this image contains text
More funk then your girlfriends pussy.. More fun then jerking off.. ItsFuckmonkey 3 !!! Well, over the last two releases I got mixed reviews id say.
I got quite a few its pretty funny or other random comments. I also got a fewthats crappy. So all and all id say i accomplished my goal to be mediocre..
So for all of you zine fans out there, lets get right into the nitty gritty withthis issue. We dont need no stinkin intro!
I saw Catch22 recently, ive known him since my fuel days. Anyways, we
were chatting and he had saw my zine. Now he said it was pretty good and that
he is going to write some stuff for me.. So that should be something anticipatedby my readers, a good 22 article, havent seen one of those in a while..
For all of you dope kids out there who loved the free porn in FM2, but
werent quite sure who it was, it was mr. wrong. Now you can all put a name to
the face youve been dreaming about.. Mr. wrong OWNS...
I have zippys interview back! luckily he had logged it aswell, so sow
I am able to include it in this issue.. I hear zipp is a fan of FM so I would
like to let it be known that zippy has giant sized testicles.. And yes ladies,
he is SINGLE!!!
Not alot has happend lately, so hence not alot of news. Although I did
take the time to go download some old ansi packs from 97. I suggest you all do
this because it is great for motivation.
Today was a average day in my life. I woke up around 5pm, showered then
waited around for my girlfriend to get home from work. Now during my wait, like
usual, I got high and watched television. Now usually when you are high, stuff
seems a bit funner then it usually is, but television sucks balls. Aside from
the simpsons, not much is on tv, ever. So after about 3 hours of boredom, my
girlfriend gets home from work.. Now as our ritual goes, we sat and smoked a
few bowls when she first got home. Now having depleated my weed reserves, we
had to go on a run.. We goto a friend of mine named joey, we buy a 20 sack
that weighs about 5 grams. Now, not wanting to go back to my house and be bored
we decide to roll a swisher and go out by the airport.
Having rolled the swisher and given it time to dry thorougly, we are
just about to the airport, driving down the road that runs directly in front of
it. We turn off on a off-beat side road that leads almost perpendicular with
one of the landing/takeoff strips. The swisher, now lit and being passed in
between the two of us tastes sweet from the honey used rolling it. The weed is
of a common kind around my town, some seeds and stems, but not bunk ass rail-
road track looking shit. I mean its not hydro, but its also not priced like
hydro. So anyway, a nice sized swisher between two people ensure a good high.
As we find our usual parking spot, a small turn around point on the side of the
road, we notice a car coming down the road about a mile away. Now this isnt
totally unusual, some people live around this part, and once in a while a late
nighter would be out in his car doing god knows what. Maybe he had a midnight
urge to go get some munchies, doesnt sound totally unreasonable. We sit and
wait for the car to pass, not wanting to be caught unexpectedly hitting the
blunt if a airport police patrol car was the headlights shining at us from far
away. With the groan of 4 cylinders of for engineered power, the taurus drove
by us, a fat middle aged man driving.. Obviously not a cop.
As we sit and smoke, numerous planes land and take off, now I know
airplanes are nothing new, but it is still a sight to see. The mere size
of the planes dwarfs you and the car, and the noise deafens all things that
decide night is the best time to sing their song of serenity. The thc that
is released from the swisher does nothing but highten the sense of amazement
at this flying bohemeth with wings. Maybe its just me but I find this to be
very much worth the time and effort spent in taking part of the marvels of
our space aged human society.
