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P R o D u C T i o N Z
aPRiL1997tooCToBeR 1997 --- ReLeaSe 31!
PiLF 4 LiFe!
Okay... hows it been. As you know its been a while since the
last FLiP Release. This is perhaps the longest period of time
in between a release in all of FLiPhistory. There are several
reasons for this... namely all of us have lives outside of our
little cyberspace scene and being the end of the school year it
was pretty hectic. Anyhow, the last official release was FLiP-30
which came out the end of March.
Let me dispel any rumors... for one the group is not dead, we
have had a period of inactivity as a whole kinda like your
favorite Imagetm title I suppose. g Second, we have lost
a few members and we bid them a warm farewell as Faust, Cheech
The Sneech, Redcoat, CMD, G33k, and Arsenik has left to form a new
group named Torrent which released their first and second packs
July and August check them out and I think Entranced their
music division released their first music disk this month. Despite
some rumors circulating that I will NOW kill... THERE IS no BAD
Anyhow, wed like to welcome the new freeloaders to the island!
Lets give a warm welcome to the new courier Angus+46 and his
bulletin board Fortress. Lets welcome Chronic Death810 to
Clan FLiP whose expertise is CTF. Since the groups period of
inactivity, I am still updating the memberlisting, please send
any corrections, additions, or deletions. I also know that the
313/810 scene has split again an have a new area code namely
248, if you fall in this category, please let me know for
corrections. This month there are some name changes: c2503 is
known as mrnully and Dark Soul313 is Majestic. Also, please
welcome the elevated Majestic as the NEW art department
coordinator vacated by Arsenik. We also welcome Lady Jynx313
to the courier department also.
More news... flip.org is down. Sorry about that. Were attempting
to contact Starvo about it. Second, Dinugz no longer has access to
his old account where the old flip webpage was setup on so it will
NOT be updated for the newer releases. A new site/page is in the
works so stay tuned. Two other projects, namely FLiPnet and
Reversified have temporarily been put on the backburner if not
scrapped due to lack of support or interest. Ummmmm, Faust is
no longer maintaining flip on EFnet, but many thanks to Redcoat
and mrnully for putting bots to hold the channel up. But in recent
days, it appears that the channel has been taken over. So an alter-
native channel is flip97, so see you there when flip is not
What does the future hold for flip? Well, we participate in what
is perhaps the most volatile and ever changing scene we know as
cyberspace. FLiP Productions is prepared to evolve as necessary
to endure. We at flip are determined to endure, perhaps that is
one of the best qualities of flip is that we plan to be around
even when things get rough. I believe we owe it to the members, we
offer a group that will be around and their efforts will NOT be
wasted with a fly by night group. FLiP has been around the bbsworld
since 1994 slowly shifting to the internet. What does the future
hold? Well we want to get back to our roots and reinhabit the
dying bbsscene for it is where all of us have spawned. We want to
emphasize that we all have lives outside of cyberspace and that
flip as a group seeks to be a vessel of the expression of talent to
the masses and to frankly have fun while doing it let the seniors
have the headaches..eheheh. We invite the old school bbs sysop,
we invite the talented artisitc person who does not see the limit-
ations of conventional pop art, we invite those who just wanna have
fun to join flip for it is people like you that make everything
worth the while as always, flip is accepting applications and
members for all positions. Unfortunately those seeking to be ONLY
distribution sites will no be entertained, we are putting more
emphasis on member boards.
Anyhow, I suppose that is about it and enjoy the pack. The next
release is slated end of December so be on the look out. Many more
exciting things to come...
Catastrophe FLiP Senior Dinugz FLiP Senior
catastrophe@hotmail.com criscokid@hotmail.com
P R o D u C T i o N Z
aPRiL1997tooCToBeR 1997 --- ReLeaSe 31!
PiLF 4 LiFe!
Okay... hows it been. As you know its been a while since the
last FLiP Release. This is perhaps the longest period of time
in between a release in all of FLiPhistory. There are several
reasons for this... namely all of us have lives outside of our
little cyberspace scene and being the end of the school year it
was pretty hectic. Anyhow, the last official release was FLiP-30
which came out the end of March.
Let me dispel any rumors... for one the group is not dead, we
have had a period of inactivity as a whole kinda like your
favorite Imagetm title I suppose. g Second, we have lost
a few members and we bid them a warm farewell as Faust, Cheech
The Sneech, Redcoat, CMD, G33k, and Arsenik has left to form a new
group named Torrent which released their first and second packs
July and August check them out and I think Entranced their
music division released their first music disk this month. Despite
some rumors circulating that I will NOW kill... THERE IS no BAD
Anyhow, wed like to welcome the new freeloaders to the island!
Lets give a warm welcome to the new courier Angus+46 and his
bulletin board Fortress. Lets welcome Chronic Death810 to
Clan FLiP whose expertise is CTF. Since the groups period of
inactivity, I am still updating the memberlisting, please send
any corrections, additions, or deletions. I also know that the
313/810 scene has split again an have a new area code namely
248, if you fall in this category, please let me know for
corrections. This month there are some name changes: c2503 is
known as mrnully and Dark Soul313 is Majestic. Also, please
welcome the elevated Majestic as the NEW art department
coordinator vacated by Arsenik. We also welcome Lady Jynx313
to the courier department also.
More news... flip.org is down. Sorry about that. Were attempting
to contact Starvo about it. Second, Dinugz no longer has access to
his old account where the old flip webpage was setup on so it will
NOT be updated for the newer releases. A new site/page is in the
works so stay tuned. Two other projects, namely FLiPnet and
Reversified have temporarily been put on the backburner if not
scrapped due to lack of support or interest. Ummmmm, Faust is
no longer maintaining flip on EFnet, but many thanks to Redcoat
and mrnully for putting bots to hold the channel up. But in recent
days, it appears that the channel has been taken over. So an alter-
native channel is flip97, so see you there when flip is not
What does the future hold for flip? Well, we participate in what
is perhaps the most volatile and ever changing scene we know as
cyberspace. FLiP Productions is prepared to evolve as necessary
to endure. We at flip are determined to endure, perhaps that is
one of the best qualities of flip is that we plan to be around
even when things get rough. I believe we owe it to the members, we
offer a group that will be around and their efforts will NOT be
wasted with a fly by night group. FLiP has been around the bbsworld
since 1994 slowly shifting to the internet. What does the future
hold? Well we want to get back to our roots and reinhabit the
dying bbsscene for it is where all of us have spawned. We want to
emphasize that we all have lives outside of cyberspace and that
flip as a group seeks to be a vessel of the expression of talent to
the masses and to frankly have fun while doing it let the seniors
have the headaches..eheheh. We invite the old school bbs sysop,
we invite the talented artisitc person who does not see the limit-
ations of conventional pop art, we invite those who just wanna have
fun to join flip for it is people like you that make everything
worth the while as always, flip is accepting applications and
members for all positions. Unfortunately those seeking to be ONLY
distribution sites will no be entertained, we are putting more
emphasis on member boards.
Anyhow, I suppose that is about it and enjoy the pack. The next
release is slated end of December so be on the look out. Many more
exciting things to come...
Catastrophe FLiP Senior Dinugz FLiP Senior
catastrophe@hotmail.com criscokid@hotmail.com
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