this image contains text
. -- , *Sb,
. : b.
. i b,
*b. l .
t! : k
YAET.Sb,,dS :
b,,*SS* ,,*
, 7 7 :
d im leaving. fluid S 7 l l
S**S7 lb : k
l 7 ** lbd
k l okay, nobody really cares, but Starks wanted me b
to make some asciis and a Goodbye text to fluid. Yb
! Im gonna tell you WHY im leaving fluid. thats it Yb l
l and thats all. Im leaving because of the lack of Ybk
Yb organisation. i mean, theres nobody to talk on -- -
l! the channel, everybody draws for himself, and
:l send subs at the end of the month. im sick of :
.i that. But well.. i still have friends in fluid.. :
: like Starks, Scrap, prst and idlan..cya dudes Yb :
- aeternam.
b, - cormier@tr.cgocable.ca d
b, .S*,.
! , 7 :,.b,,.. ,.dl *S**SSSllS:l: SS****SSSS* 7 dSSSlSlSl: *.,,.., d, d7 S**S *7 ,,7 . *7 . * Y : : , ,db ,di , , l k k7Y7Y k ! ,b,db,d, *t*SSS* *SSS* *t S Y7 . . * ,,, b**7 Y,, ,d b, ** * 7 d7 ,dbdb *SS* *S *SSS* Y7 *.:* **7 aw the font sucks. Y ** *S YS* *SS*
. -- , *Sb,
. : b.
. i b,
*b. l .
t! : k
YAET.Sb,,dS :
b,,*SS* ,,*
, 7 7 :
d im leaving. fluid S 7 l l
S**S7 lb : k
l 7 ** lbd
k l okay, nobody really cares, but Starks wanted me b
to make some asciis and a Goodbye text to fluid. Yb
! Im gonna tell you WHY im leaving fluid. thats it Yb l
l and thats all. Im leaving because of the lack of Ybk
Yb organisation. i mean, theres nobody to talk on -- -
l! the channel, everybody draws for himself, and
:l send subs at the end of the month. im sick of :
.i that. But well.. i still have friends in fluid.. :
: like Starks, Scrap, prst and idlan..cya dudes Yb :
- aeternam.
b, - cormier@tr.cgocable.ca d
b, .S*,.
! , 7 :,.b,,.. ,.dl *S**SSSllS:l: SS****SSSS* 7 dSSSlSlSl: *.,,.., d, d7 S**S *7 ,,7 . *7 . * Y : : , ,db ,di , , l k k7Y7Y k ! ,b,db,d, *t*SSS* *SSS* *t S Y7 . . * ,,, b**7 Y,, ,d b, ** * 7 d7 ,dbdb *SS* *S *SSS* Y7 *.:* **7 aw the font sucks. Y ** *S YS* *SS*
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