Now, much more happend that night, but its a bit x-rated, and i dont
think my pre-pubescent audience is ready for it yet. Maybe around issue 5.. :
By: propane Topic: Ansi
font by Ansichrist
When I started drawing ansi, i was like most people. I drew for friends
bbs, that is where i started.. Now my first shit was crap which arguably my
recent stuff is too but i had alot of fun doing it. There was one really
good ansi board in my area called The Shadows Den. It was ran by this kid
name Altered Destiny. I guess he was pretty spiff, cause he had 800s and the
works.. Anyway, i never could get past his new user voting so i wasnt ever
allowed on. This really pissed me off, this was the only good ansi board, had
good shit by good artist, and i wasnt allowed on. Sure there were other bbss
but they had obviously ripped shit that was taken straight from acidpacks and
edited to fit the greedy sysops needs. I wasnt gonna take it. So i devised a
scheme, i got a couple of the other kids who drew and were local to me, and we
started a group called 217, now no one really saw this shit but us. That is
of course unless they called our bbs called the dark palace . We pooled our
collective talent and did the best possible ansis we could for this board, and
besides from the shadows den it was the BESt board in my town. So after a
year of the board being up, most of the kids i was drawing with quit or moved
away, and it was just down to me and a good friend who called himself darkfall.
Now me and darkfall had been good friends since 7th grade, we would fuck with
all the local sysops, and use credit master on all the wack bbss with paid
adult accounts, then print the file lists in FIDONET. Anyways, it was down
to us to, we still did alot of shit, We used to cross lines in the phone can
behind his house so we could call all the ld boards we saw in ansis. I was
writing alot of lit at that time, and i even applied to reality. But I had
the most fun doing ansi, and darkfall was into coding and shit.. We did a ppe
called the slutlist.. Which was a blatant ripoff of the lamelist, but it had
some of my ansis in it, and that is when i was hooked.. Ansi is just the shit,
soon after that, darkfall got me a free net hookup for as long as i want, and
i had joined my first group, rca.. Rca was alot of fun, and i recieved shitloadsof help from one of the best ansi artist ever, kitiara.. I still talk to kit to
this day. Anyway, i released and stayed loyal to rca as long as it was around,
i was even there for some rebirths.. during this time, my buddy darkfall moved
to st.louis, so i once again was computer-friend-less.. So i spent most of my
time on the computer drawing.. its like a one man sport afterall :. During my
stay at rca i met Theknight on ansi one day, he was trying to get as many
people as he could to joint a font he was doing, and i stupidly said i would try, well needless to say i sucked, but he said i had some potential and then
proceeded to invite me to FUEL. Now at this time Fuel was a great group, and it
was always in the top5 group bullshit.. Anyway, this was a great opportunity so
i said yes, and sadly left rca for a short stint. Now my first releases with
fuel EVERYONE was telling me how fast i was improving, i was having a blast.
Then after about 3 releases i had a bomb dropped on me, My computer was being
repod, haha. I had not been paying my payments, and it got taken bye bye.. So
there i was computer less, ansiless, and sceneless.. So i went out and pursued my other hobby for about a year, pussy.. Anyways, in 99 i returned, with a
486 and a shitload of motivation to get drawing again.. Not having drawn
anything for quite a while, i joined a group that was just starting when i was
leaving, GLUE. Now 22 is a great guy, and artist, and i had alot of fun there
for quite some time.. I released one of my favorite ansis in the anniversary
pack, a pick of a skull on a stick. Anyways, I wasnt around for a few months
and glue was having a house cleaning, and i was moved off the memberlist. So
once again I am groupless. So i join a group just starting ran by argon called
EPIC, due to argons qc and forgetfulness nothing i drew was released. So after
less than a month i left to join a group formed by former EPIC ss, maytags bleuNow we all knew this wasnt going to last from the moment it started. But i was
good friends with maytag and chose fun over longevity. after one release, bleu
was dead and i was on the lookout for a new group to join.. In comes spear, a
guy whos fonts i had been admiring for a short time.. I was trying to get help
from him on fonts, and was invited by him and mrwrong to join there group USED.
Used was a perfect home for me from the beginning, cool people, cool ansis..
I had a blast in used, then a week or so ago i find out USED is dead as well..
