this image contains text
. Spitfire .vs. Starks .
/ Starks ::::...... .. .. .. ../
: .:Y:. /
? ::::........................ .
ooOoOo ::::....
/ / T : :://
/ ./ i ::k ::l i :
/ . :l: / : // ::
: . : . sPITFIRE ::
. .//. : Irc.INTER.net.il ::::: : .
:::: yOu are connected trough::
::::.................:... Irc.Inter.net.il
----------------------------------- CuT -------------------------------
Well, this is a very old ascii so dont judge my ascii qualification by
this ascii. Anyway... This ascii I did with Spitfire for the motd of
the Israeli EFnet Server: irc.inter.net.il.
/ Starks ::::...... .. .. .. ../
: .:Y:. /
? ::::........................ .
ooOoOo ::::....
/ / T : :://
/ ./ i ::k ::l i :
/ . :l: / : // ::
: . : . sPITFIRE ::
. .//. : Irc.INTER.net.il ::::: : .
:::: yOu are connected trough::
::::.................:... Irc.Inter.net.il
----------------------------------- CuT -------------------------------
Well, this is a very old ascii so dont judge my ascii qualification by
this ascii. Anyway... This ascii I did with Spitfire for the motd of
the Israeli EFnet Server: irc.inter.net.il.
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