..and i still draw..youre just being lazy..
02:51 propein right on
02:51 propein welp, thanks for the interview
02:51 propein now get out
02:51 propein hah
Session Close: Sun Oct 29 02:51:22 2000
written by: propane
Topic: last words
Well, if your counting, thats issue 6 down the drain. Not to bad for one monthi released 6 times in october.. yay for me. Anyways, hope you liked the hollidayedition of fm.. It was a bit rushed, but oh well.. Youll notice this release
has both a zine, and a mag, so you should all be happy now.. I need art BAD
so please, send your subs to fuqmonkey@hotmail.com.
I would like to take the time to show you a little list i composed
of my favorite artist drawing right now.. this include artist who have released
half way recently
here it is...
fonters pic artists
1 Knocturnl 1 Zippy
2 Mr. Wrong 2 Zeus II
3 Spear 3 Stone the Crow
4 Avg 4 Ansichrist
5 ?????? 5 knocturnl his 25 liners own
Now this is just MY opinion, and not even a well though out one.. I did
this off the top of my head so i might of forgot a few people. Sorry if i did,
sorry if you dont like picks/orders. Its my MAG DAMNIT Ill PUT YOU WHERE I
Welp, another holiday, another issue. This happens to be the halloween
one, but it couldve been christmas.. Who knows.. anyways, short issue, but
it was put together in a hurry so i could get it out for your halloween joy..
Anyways, thanks to propane, ppe, and me for all the writing/art for this issue.
for any of you out there who are paying attention, the score is
propane: 6
artscene: 0
see you next issue
Fuckmonkey 6 hey you used that pic before!!!
Happy fuckin halloween.. Its actually the day before, but by the time
youll be reading this itll be halloween. Its the end of the month, im on
issue 6, that means 6 releases this month.. woohoo.. Last month, i converted
back to the original zine idea, this month ive came up with a compromise. Ive
decided to release fm as both a zine and a mag, so for those of you who the
mag didnt work for, you can read the zine..
Also, I have a dope interview with knocturnl in this issue. Knocturnl isone of the best artists drawing right now and im glad to have a interview withhim in the mag. Hes got some pretty interesting stuff to talk about so be sure
to check it out..
Letter to the editor thing, well, there is no thing.. That should of
been my opener for this paragraph. After lossing last issues letters, i didnt
recieve any for this issue, maybe its time constraints.. Anyway i wont be
doing this aparently, because of lack of interest. Maybe ill reinstate it in
the future..
Six issues, i never imagined releasing this many, so this goes to all
of you out there who read the mag and keep me motivated.. Six issues is no big
feat, but im glad to of made it this far. After issue 5 i thought about not
doing the mag anymore, but after a few encouraging words from knoc, i decided tocarry on..
Welp, thats it for this halloween issues intro, hope you guys have
a fun night..
written by: propane
Topic: floating head
Oh no not another floating head!!! Why does everyone complain about thissure some floating heads are lame. But i have been witness to quite a few good
ones. Floating heads are neat to view if they are drawn on a large scale. Why
do so many complain about the floating head, but say nothing about the stack
20 whores on top of each other ?? I mean you say floating head looks odd, i say
stacking multiple figures on each other looks odd..
Maybe you dont agree with me, maybe i dont care. Either way please
refrain from complaining about floating heads, the ones complaining are usually
the same ones not drawing, so fuck you anyway.. Id rather see a quality
floating head, then you ramble about how ansi has gone down hill, All the while
you do nothing to help the situtation..
If you feel your floating head has been disgraced, dishonored, or dissedin general, please send me your sob story at fuqmonkey@hotmail.com..
If you feel i have disgraced your multiple body stacked on each other
ansi, send me hatemail at the same address. I dont really mind what you say
as long as its mean and vicious..
This article didnt make alot of sense, but i had to get this off my
written by: propane
Topic: bullshit holliday
Well, its that time of year again, kids running around dressed like
pokemon, or whatever is the fad nowadays. Another summer down the drain, onto
the cold dismall winter. Halloween is a pretty weird tradition. I mean lets lookat this logically. You dress up, and people give you candy. This is a bullshit
holliday for sure. Anyways, Ive got a few suggestions to liven up your little
celebration of monsters and ghouls.
Suggestion 1
Take the time out of your day to score some hallucinagenics. Any will dobut the rule is paper sucks, tabs are better.. Atleast in my experience. Anyway
take the lsd, then proceed to drive/walk around during the trickortreat times
and scare all the little kids with your rat poison induced jibber..
Suggestion 2
Spend a little extra time this year diggin a hole in your front yard,
decorate the yard accordingly, and turn your light on for the kiddies. Find the
best michael jackson costume you can, and hide in the hole. When little trick
ortreaters come up unsuspectingly wanting candy, you can drag them in the hole
with you and fondle their genetillia..