So I joined Ziis group, buttraiders. This group promises to be a funny place
to hang out, and a good group to release in. Though i dont see much activity
between the members.. Anyways, If buttraiders comes to a untimely end like so
many of the ansi groups in scene history have tended to do, i will move on,
because i still get the feeling i first got when looking at ansi whenever i see
a great 200+ line pic.. I still am in awe of some of the scene greats, and i
still hope to be one day as good as i can possibly be..
ps.. YOU STINK!!!
font by AVG
By: propane
interview with zippy
zipp0r heh
everhate heh
everhate so are you ready to start?
zipp0r yeah
everhate Why dont you let all the kids know your name and current group.
zipp0r allright.. well, parents call me zippy and i am currently in black
maiden and used. btw.. my realname is gilbert.
everhate heh
everhate my parents call me loser :
everhate So, how do you like life over at the black maiden camp?
zipp0r hmm i joined black maiden pretty late.. in 98, i think. at that time
black maiden was close to book20.. supposed to be the last pack. because of
that, there wasnt that much activity, ok avenger and several guys were drawing
but the main german artists were already dead
everhate Did lack of participation effect your ansi production, or did you
just draw like usual?
zipp0r well, i always get motivated by nice ansis/packs.. but if there isnt any packs to look at.. the motivation fades away.. you know.
zipp0r i did more ansis in 97/98.. when more artists appeared
everhate Yah, waiting 6 months inbetween releases can kill motivation.
zipp0r yeah
everhate So, how long have you been laying the colored blocks?
zipp0r i saw my first ansi pack on some shareware-cd.. i think it was a
icepack 95. i couldnt believe how someone was able to create complete pics
out of this tiny blocks. at that point.. i started to do my own ansi, but I
failed : - i switched over tracking for one year.. and after that i began
again - i did it :
everhate Tracking is fun :
everhate So what was the first group you joined?
zipp0r sdi suspect development international eH: - pretty unknown
the leader e605 was a nice ansi artist. i began to release some musicansi
zipp0r horrible releases.. :
everhate heh :
everhate When did that come to a end, and what group did you goto next?
zipp0r hmm some local sysop told me my ansis werent that bad, so he asked
me to join 5th.. and.. i did :
everhate Was that a local group?
* everhate should let his braincells have a break sometime..
zipp0r hm no.. the main mAn was some swedish guy.. called milkman.
did some nice rips..
everhate spiffy, rips are hard to do.
zipp0r yeah..
everhate So at what point do you think you really got good at doing pictures?
zipp0r hmm i first didnt draw pics :
zipp0r well..
zipp0r just tiny logos with no style..
zipp0r ascii too :
everhate So you were a fontist to begin with eh :
everhate alot of people seem to start that way.
zipp0r yeah.. its not that hard to do a decend font
everhate Do you think getting good at fonts made it easier for you to do
pics or do the two not compair?
zipp0r hmm through the making of fonts.. i got some sense how good outlines
should look like. the first step for creating pics..
everhate Your shading style is very minimal, any reason for that, or is that just what you like?
zipp0r sure. there is a reason.. i dont like this massive F1F2F3 style
just doesnt look good in my eyes.. thats why i choose this minimalistic crap.
everhate heh
everhate Mine always starts out minimal then after 5 hours of constant messin with it, it ends up the F1-F3 crap :
everhate So out of all the groups you have been in, which one was the funnest
zipp0r hmm
zipp0r fokus.. there i had my best time. nice people, good ansis and it was really exciting to help getting every single release out..
everhate Alot of participation always makes it fun :
zipp0r tRUE
everhate Your ansi is the favorite pic in the 2nd issue of fuckmonkey
any comments on that?
zipp0r hmm that ansi was my first after a long creative timeout.. i am
really proud of it :
everhate Its a dope ansi :
everhate Not alot of hot girls being drawn anymore :
zipp0r hehe
everhate well, Im getting more braindead, so any final comments, people you
wanna say you hate?
