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The Art Group Fluids Info / News
Global Info / News
The ArtGroup Fluid has been a success till now and we want her to stay and
even be better. We are hoping that you liked this pack but even if you didnt
get the next pack because the next pack will be a lot better and we will do
couple of changes such as adding some App program in the pack etc and next
pack will be also about the group that contain us Natural. If you want to
join us, read in the button the Joining Info / News. Like you can see every
one in new to the group because hey, this is a new group. We are trying to be
a democrat group and put almost every one in the adminster. We are hoping to
become a really good group, 1 of the bests. We will get also a domain for next
pack. The best thing that we are good in is attidude. Like you all know almost
all the groups in the scene give stink attitude, well... This group doesnt.
There are a lot more things that we are very good in such as programming etc.
If you are planning on joining us, trust me it is a good move because you will
get tons of bonuss, read button for more information about joining and being a
member. To tell you the true... I am very happy that I created Natural totally
because why?... because I am happy that finally there is a decent group in the
scene, dont get me wrong... There are a lot of decents group but none of them
are decents like Natural!Fluid is. Why did I decided to create Natural?...
Well... I decided to make Natural for doing the perfect group ever was and
will be in the scene. Enjoy.
Members Info / News
2m Stone - Ansi Artist. He is a good ansi artist. He still need to learn a lot
about drawing ansi but he is still a very good ansi artist.
Aeternam - Ascii Division Department President. He is a begginer in the ascii
scene but he have real talent. I predict that he will be one of the
bests in the ascii scene in the future.
Cleaner - Guest, Ascii / Ansi Artist. I guested this guy because he is really
good and because he is my good guider and friend. Without him I were
leaving the scene after a week or so and I wouldnt create Natural /
Fluid. I owe him my scene life so guesting him is the least and I
wish he were / will be a normal member or higher one in Fluid.
Jandor - Ascii / Hi-Rez Artist. Wonderful Ascii / Hi-Rez Drawer / Artist. This
guy really knows how to draw.
Leo - Guest, Ansi Artist. This guy is really really good in drawing ansis. I
usually hate to guest people but for him I like to guest. He helped us
release this pack and we are hoping that he will be a normal member in
the future in the close one I hope.
Minding Age - Senior, Ascii Artist. This guy really knows what does he doing.
I just love his talent / asciis anyway.
Mr Wrong - Guest, Ansi Artist. I guest this guy because he have really cool
fonts. I love his fonts like you can see and I bet you too.
Purple - Guest, Ascii Artist. This guy knows how to draw but aint put enough
efferd in his art totally, I belive that if he had done more efferd
with his art, he were one of the bests. I guested him because next
pack he will maybe be a member with a little luck.
Rbess - Music Division Department President. I just love his music because I
think he is doing a really good job.
Spit Fire - Alumni, Ansi / Ascii Artist. This guy is just very good but
unfortunlly this guy also left the scene. Our Fileid is his
latest ascii before he left the scene but he still draw once of a
Squish - Alumni, Ascii Artist. This guy was one of the bests in the ascii
scene but he left the scene 7 mounths ago but luckly I catched him
and convince him to join the scene once again We werent his only
reason to join the scene once again.
Starks - Founder, Ansi / Ascii / Hi-Rez Artist. He is still new in the scene
so he still need some more pratice. Backward quality Hi-Rez as
best division, Ascii after wards and then Ansi.
Trance - Hi-Rez Division Department President. Really cool Hi-Rez Artist, I
just love his art because he isnt lazy like some other artists that
I know and because he is doing also a great peace of art.
Working Info / News
Like you heard before, Fluids have special jobs. How do we chose the one?
Well... We chose the one to do one of our jobs in the way of... We are first
sending Global E-Mail to all of our artists in the right Department and we say
we need an artist from them to do our job and we ask for a volunteer. After we
sending this E-Mail to the artiust in the Department we are waiting one week
less or more for replay / s and if we get more then the nececry number of
artists we chose the first ones that apply and we start working. We prommise
one thing and thats that all of our jobs are fun. After we are finished with
the thing we wanted, the artist may get some new and special bonus for him.
Guesting Info / News
This mounth I guested the artists: Cleaner, Leo, Mr Wrong and Purple. I chose
them because of some reasons which you can see in the Members Info / News if
you didnt saw it till now anyway. Usually I chose two till four guests for
Fluid but to tel l you the true, I dont really like to guest, I like to get
members more then I like to guest guests because I think that members show the
quality of the group which Guests aint. I chose guests by seeing if it will
be worth to get the nomines as a guests to Fluid because I only exept guests
that are artists that arent lazy at all and have great talent and attitude.
If you think you can apply for a guest, you are wrong. I am inviting my
guests, if you want to be a guest anyway, ask me and I will think about it.
