this image contains text
Issue 2, out before the dust settles on the first issue.. There doesntseem to be a big market out there looking for zines anymore, but due to my days
of boredom, I have decided to carry on.. However, most the people who read the
zine said they liked it they couldve been lying. Anyways, you will most
likely notice that this one is a bit more structured and content filled.. Also
I didnt mention it in the first issue, but I am zipping rv.exe in with the
zine because it is a good small viewer. If you are wondering how to use it, gotothe directory you have this zine in and type rv *.*. If this viewer doesnt
work for you, you suck..
I havent gotten alot of submissions yet so damnit, send me some shit.
I hate having to draw all the time, I have to write all this, I dont want to
have to use my own ansi in it as well. So please, subs to fuckmonkey@hotmail.comAlso, since there hasnt been any new releases since my last issue, I will be
picking my new favorite ansis from the same packs I used previous.. This is a bit lame, but my only option.. Besides, the packs still have quite a bit of
good ansi that I couldnt include previously..
That about summs up my opening rambles, so if you have any comments or
suggestions, send them to me at propane19@hotmail.com . Plus im looking for
someone to do some interviews so find me on irc if you are interested..
Last night, somewhere around 5am, so i guess its not night I engaged
in a online dual with the famous toot, now after a few moments of difficulty he
stompped a hole in my ass with his spear of gold.. Now I die daily, so this is
nothing out of the ordinary, but the online dual with toot story HAD to go
public. So for all of you out there who thought toot was a wimpy little man,
fear his spear of gold..!!!!
come join the game!! inso.darktech.org
Also, look for useds final FINAL!@? ansi pack coming soon, now this may be subject to change, but I doubt it.. Used deffinatly owned, and im sorry
to see it go, so to all my users out there, much respect.. BTW its your fault
Buttraiderz have arrived on the scene to anally molest and visually
stimulate the masses.. The first pack is pretty small but has great ansi in it
showcasing the return of ZeusII.. We all know Zeus owns shit, and I am glad to
see him back where he belongs, drawing ansi..
I saw a ansi for hellium in epic whats up with that :
Upcore, another zine ran by slackzor, should be releasing its second
issue very soon. I read the first issue before it was completely finished, and
there is some funny stuff in there, so go check it out..
Now, I, like most of you have thought for a long time bbss were done for.Recently however, I have slowly began to believe otherwise. After logging onto
several telnet boards lately, ive noticed a decent amount of activity going on
in the door games, and message bases. The main two I have frequented so far are
grymmjacks sector7, and silicas inso.. Inso has a great game of lord going,
while sector7 boast its manliness catering to the technically savvy kids of theworld.. Both have great message bases, and both are visually pleasing..
You might be wondering, why would I want to get on a telnet bbs instead
of idling on irc. If you are wondering this you obviously never called a bbs
when you were a bit younger. If you had you would deffinatly know the nostalgia
feeling you get when loggin into a bbs and sending/recieving messages, and
playing door games such as lord, and tradewars.. This form of entertainment is
deffinatly in a down swing, but with the help of dedicated sysops and callers
hopefully it can rise to atleast half of its original glory.. So for any of
you out there who loved bbs, I suggest trying inso.darktech.org, or
By: propane
Topic: boredom
It seems lately irc is really dead, which, in some cases is a good thing.I have been using the idle hours at night to write my zine, and draw ansi. So
all and all it isnt horrid, but it deffinatly lacks the oldschool feeling of
craziness that i experienced during my short stint in Fuel. Now I know this is
a pretty pointless thing to write about, but i felt the need to express my
sadness at the decaying ansi scene.. I dont get it, people are still showing
alot of progress in the artform, and people are still producing great ansi. Whatis this fixation on ansi dying? True there isnt half the people active as thereonce was, but the active ones are still producing, and deserve repect for doing
so. So please, for now on, instead of saying you suck or any of the other
witty comments people use nowadays when reffering to artwork. Instead why not
do it like it used to be done, SHOW them what they are doing wrong, and try to
help them improve.
When I first started drawing, I had so much help coming from great
artist like kitiara, theknight, and others. It helped me improve more in 1 monththen i wouldve in 1 year drawing by myself.. Now, I know alot of you out there
couldnt change your attitude towards people you consider to be suck ass artist.You could however, keep your shitty comments to yourself, so the grown ups of the scene can try to help artist further their craft.. Everybody sucked at one
time or another, so why hate someone just because they havent been drawing for
8 years.. Just because he wasnt in ice or legend, or any of the other great
groups, doesnt make him a pudwacker.. :
I know this isnt going to change shit, but atleast my opinion is on
record, and if you dont agree with my opinion, go write your own zine so you can share yours with the scene..