zipp0r guys.. i wont tell you that ansi is fun and we should remember the
great days we had. try to express yourself on some other artforms.. maybe you
will get back to ansi then :
everhate heh
*** everhate changes the topic to The End
everhate Nice interviewing you
everhate Dont forget to read my damn zine :
Close: Mon Oct 09 13:56:46 2000
topic: favorite ansis that were released half
way recently.. :
Best pic: Ansichrist ns-idle.ans from epic0006.zip
a n s i c h r i s t o r i g i n a l
pic: ansichrist
logo: argon/skybax
Best font: spear/thext/mr.wrongs us-rzr01.ans from used666.zip
- r A Z O R Spearfx // Thext // Mr.Wrong
The Used Coalition
With my release schedule being so short, I havent been able to get
much ansis or articles from anyone.. This is mostly my fault, i shouldnt be
releasing so often.. Not many people are downloading the mag, and I think I
might be wasting my time.. I will carry on none-the-less, if not only for those
few who read this endless ramble.. If you wish this mag to carry on please
start submitting, send stuff to either fuckmonk@hotmail.com or you can send it directly to me at propane19@hotmail.com..
Without much inspiration for drawing, I havent had any urge to draw anynew pics recently. Though i have felt the urge to write this mag nonstop..
With all of my time and motivation going into fuckmonkey, I think this is going
to deffinatly mean a decline in my ansi production.. Though i doubt many of you
care seing as I never get any notice for anything I release.
Im not quite sure how many more issues will be released, though im
sure itll be atleast a few more. Reason for this is simple, not much action
going on when i release, so I guess zines or atleast mine arent a big demand.Though this is always subject to change, im shooting for 5 issues.. After that
I will probably call it quits.. 5 issues is way to much writing anyway.
I would just like to take the time while i have your attention, to thankall the great people who have made the scene a fun place.. In no particular
order here they are.. Theknight, for teaching me heaps about ansi and being a
cool guy. Kitiara, for giving me nonstop support and help and for being a good
friend. Thrasher, for being a freak and entertaining me on the boring late nightidle sessions. Avg for being a funny aussie and your dad has a whore house..
Catch22: for being a inspiring artist and for running a inspiring group, you
rock. Maytag: you were a cool guy and wherever you are i hope youre high.
Spear a great artist, and a nifty guy, though your toilet fascination scares mej/k. And to all artist out there who draw for fun, who dont talk shit about peoples ansis, and just hang out because this is their hobby..
I got quite a few its pretty funny or other random comments. I also got a fewthats crappy. So all and all id say i accomplished my goal to be mediocre..
So for all of you zine fans out there, lets get right into the nitty gritty withthis issue. We dont need no stinkin intro!
I saw Catch22 recently, ive known him since my fuel days. Anyways, we
were chatting and he had saw my zine. Now he said it was pretty good and that
he is going to write some stuff for me.. So that should be something anticipatedby my readers, a good 22 article, havent seen one of those in a while..
For all of you dope kids out there who loved the free porn in FM2, but
werent quite sure who it was, it was mr. wrong. Now you can all put a name to
the face youve been dreaming about.. Mr. wrong OWNS...
I have zippys interview back! luckily he had logged it aswell, so sow
I am able to include it in this issue.. I hear zipp is a fan of FM so I would
like to let it be known that zippy has giant sized testicles.. And yes ladies,
he is SINGLE!!!
Not alot has happend lately, so hence not alot of news. Although I did
take the time to go download some old ansi packs from 97. I suggest you all do
this because it is great for motivation.
Today was a average day in my life. I woke up around 5pm, showered then
waited around for my girlfriend to get home from work. Now during my wait, like
usual, I got high and watched television. Now usually when you are high, stuff
seems a bit funner then it usually is, but television sucks balls. Aside from
the simpsons, not much is on tv, ever. So after about 3 hours of boredom, my
girlfriend gets home from work.. Now as our ritual goes, we sat and smoked a
few bowls when she first got home. Now having depleated my weed reserves, we
had to go on a run.. We goto a friend of mine named joey, we buy a 20 sack
that weighs about 5 grams. Now, not wanting to go back to my house and be bored
we decide to roll a swisher and go out by the airport.
