this image contains text
n e w s l e t t e r
to the new issue of fluxs news letter.
eneral news
this month it was a very poor month, we have to say
goodbye to the very first leader o
f flux, Genius.
The new Fluxleader beside Loader is Late Riser.
@late riser
ember news
we have to say
Goodbye to:
- Genius : GoodBye
great Bro!, You are ever welcome.
- Msx :
Goodbye great Bro!.
- EHQ : Lunatic b
bs goes Offline for Ever
we welcome:
- cleaner!
as new ansi artist.
n e w s l e t t e r
to the new issue of fluxs news letter.
eneral news
this month it was a very poor month, we have to say
goodbye to the very first leader o
f flux, Genius.
The new Fluxleader beside Loader is Late Riser.
@late riser
ember news
we have to say
Goodbye to:
- Genius : GoodBye
great Bro!, You are ever welcome.
- Msx :
Goodbye great Bro!.
- EHQ : Lunatic b
bs goes Offline for Ever
we welcome:
- cleaner!
as new ansi artist.
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