topic: favorite ansis that were released half
way recently.. :
Best font: mrw-fm01.ans from Used-666.zip
i didnt pick it because it was drawn for me either it just happend to own
f u c k m o n k e y
by Mr.Wrong of The Used Coalition
Best pic: zip-hey.ans from used-666.zip
this seems a bit sided, sue me
ok. this looks unfinished. well, it is unfinished, allright?
please view this in VGA. thanks.
this was drawn after seeing buffallo 66 . a really great
movie. christina ricci is soo cute : . have fun!
zippy used, black maiden mailto://exquisite@alienpub.com
By: propane
Topic: Crack
Hi, my names Josh and im addicted to crack cocaine.. It all started in
8th grade when i caught my mom sucking the local dealers dick for crack.. Now
naturally I was suprised at first, not only because of his huge penis, but also
because of the dick suck for crack deal.. So my mom finished the guy off and
offered me to smoke the crack with her.. Not wanting to be a bad son i said yes.That was the first day of the rest of my horrid life.. Every since then my habithas increased rapidly. Im not to the point where im selling my plasma to get
money for my habit. I hang out in crackhouses all day hoping someone will smoke
with me, funny thing, crackheads arent big on sharing. So now im here in my
prison of addiction, covered in burns from pipes being to hot, eyes glazed from
being up to long, smelling like herpes.. Im addicted to crack.. Im only 19
yeards old, how can this happen to me? what did i do to deserve this? Well, i
guess theres only one thing for me to do.. Can i rip the attenna off you car
so i can make a pipe to smoke with ?????
l for loser !!???? by: avg topic: loser 4:18pm Just remember IAM YOUR GOD, and you will all worship this fucking ground i walk on. I RAPED YOUR MONKEY, YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR FATHER, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR SISTER,
AND YOUR FUCKING SMELLY ANAL LICKING HORSE. Basically, you have to respect this
shit, and if you dont, well..... Die!, because the normal sorta breed in locus
should be shot.. seriously, im high at the moment, and i payed twenty five
fucking dollars for this sack, so dont fuck around or i will be forced to come
up your ass with razor blades.refer to locus-09.nfo
I have a dream!, thats right.. that one day that i will rule the earth, im just
thinking about it now.. and this fantasy really, really kicks fucking ass.
just thinking about getting my toenails bitten by the filthy rich fucks,
worldwide bayyybeee!, oh hang on... im really smashed, this is cool. oh i just
had a vision of one of my asian mates getting abducted by a terrorist group,
then tying him up and taking naked photos of him.. muahahaha, im really laughingno shit! :. Okay im back off the floor, and im trying to calm myself down..
this is wacko tobacco, dude.. FUCKING WHOAH!.. have you ever had a bigass blunt
about the size of a fucking.. well i dont know.. CUBAN CIGAR MAYBE?.. if not
then i strongly suggest you do, it rocks yo!. Can i rip your fucking head off?.
it seems like an acievement, like its not everyday you tell your mates that you
officially ripped someones head off, i think it would be cool.
i dont know why i keep on typing, to tell you the truth my fucking fingers are
sore, the like weight 500 kilos.. As avenging angel as your god.. you will read
worship, and treasure this prayer i invented..
our locus who rapes in heaven
raping be da game
propane will cum
moe is dumb
as moose is covered in venom
lets rape this horse
our manly horse
and give us diseases
as we rape goats
who rapes anuses
and lead us not into necrophiliation
but deliver us
from all that is female.
avg 1:1
By: propane
Topic: bye!
Well, this month is a bit smaller, but i didnt have quite as much ansi
to put into it, and i also tried to make it alot more serious.. I hope I may
have entertained atleast one of you with my little zine here.. Next Issue will
hopefully have some more ansi, if i remember correctly zII is drawing for the
zine so look for a dope pic from him soon. I had a really good interview with
zippy to go into the zine but my log didnt work right. So sorry to zippy for
wasting his time, maybe I can convince him to let me interview him again some-
Both of my favorite ansis this month were from used, dont feel cheatedthose are just what i liked most when i was looking through packs.. If you feel
my choices were wrong, throw a fit and be a girl. I dont give a shit.
The opening little pic thing is a ansi i did but i tottally remixed it
for the zine, most of the other ansi is by me unless you see someone elses sig
on it. that is mainly because i didnt want to wait long inbetween my issues..
Upcore is out right now, and it is deffinatly worth looking at. It has
some great articles, yet not as much ansi as this zine does : Slackzor did a
good job so check it out when you get a chance.. Also, ice009*.zip is out so
go download that from ices ftp site, ftp.ice.org.
Well thats all i have to save for this issue, so untill next issue
have fun and dont smoke to much crack.. Plus send all submissions to
fuckmonk@hotmail.com, and all criticisms and shit to propane19@hotmail.com...