Having rolled the swisher and given it time to dry thorougly, we are
just about to the airport, driving down the road that runs directly in front of
it. We turn off on a off-beat side road that leads almost perpendicular with
one of the landing/takeoff strips. The swisher, now lit and being passed in
between the two of us tastes sweet from the honey used rolling it. The weed is
of a common kind around my town, some seeds and stems, but not bunk ass rail-
road track looking shit. I mean its not hydro, but its also not priced like
hydro. So anyway, a nice sized swisher between two people ensure a good high.
As we find our usual parking spot, a small turn around point on the side of the
road, we notice a car coming down the road about a mile away. Now this isnt
totally unusual, some people live around this part, and once in a while a late
nighter would be out in his car doing god knows what. Maybe he had a midnight
urge to go get some munchies, doesnt sound totally unreasonable. We sit and
wait for the car to pass, not wanting to be caught unexpectedly hitting the
blunt if a airport police patrol car was the headlights shining at us from far
away. With the groan of 4 cylinders of for engineered power, the taurus drove
by us, a fat middle aged man driving.. Obviously not a cop.
As we sit and smoke, numerous planes land and take off, now I know
airplanes are nothing new, but it is still a sight to see. The mere size
of the planes dwarfs you and the car, and the noise deafens all things that
decide night is the best time to sing their song of serenity. The thc that
is released from the swisher does nothing but highten the sense of amazement
at this flying bohemeth with wings. Maybe its just me but I find this to be
very much worth the time and effort spent in taking part of the marvels of
our space aged human society.
Now, much more happend that night, but its a bit x-rated, and i dont
think my pre-pubescent audience is ready for it yet. Maybe around issue 5.. :
By: propane Topic: Ansi
font by Ansichrist
When I started drawing ansi, i was like most people. I drew for friends
bbs, that is where i started.. Now my first shit was crap which arguably my
recent stuff is too but i had alot of fun doing it. There was one really
good ansi board in my area called The Shadows Den. It was ran by this kid
name Altered Destiny. I guess he was pretty spiff, cause he had 800s and the
works.. Anyway, i never could get past his new user voting so i wasnt ever
allowed on. This really pissed me off, this was the only good ansi board, had
good shit by good artist, and i wasnt allowed on. Sure there were other bbss
but they had obviously ripped shit that was taken straight from acidpacks and
edited to fit the greedy sysops needs. I wasnt gonna take it. So i devised a
scheme, i got a couple of the other kids who drew and were local to me, and we
started a group called 217, now no one really saw this shit but us. That is
of course unless they called our bbs called the dark palace . We pooled our
collective talent and did the best possible ansis we could for this board, and
besides from the shadows den it was the BESt board in my town. So after a
year of the board being up, most of the kids i was drawing with quit or moved
away, and it was just down to me and a good friend who called himself darkfall.
Now me and darkfall had been good friends since 7th grade, we would fuck with
all the local sysops, and use credit master on all the wack bbss with paid
adult accounts, then print the file lists in FIDONET. Anyways, it was down
to us to, we still did alot of shit, We used to cross lines in the phone can
behind his house so we could call all the ld boards we saw in ansis. I was
writing alot of lit at that time, and i even applied to reality. But I had
the most fun doing ansi, and darkfall was into coding and shit.. We did a ppe
called the slutlist.. Which was a blatant ripoff of the lamelist, but it had
some of my ansis in it, and that is when i was hooked.. Ansi is just the shit,
soon after that, darkfall got me a free net hookup for as long as i want, and
i had joined my first group, rca.. Rca was alot of fun, and i recieved shitloadsof help from one of the best ansi artist ever, kitiara.. I still talk to kit to
this day. Anyway, i released and stayed loyal to rca as long as it was around,
i was even there for some rebirths.. during this time, my buddy darkfall moved
to st.louis, so i once again was computer-friend-less.. So i spent most of my
time on the computer drawing.. its like a one man sport afterall :. During my
stay at rca i met Theknight on ansi one day, he was trying to get as many
people as he could to joint a font he was doing, and i stupidly said i would try, well needless to say i sucked, but he said i had some potential and then
proceeded to invite me to FUEL. Now at this time Fuel was a great group, and it
was always in the top5 group bullshit.. Anyway, this was a great opportunity so
i said yes, and sadly left rca for a short stint. Now my first releases with
fuel EVERYONE was telling me how fast i was improving, i was having a blast.