Suggestion 3
The old stand-by with a new twist. Go out snatching bags, but this year takea baseball bat with you. This will ensure your seizure of the bag, and also
help you dominate the really tough 8 year olds. Btw, beware of the candy corn..
Suggestion 4
Sleep through the day, then at night go out and steal as many pumpkins as possible. Take your surplus of pumpkins, pile them in the middle of a road
visible from your house. Completely saturate the pumpkins with any combustible
product. I suggest gasonline, kerosene, or even paint thinner. Stand a few
feet back from the pile of pumpkins, and throw a match. run for your house, thenwatch the firman put out a pumpkin fire..
Well, I hope my suggestions come in handy for some of you doodleboys..
Have a safe and happy halloween..
written by: propane
Topic: kit owns
What has the doodleboy come to. I was sitting in ans the other day,
right after a recent outbreak of takeovers had been defused, when some kid
called prime2k starts asking kit who are you man and saying some pretty rude
things to her. This kid went on to mention these people as the best artist
smoke, w7, and a few others i dont really remember. How could ANY self respect
art enthusiast not know who kitiara is. Kits been owning ansi for quite some
time, and i dont see her getting alot of recognition..
The scene is bad, granted, its deffinatly worse off for people like
this guy being in it. I mean shit he named w7 wtf.. While were on the state of
the scene, i would really like to know how people get picked for ops in ans.
There are a few people who deffinatly deserve ops, but quite a few of the guys
have no buisness having @s. These guys havent even been drawing as long as I
have, and they get ops.. Is this because of some gay relationship between them
and another already established opper? maybe so.. I just know that it seems a
bit odd how they are chosen, and felt a need to publicly say so..
Another thing, why do people changes nicks so much.. I mean shit, pick
a identity and stick with it, just because your trendy in life doesnt mean it
should bleed over into my beloved scene. Im tired of trying to keep track of
people, and then people still call them by there original nick, instead of the
new one. Do us all a favor, save the explanations, keep your nick and quit beingretarded. Your nick change wont make you any cooler..
written by: propane
Topic: Lazy fucks
Well, its the end of the month, and still no releases.. Buttraiderz
released their 2nd pack, but aside from that absolutely nothing. This sucks, whydo you people call yourself artists, when you dont draw. You should be ashamed.Why is it so fucking hard to release monthly, its been the standard for years
who are you to change it. People cant even release bi-monthly regularly. This
is complete retardedness..
Do yourself a favor, if you dont wanna draw, dont waste someones time
by having them put you on the memberlist. Do what all the other washups do, idleon irc and say how everyone ELSE sucks..
When did the scene get reduced to the short picking of groups we have now. With the big groups of yesterday seemingly finished, who will carry the
artform forward. I look around but dont see alot of promising situations. What
happend to all the cool groups.. Glue mia used rip plf kia i dont get it.Is it because we dont praise the great artist like we once did? why do they
kill their groups?? I used to LOVE download plf packs each release. Looking
forward to byms ansis.. But this sadly has come to a end i think. And used, oneof my all time favorite groups, dead, sure their is supposed to be a last pack,
but i dont see a need to contribute when the people i joined the group for, areno longer apart of it.. And glue, where is my beloved glue. we need some 22
love to spark our farts.. WE NEED ACTION..
On to November, hopefully there will be some more activity in the ansi scene, soi will have more to write about, as of now im at a loss for words.. so go draw
you fuckers..
written by: propane
Topic: Knocturnl interview
Session Start: Sun Oct 29 02:03:34 2000
02:08 propein ok, well im not gonna do the normal, state your name crap, cause obviously your name is knocturnl, so lets do something different. When and why did you first start ansi...
02:08 propein i guess those shouldve been ???s
02:10 knocturnl well..i started drawing mainly when i started calling bbs and noticed all the elite ansis around and ive always been kindof an art guy..so i asked the sysop of this one board like what was the deal with that..and he hooked me up with thedraw and it all started from there..
02:10 propein ok, so what year was that?
02:10 knocturnl early 96..
02:10 propein that was scary..
02:11 knocturnl im reading your mind
02:11 propein anyways.. When you first started, what artists did you look to for inspiration?
02:12 knocturnl actually..the first artist i ever really saw anything from was jeepee..and then filth..there werent any artists in my area, so i had to go to irc for inspiration..
02:13 knocturnl and from then on..i just d/led hella packs..so i guess youre going to ask me how i looked up to then?
02:13 propein yah no local artist here either..
02:13 propein NO !!
02:13 propein im gonna ask you whos your favorite all-time artist :
02:14 propein wow i mixed up words..
