this image contains text
FeBRuaRY 1997 --- ReLeaSe 29!
We Stick To The Roof Of Your Mouth
-------------------------------GROUP INFORMATION------------------------------
Looks like another busy month for FLiP Productions. I hope all of
you had a good February. Anyhow, a lot of things have been going on
behind the scenes and they are definitely big changes. FLiP is
taking some big steps forward in 1997.. . . .
First of all, wed like to welcome back Maldoror502, the very
creative and talented writer and past lit departmental coordinator
from Kentucky. We hope he brings another productive year for FLiP.
Also we welcome back mixmaster Caduceus313, who has found some time
between treating his patients to bring us a couple of music tracks.
One of his songs, All I Want part 2, is up on the ftp site
because it was too large to fit in the pack, but please check it
Next, wed like to welcome the new members to the group:
Concisis401 joins the ever growing FLiP Courier Department, he
is sysop of Divine Intervention in Rhode Island. Another new
member wed like to welcome is a seasoned Quake veteran named
Rockit313 to the FLiP sponsored Clan.
Speaking of FLiPs Quake clan headed up by Surge!313... We are
on the verge of officially registering the team to join the Clan
Ring. Surge! is working on the official clan webpage as well as
recruiting members, and ensuring that we meet the Clan Ring
requirements. If you are a talented and frequent i-net Quake
player, you are welcome to try out for the team. Please
email him at his NEW email address surgeflip@hotmail.com. He
requests that if you wish to try-out for the team, you must submit
a personal quake-demo of yerself in action, as well as any screen
shots you may have.
Faust904 has become our new communications coordinator and hes
been doing a LOT for flip lately. Most recently, he operates the
main bot tweeter on flip on efnet. Be sure to come and visit
sometimes. He is also working on a mailing list for the group,
which should be in effect very soon. please email both him and
Catastrophe with your email corrections. All of this helps to make
FLiP a more cohesive group, especially in terms of communication
which was perhaps the largest problem in the group during recent
years. We commend him on his contributions to FLiP and encourage
the use of the new IRC channel.
Starvo815, the FLiP web coordinator, has been working on a new
FLiP internet site. It will be up very soon and we look forward
to it. Thanks to him and all of those who have helped make the
site a reality. He is currently in the process of registering
flip.org read more about it from him further down the nfo file.
Redcoat+61, the FLiP emag coordinator has come back from his
Mt. Everest hike in one pieceg. Currently he is working on a
scene-related emag for FLiP in addition to several coding
projects for FLiP namely FLiPseeV2. If you think you can
help/contribute work, please email him redcoat@singnet.com.sg
The Warden306, the Literature Department Coordinator is
working on a new departmental webpage. It will be up very soon
and be on the lookout for it. read more about it from him
further down the nfo.
Lets see... what else??? Oh yeah... Just recently, Surge!313
represented FLiP at Quakefest 97 held at Purdue University in
Indiana this past Valentines Day weekend. If you are curious
how he did, here are some quick stats 8 rounds total btw...
Round 1A-38/50pts3rd/8players, 2I-19/50pts6th/8,
3E-50/50pts1st/7, 4C-50/50pts1st/8, 5B-41/50pts3rd/8,
and 6A-41/50pts6th/8. It was his first tourney, but he came
home with prizes a Quake Hint book and T-shirt. Congratz.
If anyone participates in any tourneys or compos, leave a
senior member mail about the results, wed love to hear about
Wed like to urge ALL members to get involved! Aside from
releasing material every month, there are a number of coordinator
positions still open in FLiP as well as other FLiP projects
you can partake in. We also ask that current coordinators get
to know those in your department and take an active role in
recruiting for FLiP. NEW recruitment is down in ALL departments
with the exception of the new gaming division currently accepting
Quake clan members and original level designers and game utility
programmers and the courier department of FLiP. New recruitment
is necessary for the survival of any group, it also adds new
ideas to the groups collective mind.
Thatll be it for this month. Enjoy the pack.
Catastrophe FLiP Senior Dinugz FLiP Senior
catastrophe@hotmail.com criscokid@hotmail.com
-----------------------------WEBHEAD INFORMATION------------------------------
Heres my Info For the Release, Maybe I am too LAte?
Its February, and It Cold At least Here in Chicago-Land
But I have more to Blather about than the shitty weather, I Bring
Good/Great news about the FLiP WWW Site!!!