Then after about 3 releases i had a bomb dropped on me, My computer was being
repod, haha. I had not been paying my payments, and it got taken bye bye.. So
there i was computer less, ansiless, and sceneless.. So i went out and pursued my other hobby for about a year, pussy.. Anyways, in 99 i returned, with a
486 and a shitload of motivation to get drawing again.. Not having drawn
anything for quite a while, i joined a group that was just starting when i was
leaving, GLUE. Now 22 is a great guy, and artist, and i had alot of fun there
for quite some time.. I released one of my favorite ansis in the anniversary
pack, a pick of a skull on a stick. Anyways, I wasnt around for a few months
and glue was having a house cleaning, and i was moved off the memberlist. So
once again I am groupless. So i join a group just starting ran by argon called
EPIC, due to argons qc and forgetfulness nothing i drew was released. So after
less than a month i left to join a group formed by former EPIC ss, maytags bleuNow we all knew this wasnt going to last from the moment it started. But i was
good friends with maytag and chose fun over longevity. after one release, bleu
was dead and i was on the lookout for a new group to join.. In comes spear, a
guy whos fonts i had been admiring for a short time.. I was trying to get help
from him on fonts, and was invited by him and mrwrong to join there group USED.
Used was a perfect home for me from the beginning, cool people, cool ansis..
I had a blast in used, then a week or so ago i find out USED is dead as well..
So I joined Ziis group, buttraiders. This group promises to be a funny place
to hang out, and a good group to release in. Though i dont see much activity
between the members.. Anyways, If buttraiders comes to a untimely end like so
many of the ansi groups in scene history have tended to do, i will move on,
because i still get the feeling i first got when looking at ansi whenever i see
a great 200+ line pic.. I still am in awe of some of the scene greats, and i
still hope to be one day as good as i can possibly be..
ps.. YOU STINK!!!
font by AVG
By: propane
interview with zippy
zipp0r heh
everhate heh
everhate so are you ready to start?
zipp0r yeah
everhate Why dont you let all the kids know your name and current group.
zipp0r allright.. well, parents call me zippy and i am currently in black
maiden and used. btw.. my realname is gilbert.
everhate heh
everhate my parents call me loser :
everhate So, how do you like life over at the black maiden camp?
zipp0r hmm i joined black maiden pretty late.. in 98, i think. at that time
black maiden was close to book20.. supposed to be the last pack. because of
that, there wasnt that much activity, ok avenger and several guys were drawing
but the main german artists were already dead
everhate Did lack of participation effect your ansi production, or did you
just draw like usual?
zipp0r well, i always get motivated by nice ansis/packs.. but if there isnt any packs to look at.. the motivation fades away.. you know.
zipp0r i did more ansis in 97/98.. when more artists appeared
everhate Yah, waiting 6 months inbetween releases can kill motivation.
zipp0r yeah
everhate So, how long have you been laying the colored blocks?
zipp0r i saw my first ansi pack on some shareware-cd.. i think it was a
icepack 95. i couldnt believe how someone was able to create complete pics
out of this tiny blocks. at that point.. i started to do my own ansi, but I
failed : - i switched over tracking for one year.. and after that i began
again - i did it :
everhate Tracking is fun :
everhate So what was the first group you joined?
zipp0r sdi suspect development international eH: - pretty unknown
the leader e605 was a nice ansi artist. i began to release some musicansi
zipp0r horrible releases.. :
everhate heh :
everhate When did that come to a end, and what group did you goto next?
zipp0r hmm some local sysop told me my ansis werent that bad, so he asked
me to join 5th.. and.. i did :
everhate Was that a local group?
