this image contains text
1. All material must be turned in by the second to last
week of the month. You can turn things in early,
the earlier the better but we will not accept
anything past the second to last week of the
month. All late material will simply be added
to the following months pack.
2. During the time between deadline and release, a
process called quality check will occur, in
which your material will be reviewed for release.
In the past, FLiP has been very lienient on its
music department, and FLiP has earned a
reputation for poorly written music. FLiP is
still a layed back and uncompetitive group, yet
it would help to raise our standards so that
more people will want to download.
3. Please try to sign any songs in the sample text area
with your handle and FLiP.
4. Any sign of ripped songs unless a specified remake
will result in termination from the group.
5. Make sure to keep in contact with a the music
coordinator, CTS chrisw@freenet.scri.fsu.edu, at
least once a month. You are expected to at least
submit something to the group every month, even
though it may be incomplete and/or wont make it
into the pack. If you are unable to submit anything
please Email CTS. Failure to do so will be cause
for removing you off the memberlist due to lack
of communication.
6. Try to keep things as innovative as you can. This
includes making your own samples when possible,
deviating from your usual style, and useing
a veriaty of instruments.
7. If you are asked by a FLiP member to help them on a
project, Demo, Intro, Loader, Musical Duet, etc
please cooperate and help in any way that you
8. Please include an ID file such as a fileid.diz to
identify your song with. However, I recoment
useing a file name such as filename.nfo
example: cs-song.nfo This prevents
your ID file from being overwritten by other
peoples. The ID file should include:
A. Your Handle
B. FLiP Productions
C. Title Of Song
D. Style Of Music
E. Any Other Information You Wish To Include
9. You are free to name your uncompressed file anything
you wish but your compressed zipfile must be named
as follows, since it allows for easier organization:
were using the dos limitations of 8 characters
dot 3 character extension
1 all filenames start with flp-
2 the next 2 characters is an abbreviation of your
handle, for example, Gizmo is GZ
3 the last two characters is the number of your
release that year. For example,if its your first
song itll be 01 so the song above will be
named: FLP-GZ01.ZIP
10. Most of all have fun!!!
week of the month. You can turn things in early,
the earlier the better but we will not accept
anything past the second to last week of the
month. All late material will simply be added
to the following months pack.
2. During the time between deadline and release, a
process called quality check will occur, in
which your material will be reviewed for release.
In the past, FLiP has been very lienient on its
music department, and FLiP has earned a
reputation for poorly written music. FLiP is
still a layed back and uncompetitive group, yet
it would help to raise our standards so that
more people will want to download.
3. Please try to sign any songs in the sample text area
with your handle and FLiP.
4. Any sign of ripped songs unless a specified remake
will result in termination from the group.
5. Make sure to keep in contact with a the music
coordinator, CTS chrisw@freenet.scri.fsu.edu, at
least once a month. You are expected to at least
submit something to the group every month, even
though it may be incomplete and/or wont make it
into the pack. If you are unable to submit anything
please Email CTS. Failure to do so will be cause
for removing you off the memberlist due to lack
of communication.
6. Try to keep things as innovative as you can. This
includes making your own samples when possible,
deviating from your usual style, and useing
a veriaty of instruments.
7. If you are asked by a FLiP member to help them on a
project, Demo, Intro, Loader, Musical Duet, etc
please cooperate and help in any way that you
8. Please include an ID file such as a fileid.diz to
identify your song with. However, I recoment
useing a file name such as filename.nfo
example: cs-song.nfo This prevents
your ID file from being overwritten by other
peoples. The ID file should include:
A. Your Handle
B. FLiP Productions
C. Title Of Song
D. Style Of Music
E. Any Other Information You Wish To Include
9. You are free to name your uncompressed file anything
you wish but your compressed zipfile must be named
as follows, since it allows for easier organization:
were using the dos limitations of 8 characters
dot 3 character extension
1 all filenames start with flp-
2 the next 2 characters is an abbreviation of your
handle, for example, Gizmo is GZ
3 the last two characters is the number of your
release that year. For example,if its your first
song itll be 01 so the song above will be
named: FLP-GZ01.ZIP
10. Most of all have fun!!!
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