First off, Lets get everything straight:
-flip.org Has not Been Regd yet, we NEED to Get it Regd ASAP!!!
-To reg this, We Need 100.00 US Money NOW!
-I have a Server to Host flip.org On a T-3 No less :-
-If Worse comes to Worse, I already have starvo.com Regd, and we could
Pretty easily shove flip.starvo.com under it
-Possibly, I am Considering Running Everything Off a The Server
WWW, FTP, Member pages, Private WWW Boards, Etc..
-If You Havent got the flip.org Questionere yet in Yer Email, Request
it from me Starvey@hotmail.com OR starvo@mc.net
As Far As WWW Site design has gone, I havent done Much, I havent had
really to Much time to, I switched jobs, Started to move out, and Buy
a new car, and Got a New GF all in the last few weeks
So... I Need a Co/Primary Webmaster for our New site. I can Do Most of
it, But Well need some nice FLiP Graphics.. Preferably 20K or smaller
For Now, If you want to see a Virtual Map Of the Proposed FLiP.org
Site, Check out http://user.mc.net/starvo/flip Also Check there for
More Nfo.
Well Thats MY update for now, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, contact me with
your Comments! starvey@hotmail.com --Pref or starvo@mc.net
Starvo/flip webmaster
----------------------------LITERATURE INFORMATION----------------------------
As Im sure you all know that Im the new lit coordinator.
I have big plans to change the way lit is presented each
month. I will be doing this via the Internet making a new site
called FLiPs Monthly Literature Showcase. There you will be able
to read all the literature that has been submitted each month. You
will also be able to read the old literature and learn more about
the authors. So I will be contacting all writers in FLiP to request
for some information. To make things easyer please contact me
A.S.A.P. via e-mail at thewarden@geocities.com or as a last
resort at thepenn@hotmail.com, FidoNet 1:140/150.8, or FireNet
603:1/1. I have other ideas for FLiP in general, such as a t-shirt,
put more information on the web about the members, monthly/weekly
contests, etc. but Ill go into further details at a later date. We
finished 1996 with a bang so why not start the new year with a
... The Warden FLiP97 ...
FLiP Literature Coordinator
FeBRuaRY 1997 --- ReLeaSe 29!
We Stick To The Roof Of Your Mouth
-------------------------------GROUP INFORMATION------------------------------
Looks like another busy month for FLiP Productions. I hope all of
you had a good February. Anyhow, a lot of things have been going on
behind the scenes and they are definitely big changes. FLiP is
taking some big steps forward in 1997.. . . .
First of all, wed like to welcome back Maldoror502, the very
creative and talented writer and past lit departmental coordinator
from Kentucky. We hope he brings another productive year for FLiP.
Also we welcome back mixmaster Caduceus313, who has found some time
between treating his patients to bring us a couple of music tracks.
One of his songs, All I Want part 2, is up on the ftp site
because it was too large to fit in the pack, but please check it
Next, wed like to welcome the new members to the group:
Concisis401 joins the ever growing FLiP Courier Department, he
is sysop of Divine Intervention in Rhode Island. Another new
member wed like to welcome is a seasoned Quake veteran named
Rockit313 to the FLiP sponsored Clan.
Speaking of FLiPs Quake clan headed up by Surge!313... We are
on the verge of officially registering the team to join the Clan
Ring. Surge! is working on the official clan webpage as well as
recruiting members, and ensuring that we meet the Clan Ring
requirements. If you are a talented and frequent i-net Quake
player, you are welcome to try out for the team. Please
email him at his NEW email address surgeflip@hotmail.com. He
requests that if you wish to try-out for the team, you must submit
a personal quake-demo of yerself in action, as well as any screen
shots you may have.
Faust904 has become our new communications coordinator and hes
been doing a LOT for flip lately. Most recently, he operates the
main bot tweeter on flip on efnet. Be sure to come and visit
sometimes. He is also working on a mailing list for the group,
which should be in effect very soon. please email both him and
Catastrophe with your email corrections. All of this helps to make
FLiP a more cohesive group, especially in terms of communication
which was perhaps the largest problem in the group during recent
years. We commend him on his contributions to FLiP and encourage
the use of the new IRC channel.
Starvo815, the FLiP web coordinator, has been working on a new
FLiP internet site. It will be up very soon and we look forward
to it. Thanks to him and all of those who have helped make the
site a reality. He is currently in the process of registering
flip.org read more about it from him further down the nfo file.