Fuckmonkey ROOLS!!!
fuckmonkey issue two
Issue 2, out before the dust settles on the first issue.. There doesntseem to be a big market out there looking for zines anymore, but due to my days
of boredom, I have decided to carry on.. However, most the people who read the
zine said they liked it they couldve been lying. Anyways, you will most
likely notice that this one is a bit more structured and content filled.. Also
I didnt mention it in the first issue, but I am zipping rv.exe in with the
zine because it is a good small viewer. If you are wondering how to use it, gotothe directory you have this zine in and type rv *.*. If this viewer doesnt
work for you, you suck..
I havent gotten alot of submissions yet so damnit, send me some shit.
I hate having to draw all the time, I have to write all this, I dont want to
have to use my own ansi in it as well. So please, subs to fuckmonkey@hotmail.comAlso, since there hasnt been any new releases since my last issue, I will be
picking my new favorite ansis from the same packs I used previous.. This is a bit lame, but my only option.. Besides, the packs still have quite a bit of
good ansi that I couldnt include previously..
That about summs up my opening rambles, so if you have any comments or
suggestions, send them to me at propane19@hotmail.com . Plus im looking for
someone to do some interviews so find me on irc if you are interested..
Last night, somewhere around 5am, so i guess its not night I engaged
in a online dual with the famous toot, now after a few moments of difficulty he
stompped a hole in my ass with his spear of gold.. Now I die daily, so this is
nothing out of the ordinary, but the online dual with toot story HAD to go
public. So for all of you out there who thought toot was a wimpy little man,
fear his spear of gold..!!!!
come join the game!! inso.darktech.org
Also, look for useds final FINAL!@? ansi pack coming soon, now this may be subject to change, but I doubt it.. Used deffinatly owned, and im sorry
to see it go, so to all my users out there, much respect.. BTW its your fault
Buttraiderz have arrived on the scene to anally molest and visually
stimulate the masses.. The first pack is pretty small but has great ansi in it
showcasing the return of ZeusII.. We all know Zeus owns shit, and I am glad to
see him back where he belongs, drawing ansi..
I saw a ansi for hellium in epic whats up with that :
Upcore, another zine ran by slackzor, should be releasing its second
issue very soon. I read the first issue before it was completely finished, and
there is some funny stuff in there, so go check it out..
Now, I, like most of you have thought for a long time bbss were done for.Recently however, I have slowly began to believe otherwise. After logging onto
several telnet boards lately, ive noticed a decent amount of activity going on
in the door games, and message bases. The main two I have frequented so far are
grymmjacks sector7, and silicas inso.. Inso has a great game of lord going,
while sector7 boast its manliness catering to the technically savvy kids of theworld.. Both have great message bases, and both are visually pleasing..
You might be wondering, why would I want to get on a telnet bbs instead
of idling on irc. If you are wondering this you obviously never called a bbs
when you were a bit younger. If you had you would deffinatly know the nostalgia
feeling you get when loggin into a bbs and sending/recieving messages, and
playing door games such as lord, and tradewars.. This form of entertainment is
deffinatly in a down swing, but with the help of dedicated sysops and callers
hopefully it can rise to atleast half of its original glory.. So for any of
you out there who loved bbs, I suggest trying inso.darktech.org, or
By: propane
Topic: boredom
It seems lately irc is really dead, which, in some cases is a good thing.I have been using the idle hours at night to write my zine, and draw ansi. So
all and all it isnt horrid, but it deffinatly lacks the oldschool feeling of
craziness that i experienced during my short stint in Fuel. Now I know this is
a pretty pointless thing to write about, but i felt the need to express my
sadness at the decaying ansi scene.. I dont get it, people are still showing
alot of progress in the artform, and people are still producing great ansi. Whatis this fixation on ansi dying? True there isnt half the people active as thereonce was, but the active ones are still producing, and deserve repect for doing
so. So please, for now on, instead of saying you suck or any of the other
witty comments people use nowadays when reffering to artwork. Instead why not
do it like it used to be done, SHOW them what they are doing wrong, and try to
help them improve.
When I first started drawing, I had so much help coming from great
artist like kitiara, theknight, and others. It helped me improve more in 1 monththen i wouldve in 1 year drawing by myself.. Now, I know alot of you out there
couldnt change your attitude towards people you consider to be suck ass artist.You could however, keep your shitty comments to yourself, so the grown ups of the scene can try to help artist further their craft.. Everybody sucked at one
time or another, so why hate someone just because they havent been drawing for
8 years.. Just because he wasnt in ice or legend, or any of the other great
groups, doesnt make him a pudwacker.. :
I know this isnt going to change shit, but atleast my opinion is on
record, and if you dont agree with my opinion, go write your own zine so you can share yours with the scene..