02:15 knocturnl btw..ive been drawing for 4 years..its about damn time someone interviewed me
02:15 knocturnl favorite all time?
02:15 knocturnl hrmm..
02:15 knocturnl lets see..
02:15 propein youve never been interviewed?
02:15 knocturnl shaft, tna, tetanus, mr4tune,..
02:15 knocturnl thats about it
02:15 knocturnl i dont like many peoples art
02:16 propein picky bastard
02:16 knocturnl and no..no one has ever interviewed me..im just the underdog i guess
02:16 knocturnl i never get noticed..
02:16 knocturnl but ah well
02:16 propein you get noticed :
02:16 knocturnl tk was nice as well
02:16 propein i saw you listed somewhere as one of the new ansi gods
02:16 propein heh
02:17 knocturnl im not a picky guy when it comes to a certain type of art..i mean im not only into fontists or whatever..i like to see a nice pic now and again too
02:18 propein im pic biased :
02:18 propein but ive got a few fonters who i admire :0
02:18 knocturnl im trying to get away from the font stuff actually..ive been doing that for too long..
02:18 propein i dig your pics :
02:19 knocturnl now that i got shading down i think i can tear up pics now
02:19 knocturnl or 25 liners at least
02:19 propein heh
02:19 knocturnl fonts just get old after a while..i mean theres only 26 letters..
02:19 knocturnl pics you can do pretty much whatever you want
02:20 propein its hard to come up with good font ideas :
02:20 propein anyway
02:20 propein out of the groups you have been apart of , which one did you enjoy the most?
02:20 knocturnl hrmm..thats tough
02:21 knocturnl probably blade..being my first group and all..i mean that was middle 96..so the scene was still pretty active then..lots of good stuff going on..
02:21 knocturnl i learned alot in those days..
02:21 propein yah first group love : i know that feeling...
02:22 knocturnl yeah. heh. next question?
02:22 propein I hear there is a bit of controversy over your departure at avenge.. would you like to publicly clear any mis-information up ? :
02:22 propein i was typing, you impatient fart..
02:23 knocturnl yes..yes i would first off..i left avenge for a SS position in awe..creator felt like being retarded and said they kicked me out..i forget what the reason was..but know you know. i left on my own free will.
02:24 propein :
02:24 knocturnl ..and wheres my ops?
02:24 propein heh
02:24 *** propein sets mode: +o knocturnl
02:24 knocturnl yay.
02:24 propein So, how did your SS position in AWE work out?
02:24 *** knocturnl sets mode: +snt
02:25 knocturnl well..i never really got it. it was handed over to dissonance instead.
02:25 propein ahh, another knife wound eh
02:25 *** knocturnl changes the topic to look mah! im being interviewed!@!
02:26 propein So how long were you in awe? and where did you go from there?
02:26 knocturnl yeah..who cares..i got over it
02:27 knocturnl hrmm..i was in awe for a while..untill it died..i dont remember exactly how long..a good six months at least..when i left awe i went to glue.
02:27 propein glue is a fun group, how did you like it there?
02:28 knocturnl heh..well at the time..it was a good group..before people got too big for their own pants..
02:28 knocturnl when it was still in that fun stage..you know?
02:28 knocturnl that was pretty much why i joined
02:28 knocturnl i liked that atmosphere there
02:29 propein yah glue was fun when i was around
02:29 propein 22 is a cool guy..
02:29 knocturnl yeah..he used to be..
02:29 propein heh
02:29 knocturnl once again..people got too big for their own pants
02:30 propein any grievances youd like to air out?
02:30 propein
02:30 knocturnl no..i love everyone..and everyone loves me.
02:30 propein except me
02:30 propein on both accounts..
02:30 knocturnl no..i love you
02:30 propein So , why dont you break down the rest of your group history, whered you go from glue, and so on..
02:31 knocturnl ok..let me do this from the start..itll be easier that way..
02:31 propein go for it
02:32 knocturnl blade/fuel/lazarus/awe/avenge/awe/glue/?/fokus/used/hiero
02:32 knocturnl something like that.
02:32 knocturnl i dont remember where i went when i left glue.
02:32 knocturnl heh.
02:33 propein :
02:33 propein i applied to lazarus one time.. :
02:33 propein damn rejection
02:33 knocturnl i was in there for one pack i think
02:33 propein So what do you think your worst scene moment has been
02:33 knocturnl then it died
02:33 knocturnl warpus was a cool guy
02:33 propein you murderer!
02:33 propein oh sorry.
02:35 knocturnl worst scene moment? uhmm..i dont really know. the scene has been pretty good to me..me and dissonance had some stuff going on about the awe position..and tna as well..and thext when i reviewed for operation rescue
02:35 knocturnl but just small stuff..nothing really big or exciting.