Redcoat+61, the FLiP emag coordinator has come back from his
Mt. Everest hike in one pieceg. Currently he is working on a
scene-related emag for FLiP in addition to several coding
projects for FLiP namely FLiPseeV2. If you think you can
help/contribute work, please email him redcoat@singnet.com.sg
The Warden306, the Literature Department Coordinator is
working on a new departmental webpage. It will be up very soon
and be on the lookout for it. read more about it from him
further down the nfo.
Lets see... what else??? Oh yeah... Just recently, Surge!313
represented FLiP at Quakefest 97 held at Purdue University in
Indiana this past Valentines Day weekend. If you are curious
how he did, here are some quick stats 8 rounds total btw...
Round 1A-38/50pts3rd/8players, 2I-19/50pts6th/8,
3E-50/50pts1st/7, 4C-50/50pts1st/8, 5B-41/50pts3rd/8,
and 6A-41/50pts6th/8. It was his first tourney, but he came
home with prizes a Quake Hint book and T-shirt. Congratz.
If anyone participates in any tourneys or compos, leave a
senior member mail about the results, wed love to hear about
Wed like to urge ALL members to get involved! Aside from
releasing material every month, there are a number of coordinator
positions still open in FLiP as well as other FLiP projects
you can partake in. We also ask that current coordinators get
to know those in your department and take an active role in
recruiting for FLiP. NEW recruitment is down in ALL departments
with the exception of the new gaming division currently accepting
Quake clan members and original level designers and game utility
programmers and the courier department of FLiP. New recruitment
is necessary for the survival of any group, it also adds new
ideas to the groups collective mind.
Thatll be it for this month. Enjoy the pack.
Catastrophe FLiP Senior Dinugz FLiP Senior
catastrophe@hotmail.com criscokid@hotmail.com
-----------------------------WEBHEAD INFORMATION------------------------------
Heres my Info For the Release, Maybe I am too LAte?
Its February, and It Cold At least Here in Chicago-Land
But I have more to Blather about than the shitty weather, I Bring
Good/Great news about the FLiP WWW Site!!!
First off, Lets get everything straight:
-flip.org Has not Been Regd yet, we NEED to Get it Regd ASAP!!!
-To reg this, We Need 100.00 US Money NOW!
-I have a Server to Host flip.org On a T-3 No less :-
-If Worse comes to Worse, I already have starvo.com Regd, and we could
Pretty easily shove flip.starvo.com under it
-Possibly, I am Considering Running Everything Off a The Server
WWW, FTP, Member pages, Private WWW Boards, Etc..
-If You Havent got the flip.org Questionere yet in Yer Email, Request
it from me Starvey@hotmail.com OR starvo@mc.net
As Far As WWW Site design has gone, I havent done Much, I havent had
really to Much time to, I switched jobs, Started to move out, and Buy
a new car, and Got a New GF all in the last few weeks
So... I Need a Co/Primary Webmaster for our New site. I can Do Most of
it, But Well need some nice FLiP Graphics.. Preferably 20K or smaller
For Now, If you want to see a Virtual Map Of the Proposed FLiP.org
Site, Check out http://user.mc.net/starvo/flip Also Check there for
More Nfo.
Well Thats MY update for now, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, contact me with
your Comments! starvey@hotmail.com --Pref or starvo@mc.net
Starvo/flip webmaster
----------------------------LITERATURE INFORMATION----------------------------
As Im sure you all know that Im the new lit coordinator.
I have big plans to change the way lit is presented each
month. I will be doing this via the Internet making a new site
called FLiPs Monthly Literature Showcase. There you will be able
to read all the literature that has been submitted each month. You
will also be able to read the old literature and learn more about
the authors. So I will be contacting all writers in FLiP to request
for some information. To make things easyer please contact me
A.S.A.P. via e-mail at thewarden@geocities.com or as a last
resort at thepenn@hotmail.com, FidoNet 1:140/150.8, or FireNet
603:1/1. I have other ideas for FLiP in general, such as a t-shirt,
put more information on the web about the members, monthly/weekly
contests, etc. but Ill go into further details at a later date. We
finished 1996 with a bang so why not start the new year with a
... The Warden FLiP97 ...
FLiP Literature Coordinator
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