topic: favorite ansis that were released half
way recently.. :
Best font: mrw-fm01.ans from Used-666.zip
i didnt pick it because it was drawn for me either it just happend to own
f u c k m o n k e y
by Mr.Wrong of The Used Coalition
Best pic: zip-hey.ans from used-666.zip
this seems a bit sided, sue me
ok. this looks unfinished. well, it is unfinished, allright?
please view this in VGA. thanks.
this was drawn after seeing buffallo 66 . a really great
movie. christina ricci is soo cute : . have fun!
zippy used, black maiden mailto://exquisite@alienpub.com
By: propane
Topic: Crack
Hi, my names Josh and im addicted to crack cocaine.. It all started in
8th grade when i caught my mom sucking the local dealers dick for crack.. Now
naturally I was suprised at first, not only because of his huge penis, but also
because of the dick suck for crack deal.. So my mom finished the guy off and
offered me to smoke the crack with her.. Not wanting to be a bad son i said yes.That was the first day of the rest of my horrid life.. Every since then my habithas increased rapidly. Im not to the point where im selling my plasma to get
money for my habit. I hang out in crackhouses all day hoping someone will smoke
with me, funny thing, crackheads arent big on sharing. So now im here in my
prison of addiction, covered in burns from pipes being to hot, eyes glazed from
being up to long, smelling like herpes.. Im addicted to crack.. Im only 19
yeards old, how can this happen to me? what did i do to deserve this? Well, i
guess theres only one thing for me to do.. Can i rip the attenna off you car
so i can make a pipe to smoke with ?????
l for loser !!???? by: avg topic: loser 4:18pm Just remember IAM YOUR GOD, and you will all worship this fucking ground i walk on. I RAPED YOUR MONKEY, YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR FATHER, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR SISTER,
AND YOUR FUCKING SMELLY ANAL LICKING HORSE. Basically, you have to respect this
shit, and if you dont, well..... Die!, because the normal sorta breed in locus
should be shot.. seriously, im high at the moment, and i payed twenty five
fucking dollars for this sack, so dont fuck around or i will be forced to come
up your ass with razor blades.refer to locus-09.nfo
I have a dream!, thats right.. that one day that i will rule the earth, im just
thinking about it now.. and this fantasy really, really kicks fucking ass.
just thinking about getting my toenails bitten by the filthy rich fucks,
worldwide bayyybeee!, oh hang on... im really smashed, this is cool. oh i just
had a vision of one of my asian mates getting abducted by a terrorist group,
then tying him up and taking naked photos of him.. muahahaha, im really laughingno shit! :. Okay im back off the floor, and im trying to calm myself down..
this is wacko tobacco, dude.. FUCKING WHOAH!.. have you ever had a bigass blunt
about the size of a fucking.. well i dont know.. CUBAN CIGAR MAYBE?.. if not
then i strongly suggest you do, it rocks yo!. Can i rip your fucking head off?.
it seems like an acievement, like its not everyday you tell your mates that you
officially ripped someones head off, i think it would be cool.
i dont know why i keep on typing, to tell you the truth my fucking fingers are
sore, the like weight 500 kilos.. As avenging angel as your god.. you will read
worship, and treasure this prayer i invented..
our locus who rapes in heaven
raping be da game
propane will cum
moe is dumb
as moose is covered in venom
lets rape this horse
our manly horse
and give us diseases
as we rape goats
who rapes anuses
and lead us not into necrophiliation
but deliver us
from all that is female.
avg 1:1
By: propane
Topic: bye!
Well, this month is a bit smaller, but i didnt have quite as much ansi
to put into it, and i also tried to make it alot more serious.. I hope I may
have entertained atleast one of you with my little zine here.. Next Issue will
hopefully have some more ansi, if i remember correctly zII is drawing for the
zine so look for a dope pic from him soon. I had a really good interview with
zippy to go into the zine but my log didnt work right. So sorry to zippy for
wasting his time, maybe I can convince him to let me interview him again some-
Both of my favorite ansis this month were from used, dont feel cheatedthose are just what i liked most when i was looking through packs.. If you feel
my choices were wrong, throw a fit and be a girl. I dont give a shit.
The opening little pic thing is a ansi i did but i tottally remixed it
for the zine, most of the other ansi is by me unless you see someone elses sig
on it. that is mainly because i didnt want to wait long inbetween my issues..
Upcore is out right now, and it is deffinatly worth looking at. It has
some great articles, yet not as much ansi as this zine does : Slackzor did a
good job so check it out when you get a chance.. Also, ice009*.zip is out so
go download that from ices ftp site, ftp.ice.org.
Well thats all i have to save for this issue, so untill next issue
have fun and dont smoke to much crack.. Plus send all submissions to
fuckmonk@hotmail.com, and all criticisms and shit to propane19@hotmail.com...
Fuckmonkey ROOLS!!!
fuckmonkey issue two
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