Joining Info / News
If you come till here, it is a sign that you really want to join us. Why do
you need to chose us when you have that much groups in the scene? Well... The
correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special bonuss,
bonuss such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the bonus but that we
are giving a lot more bonuss such as bonuss that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
bonus kind that we give / supply. The third bonus kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other bonuss that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own info and send us a couple of your
art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you on
Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Voting Info / News
Fluid is a democrat group because we The adminsters of the department vote
for every new member and special positions for some member. The Voters are:
Founder, Leader, Seniors, Division Department President and C-President. Every
voter can also start a vote of course. If you want to be in the adminster,
theres couple of things you need to know: 1 You need to be in 1 pack at
least before you join the admister. 2 You need to aint be in other ArtGroup
Adminster exept some special cases which usually there isnt. 3 You have to
be polite and nice. Those are the three rules there are, if you are done with
those three rules, the chanse is very high that you will finally be one in the
adminster of Fluid and if you apply for normal member, to be a normal member.
Files Info / News
File Type Author Title
2m-drsd.Ans Ansi 2m Stone Dr0wn S0d4
Aetflu1.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluids Logo 1
Aetflu2.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluids Logo 2
Fileid.Diz Ascii Spit Fire The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Pack Diz
Flu01.Mem Ansi Multiple Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 1st MemberList
Flu01.Nfo Ascii Multiple Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Info/News
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Members The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Pack Main
Jd-dduck.Asc Ascii Jandor De Duck
Jd-lking.Asc Ascii Jandor Lion King
Jd-pftw.Asc Ascii Jandor pINk fLUId
Ma-fluid.Asc Ascii Minding Age nAtuRaL!fLuiD
Ppe-natr.Asc Ascii Purple Natural
Rbs-lmca.Xm Music Rbees Let Me Come Again
Rbs-ns.Xm Music Rbees No Snatch
Rbs-sb.Xm Music Rbees Sonic Blast
Spf-natr.Asc Ascii Spit Fire nAtural?!
Sqvol.Asc Ascii Squish .V.O.L.A.T.I.L.E.
Ta!flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 1
Ta!flu2.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 2
Ta!flu3.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 3
Us-fluid.Ans Ansi Multiple Artists fLUID
Us-efnet.Asc Ascii Multiple Artists irc.inter.net.ils Motd
Yb-bird.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Natural Bird
Yb-boy.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The boy
Yb-child.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The young cool child
Yb-lady.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The lady in the flash
Info / News by Starks
.,db,. . : ,
d7Yb ,
. , , b ,d
,b ., : d7 Yb Y ,d7 Y
.Yb d7
b l:b d b Yb, ,d
b b, ,d , 7YYb,
The Art Group Fluids Info / News
Global Info / News
The ArtGroup Fluid has been a success till now and we want her to stay and
even be better. We are hoping that you liked this pack but even if you didnt
get the next pack because the next pack will be a lot better and we will do
couple of changes such as adding some App program in the pack etc and next
pack will be also about the group that contain us Natural. If you want to
join us, read in the button the Joining Info / News. Like you can see every
one in new to the group because hey, this is a new group. We are trying to be
a democrat group and put almost every one in the adminster. We are hoping to
become a really good group, 1 of the bests. We will get also a domain for next
pack. The best thing that we are good in is attidude. Like you all know almost
all the groups in the scene give stink attitude, well... This group doesnt.
There are a lot more things that we are very good in such as programming etc.
If you are planning on joining us, trust me it is a good move because you will
get tons of bonuss, read button for more information about joining and being a
member. To tell you the true... I am very happy that I created Natural totally
because why?... because I am happy that finally there is a decent group in the
scene, dont get me wrong... There are a lot of decents group but none of them
are decents like Natural!Fluid is. Why did I decided to create Natural?...
Well... I decided to make Natural for doing the perfect group ever was and
will be in the scene. Enjoy.
Members Info / News
2m Stone - Ansi Artist. He is a good ansi artist. He still need to learn a lot
about drawing ansi but he is still a very good ansi artist.
Aeternam - Ascii Division Department President. He is a begginer in the ascii
scene but he have real talent. I predict that he will be one of the
bests in the ascii scene in the future.
Cleaner - Guest, Ascii / Ansi Artist. I guested this guy because he is really
good and because he is my good guider and friend. Without him I were
leaving the scene after a week or so and I wouldnt create Natural /
Fluid. I owe him my scene life so guesting him is the least and I
wish he were / will be a normal member or higher one in Fluid.
Jandor - Ascii / Hi-Rez Artist. Wonderful Ascii / Hi-Rez Drawer / Artist. This
guy really knows how to draw.
Leo - Guest, Ansi Artist. This guy is really really good in drawing ansis. I
usually hate to guest people but for him I like to guest. He helped us
release this pack and we are hoping that he will be a normal member in
the future in the close one I hope.
Minding Age - Senior, Ascii Artist. This guy really knows what does he doing.
I just love his talent / asciis anyway.
Mr Wrong - Guest, Ansi Artist. I guest this guy because he have really cool
fonts. I love his fonts like you can see and I bet you too.
