this image contains text
.elusive/fOS/fLAVOR/dEVOID - fLAVOR 01/96.
yep, heres my logo contribution for flavOr
01/96 pack. i do ansi for three groups g,
so i decided to put ansis for finnish ppl to
flavOr pak, and others to FoS devoid packs.
if you wanna see my other ansis, find the
FoS and/or Devoid packs. Greets at the end.
--- - 1/5 - cherry moon - ------ - for peak. a quick piece of art: - ---
m o o n
--- - 2/5 - disphobia - ------ - for a swedish guy, flexor. call - ---
elusive operated by flexor
--- - 3/5 - dajoint - ------ - for shock g. err. - ---
.,. dajoint .,. operated by shock g .,.
--- - 4/5 - iphigenia - ------ - for miz. looked better w/o colors - ---
+358-18-xxxx xxx . nup protected system . fte member
--- - 5/5 - peak - ------ - for peak. himottavaa? : - ---
is hereto chat with ya, punk...
--- - x/x - greetings - ------ - wee. greetings to my friends - ---
greets go to the following good guys
o-tron/fOS/teklordz - yo Ryan! the pic ruled...say hi to ts too! :
white trashik/legend? - dammit. you promised me two, i havent any :
assaylant/ex-mOtion - so we died huh? : hey i was gone for a month!
cool-t/tgi/acid? - thanks for making the header better, and for
all the support i have received from you.
flexor/rebels/stile/rsh - theres your logo. hope the numbers aight :
dreadfull/tea - weep. wheres my TEA-shirt? hinthint :
...and some other unsorted greets go to the following individuals
scion - subsonic - narc - shock g - peak - krusher - tarot - kid cain
soul survivor - retro - the mask - tinyz - traitor - screeching weasel
vindigator - d00ze - ts - gee - distance - seize - nero - poskgubbe
defender - icepick - hooptie - cheeze - kaleidas - crayon - ethedrool
mighty mouse - blue max - snake man - phantom lord - eltax - amplifier
napalm - acen - lemonade - catbones - corrupted influence - creditor
...and greets to all i forgot, and a happy new year nineteen-ninetysix!
.., elusive of ftefosflavordevoid 1996 ,..
yep, heres my logo contribution for flavOr
01/96 pack. i do ansi for three groups g,
so i decided to put ansis for finnish ppl to
flavOr pak, and others to FoS devoid packs.
if you wanna see my other ansis, find the
FoS and/or Devoid packs. Greets at the end.
--- - 1/5 - cherry moon - ------ - for peak. a quick piece of art: - ---
m o o n
--- - 2/5 - disphobia - ------ - for a swedish guy, flexor. call - ---
elusive operated by flexor
--- - 3/5 - dajoint - ------ - for shock g. err. - ---
.,. dajoint .,. operated by shock g .,.
--- - 4/5 - iphigenia - ------ - for miz. looked better w/o colors - ---
+358-18-xxxx xxx . nup protected system . fte member
--- - 5/5 - peak - ------ - for peak. himottavaa? : - ---
is hereto chat with ya, punk...
--- - x/x - greetings - ------ - wee. greetings to my friends - ---
greets go to the following good guys
o-tron/fOS/teklordz - yo Ryan! the pic ruled...say hi to ts too! :
white trashik/legend? - dammit. you promised me two, i havent any :
assaylant/ex-mOtion - so we died huh? : hey i was gone for a month!
cool-t/tgi/acid? - thanks for making the header better, and for
all the support i have received from you.
flexor/rebels/stile/rsh - theres your logo. hope the numbers aight :
dreadfull/tea - weep. wheres my TEA-shirt? hinthint :
...and some other unsorted greets go to the following individuals
scion - subsonic - narc - shock g - peak - krusher - tarot - kid cain
soul survivor - retro - the mask - tinyz - traitor - screeching weasel
vindigator - d00ze - ts - gee - distance - seize - nero - poskgubbe
defender - icepick - hooptie - cheeze - kaleidas - crayon - ethedrool
mighty mouse - blue max - snake man - phantom lord - eltax - amplifier
napalm - acen - lemonade - catbones - corrupted influence - creditor
...and greets to all i forgot, and a happy new year nineteen-ninetysix!
.., elusive of ftefosflavordevoid 1996 ,..
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