02:35 propein ohh
02:35 propein lemme hear the thext thing :
02:35 propein i like drama
02:36 knocturnl heh. i reviewed a glue pack, send the review to him and he wouldnt put it out..he said it was too harsh because i gave em too low of a score, that it would make em look bad or something..so we got into it over that..uhmm..i dont remember exactly what was said..but it didnt last long
02:37 propein cool
02:37 propein you know its harsh when thext says they scores are too low
02:37 knocturnl i think they ended up with like a 4 or something
02:37 knocturnl
02:37 propein heh
02:38 propein So, out of the 3 or 4 people drawing regularly these days, who do you like?
02:39 knocturnl ive always liked zeusII, i liked milkmang get your ass drawing again ..mr wrong is good, if he decides to start drawing again..cryogenic was getting pretty good..and of course you P
02:39 propein haha yah right..
02:40 propein anyways, Any future plans? aside from the current group, are you planning on doing anything spiffy anytime soon
02:40 propein like maybe a 100+ liner :
02:41 knocturnl right now i dont have much time, its all taken up by my gf..but thats all good..uhmm..i hope to see a new use for ansi..telnet boards are ok too i guess..
02:41 knocturnl but thats kinda off the topic
02:43 propein yah
02:43 propein telnets are fun but not widely used
02:43 propein to much ascii for my eyes
02:43 knocturnl yeah..i do ascii too
02:43 propein ansis are good for say...
02:43 propein magazines
02:43 propein *cough*
02:44 knocturnl yeah..a fuckmonkey ansi would be nice eh?
02:44 propein hell, a ansi from ANYONE would be nice
02:44 propein no one draws
02:44 knocturnl i dont see how you could use a 25 liner in a zine though.
02:44 propein maybe ill take another crack at ebuild
02:44 propein or there is always learning how to program
02:45 knocturnl yeah..learn c then let the linux kids compile it themselves
02:45 knocturnl theres always dosemu..
02:45 propein programming is beyond my range of comprehension
02:46 knocturnl gutter worked under dosemu
02:46 propein well, you draw the 25 liner, ill find a use
02:46 knocturnl i like the mag idea better than a zine anyways
02:47 propein ok, well, do you have any parting words for the kids out there spanking it?
02:47 knocturnl so..no what do you do in your real life?
02:48 knocturnl are you homosexual?
02:48 propein who? me
02:48 knocturnl any of those good things?
02:48 propein im a monkey fucker
02:48 knocturnl sounds fun..
02:48 propein yah my gf doesnt approve though.
02:49 knocturnl maybe she sould try it..maybe shell like it
02:49 propein yah
02:49 propein its amazing what peanut butter and a wild animal can do for a woman..
02:49 knocturnl yeah..ive seen enough dog humping pr0n for today..
02:49 propein haha
02:50 propein anyway, this is turning conversational, so i say were done
02:50 propein once again any last words?
02:50 knocturnl yeah..people..get off your ass..draw..you have time..i know you do..dont say oh..ive got a life now..or a gf i have a gf too..and i still draw..youre just being lazy..
02:51 propein right on
02:51 propein welp, thanks for the interview
02:51 propein now get out
02:51 propein hah
Session Close: Sun Oct 29 02:51:22 2000
written by: propane
Topic: last words
Well, if your counting, thats issue 6 down the drain. Not to bad for one monthi released 6 times in october.. yay for me. Anyways, hope you liked the hollidayedition of fm.. It was a bit rushed, but oh well.. Youll notice this release
has both a zine, and a mag, so you should all be happy now.. I need art BAD
so please, send your subs to fuqmonkey@hotmail.com.
I would like to take the time to show you a little list i composed
of my favorite artist drawing right now.. this include artist who have released
half way recently
here it is...
fonters pic artists
1 Knocturnl 1 Zippy
2 Mr. Wrong 2 Zeus II
3 Spear 3 Stone the Crow
4 Avg 4 Ansichrist
5 ?????? 5 knocturnl his 25 liners own
Now this is just MY opinion, and not even a well though out one.. I did
this off the top of my head so i might of forgot a few people. Sorry if i did,
sorry if you dont like picks/orders. Its my MAG DAMNIT Ill PUT YOU WHERE I
Welp, another holiday, another issue. This happens to be the halloween
one, but it couldve been christmas.. Who knows.. anyways, short issue, but
it was put together in a hurry so i could get it out for your halloween joy..
Anyways, thanks to propane, ppe, and me for all the writing/art for this issue.
for any of you out there who are paying attention, the score is
propane: 6
artscene: 0
see you next issue
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