Purple - Guest, Ascii Artist. This guy knows how to draw but aint put enough
efferd in his art totally, I belive that if he had done more efferd
with his art, he were one of the bests. I guested him because next
pack he will maybe be a member with a little luck.
Rbess - Music Division Department President. I just love his music because I
think he is doing a really good job.
Spit Fire - Alumni, Ansi / Ascii Artist. This guy is just very good but
unfortunlly this guy also left the scene. Our Fileid is his
latest ascii before he left the scene but he still draw once of a
Squish - Alumni, Ascii Artist. This guy was one of the bests in the ascii
scene but he left the scene 7 mounths ago but luckly I catched him
and convince him to join the scene once again We werent his only
reason to join the scene once again.
Starks - Founder, Ansi / Ascii / Hi-Rez Artist. He is still new in the scene
so he still need some more pratice. Backward quality Hi-Rez as
best division, Ascii after wards and then Ansi.
Trance - Hi-Rez Division Department President. Really cool Hi-Rez Artist, I
just love his art because he isnt lazy like some other artists that
I know and because he is doing also a great peace of art.
Working Info / News
Like you heard before, Fluids have special jobs. How do we chose the one?
Well... We chose the one to do one of our jobs in the way of... We are first
sending Global E-Mail to all of our artists in the right Department and we say
we need an artist from them to do our job and we ask for a volunteer. After we
sending this E-Mail to the artiust in the Department we are waiting one week
less or more for replay / s and if we get more then the nececry number of
artists we chose the first ones that apply and we start working. We prommise
one thing and thats that all of our jobs are fun. After we are finished with
the thing we wanted, the artist may get some new and special bonus for him.
Guesting Info / News
This mounth I guested the artists: Cleaner, Leo, Mr Wrong and Purple. I chose
them because of some reasons which you can see in the Members Info / News if
you didnt saw it till now anyway. Usually I chose two till four guests for
Fluid but to tel l you the true, I dont really like to guest, I like to get
members more then I like to guest guests because I think that members show the
quality of the group which Guests aint. I chose guests by seeing if it will
be worth to get the nomines as a guests to Fluid because I only exept guests
that are artists that arent lazy at all and have great talent and attitude.
If you think you can apply for a guest, you are wrong. I am inviting my
guests, if you want to be a guest anyway, ask me and I will think about it.
Joining Info / News
If you come till here, it is a sign that you really want to join us. Why do
you need to chose us when you have that much groups in the scene? Well... The
correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special bonuss,
bonuss such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the bonus but that we
are giving a lot more bonuss such as bonuss that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
bonus kind that we give / supply. The third bonus kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other bonuss that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own info and send us a couple of your
art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you on
Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Voting Info / News
Fluid is a democrat group because we The adminsters of the department vote
for every new member and special positions for some member. The Voters are:
Founder, Leader, Seniors, Division Department President and C-President. Every
voter can also start a vote of course. If you want to be in the adminster,
theres couple of things you need to know: 1 You need to be in 1 pack at
least before you join the admister. 2 You need to aint be in other ArtGroup
Adminster exept some special cases which usually there isnt. 3 You have to
be polite and nice. Those are the three rules there are, if you are done with
those three rules, the chanse is very high that you will finally be one in the
adminster of Fluid and if you apply for normal member, to be a normal member.
Files Info / News
File Type Author Title
2m-drsd.Ans Ansi 2m Stone Dr0wn S0d4
Aetflu1.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluids Logo 1
Aetflu2.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluids Logo 2
Fileid.Diz Ascii Spit Fire The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Pack Diz
Flu01.Mem Ansi Multiple Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 1st MemberList
Flu01.Nfo Ascii Multiple Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Info/News
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Members The ArtGroup Fluids 1st Pack Main
Jd-dduck.Asc Ascii Jandor De Duck
Jd-lking.Asc Ascii Jandor Lion King
Jd-pftw.Asc Ascii Jandor pINk fLUId
Ma-fluid.Asc Ascii Minding Age nAtuRaL!fLuiD
Ppe-natr.Asc Ascii Purple Natural
Rbs-lmca.Xm Music Rbees Let Me Come Again
Rbs-ns.Xm Music Rbees No Snatch
Rbs-sb.Xm Music Rbees Sonic Blast
Spf-natr.Asc Ascii Spit Fire nAtural?!
Sqvol.Asc Ascii Squish .V.O.L.A.T.I.L.E.
Ta!flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 1
Ta!flu2.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 2
Ta!flu3.Jpg Hi-Rez Trance fluid 3
Us-fluid.Ans Ansi Multiple Artists fLUID
Us-efnet.Asc Ascii Multiple Artists irc.inter.net.ils Motd
Yb-bird.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Natural Bird
Yb-boy.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The boy
Yb-child.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The young cool child
Yb-lady.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The lady in the flash
Info / News by Starks
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