this image contains text
r e a l i t y i s n o w v i r t u a l
* .,,. *Sb .,7 Y * Yversion 1.0b by senbei ,. , i n t e r f a c e .,,. ., .,,. 7 ,d7 Yb, Y ,SYS, ,7 d, Y, 7 Y ,7 dbd Y, , 7 dbb Yb, d :aet: , bd7 d7 ,bd7 b Yb,,d7 . Yb,..,d7 b Y7 7 d7Y, 7 d , S* 7 db, ,dFLUID
aeternams upgrade v0.001
- able to rape EVIL squirrels
- able to eat flowers with mustard
- able to play doctor with santa
i like this ascii, but theres some irrealist things
read : gunshots in the wall . . where do
the blood come from ?
and i still need to improve thousands of things..!@ :
if you wanna talk, email me!
- aeternam
* .,,. *Sb .,7 Y * Yversion 1.0b by senbei ,. , i n t e r f a c e .,,. ., .,,. 7 ,d7 Yb, Y ,SYS, ,7 d, Y, 7 Y ,7 dbd Y, , 7 dbb Yb, d :aet: , bd7 d7 ,bd7 b Yb,,d7 . Yb,..,d7 b Y7 7 d7Y, 7 d , S* 7 db, ,dFLUID
aeternams upgrade v0.001
- able to rape EVIL squirrels
- able to eat flowers with mustard
- able to play doctor with santa
i like this ascii, but theres some irrealist things
read : gunshots in the wall . . where do
the blood come from ?
and i still need to improve thousands of things..!@ :
if you wanna talk, email me!
- aeternam
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