* everhate should let his braincells have a break sometime..
zipp0r hm no.. the main mAn was some swedish guy.. called milkman.
did some nice rips..
everhate spiffy, rips are hard to do.
zipp0r yeah..
everhate So at what point do you think you really got good at doing pictures?
zipp0r hmm i first didnt draw pics :
zipp0r well..
zipp0r just tiny logos with no style..
zipp0r ascii too :
everhate So you were a fontist to begin with eh :
everhate alot of people seem to start that way.
zipp0r yeah.. its not that hard to do a decend font
everhate Do you think getting good at fonts made it easier for you to do
pics or do the two not compair?
zipp0r hmm through the making of fonts.. i got some sense how good outlines
should look like. the first step for creating pics..
everhate Your shading style is very minimal, any reason for that, or is that just what you like?
zipp0r sure. there is a reason.. i dont like this massive F1F2F3 style
just doesnt look good in my eyes.. thats why i choose this minimalistic crap.
everhate heh
everhate Mine always starts out minimal then after 5 hours of constant messin with it, it ends up the F1-F3 crap :
everhate So out of all the groups you have been in, which one was the funnest
zipp0r hmm
zipp0r fokus.. there i had my best time. nice people, good ansis and it was really exciting to help getting every single release out..
everhate Alot of participation always makes it fun :
zipp0r tRUE
everhate Your ansi is the favorite pic in the 2nd issue of fuckmonkey
any comments on that?
zipp0r hmm that ansi was my first after a long creative timeout.. i am
really proud of it :
everhate Its a dope ansi :
everhate Not alot of hot girls being drawn anymore :
zipp0r hehe
everhate well, Im getting more braindead, so any final comments, people you
wanna say you hate?
zipp0r guys.. i wont tell you that ansi is fun and we should remember the
great days we had. try to express yourself on some other artforms.. maybe you
will get back to ansi then :
everhate heh
*** everhate changes the topic to The End
everhate Nice interviewing you
everhate Dont forget to read my damn zine :
Close: Mon Oct 09 13:56:46 2000
topic: favorite ansis that were released half
way recently.. :
Best pic: Ansichrist ns-idle.ans from epic0006.zip
a n s i c h r i s t o r i g i n a l
pic: ansichrist
logo: argon/skybax
Best font: spear/thext/mr.wrongs us-rzr01.ans from used666.zip
- r A Z O R Spearfx // Thext // Mr.Wrong
The Used Coalition
With my release schedule being so short, I havent been able to get
much ansis or articles from anyone.. This is mostly my fault, i shouldnt be
releasing so often.. Not many people are downloading the mag, and I think I
might be wasting my time.. I will carry on none-the-less, if not only for those
few who read this endless ramble.. If you wish this mag to carry on please
start submitting, send stuff to either fuckmonk@hotmail.com or you can send it directly to me at propane19@hotmail.com..
Without much inspiration for drawing, I havent had any urge to draw anynew pics recently. Though i have felt the urge to write this mag nonstop..
With all of my time and motivation going into fuckmonkey, I think this is going
to deffinatly mean a decline in my ansi production.. Though i doubt many of you
care seing as I never get any notice for anything I release.
Im not quite sure how many more issues will be released, though im
sure itll be atleast a few more. Reason for this is simple, not much action
going on when i release, so I guess zines or atleast mine arent a big demand.Though this is always subject to change, im shooting for 5 issues.. After that
I will probably call it quits.. 5 issues is way to much writing anyway.
I would just like to take the time while i have your attention, to thankall the great people who have made the scene a fun place.. In no particular
order here they are.. Theknight, for teaching me heaps about ansi and being a
cool guy. Kitiara, for giving me nonstop support and help and for being a good
friend. Thrasher, for being a freak and entertaining me on the boring late nightidle sessions. Avg for being a funny aussie and your dad has a whore house..
Catch22: for being a inspiring artist and for running a inspiring group, you
rock. Maytag: you were a cool guy and wherever you are i hope youre high.
Spear a great artist, and a nifty guy, though your toilet fascination scares mej/k. And to all artist out there who draw for fun, who dont talk shit about peoples ansis, and just hang out because this is their hobby..
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