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P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
DeCeMBeR ReLeaSe 27!
Boom, Zoom, Straight to the Moon!
Welcome to another great FLiP pack. I hope all of you are having a great
holiday, keeping warm and toasty or nice and cool wherever you are! A LOT
has happened over the past month so lets get down to business and take
a look:
Several of our members have left the group as well as the scene due to
personal conflicts. Among them are: Arsenik, our former ftp site coordinator,
and all around kick-ass ascii artist. Maldoror, our former literature
coordinator, and very talented poet. sC aka Silent Cry, a great coder, who
coded one of our earlier viewers FLiP vision. Terrakomm, who has been a
valuable ansi and ascii artist. We thanks them all for their contributions
to the group and wish them luck in their new ventures...
Also we have a FLiP member missing in action! Blenderhead, one of FLiPs ansi
artists, has mysteriously disappeared. His e-mail address no longer works and
we have unfortunately lost contact with him. If anyone knows of his whereaboutsplease have him contact one of the senior members so he can be returned to the
Sadly, we also learned of the passing of TourianBLaDE, a former FLiP artist
and sysop of Damage, Inc. 313. He joined FLiP Productions July 1995 pack 11
as Scott Summers and left in November pack 14 as Tourian. He will always be
remembered as a very down-to-earth person whose positive attitude and sense of
humor made all those around him happy. His untimely death heart attack at age
21 reminds us how fragile life is and that there are real people behind the
handles and electronic mail. Our deepest condolences go out to his friends
and family during this holiday season.
Luckily there is some good news this month! The Warden has taken the position
of Lit Coordinator. He also has a lot of great ideas for FLiP that will soon
be implemented in the future. Lysander, the BBS modding coordinator, has made
a new website for new applicants of BBS Modding. Please take a look at it on
http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/6162/app.html. Starvo, one of our Lit
writers, has become the Webheads HTML coordinator, currently he is working on
helping FLiP out with another site.
And speaking of webpages, the FLiP webpage has undergone a massive makeover for
this month. Its still under construction as we speak, so be patient. Also
available, will be Maldorors final releases, which were extremely large poetry
XMs. If you would like to download them, please check out the ftp site as wellas the webpage very soon.
In this pack, the talented coders of FLiP bring various utlities. Votiputox
codes FLiPmail and FLiPfinger internet clients for Windows 95 and Redcoat cranksout a new VGA FLiPapplication generator with mouse support and a new viewer
called FlipSee. Wow! End this year with a BANG!!!G
Now that were on the verge of a new year, we will make a point of giving our
selves a few New Years Resolutions. During the next year, FLiP will continue
to improve communications and the quality of artwork by implementing some
coordinators in several departments. As a member, if you have ideas or
comments, please voice them out... FLiP is a group for the members and encouragemember participation in shaping the future of the group.
In the near future, there will be many things to look forward
to. There will be a change in the format of the flip member list and info file.Both will be combined into an emag format where members may contribute articles
about various topics that spark their interest email Cat about it...but please,NOT with FLiPmailEG.
To improve communication between members, the FLiPnet message network will link
the various FLiP BBSs together and those members who do not have internet emailaccounts and also, we will soon have a FLiP mailing list and official IRC
channel for members that frequent the internet.
Many great changes will occur as the group gets bigger and expands its scope,
and were happy to have made it this far. We always welcome new ideas and
talent. If you are interested in joining a group where you can share your
talent with others as well as working at your own pace no need to look further!Fill out an app with the new appgenG, wed love to see your work. So until
next time
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dinugz FLiP Senior Catastrophe FLiP Senior
criscokid@hotmail.com catastrophe@hotmail.com
P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
DeCeMBeR ReLeaSe 27!
Boom, Zoom, Straight to the Moon!
Welcome to another great FLiP pack. I hope all of you are having a great
holiday, keeping warm and toasty or nice and cool wherever you are! A LOT
has happened over the past month so lets get down to business and take
a look:
Several of our members have left the group as well as the scene due to
personal conflicts. Among them are: Arsenik, our former ftp site coordinator,
and all around kick-ass ascii artist. Maldoror, our former literature
coordinator, and very talented poet. sC aka Silent Cry, a great coder, who
coded one of our earlier viewers FLiP vision. Terrakomm, who has been a
valuable ansi and ascii artist. We thanks them all for their contributions
to the group and wish them luck in their new ventures...
Also we have a FLiP member missing in action! Blenderhead, one of FLiPs ansi
artists, has mysteriously disappeared. His e-mail address no longer works and
we have unfortunately lost contact with him. If anyone knows of his whereaboutsplease have him contact one of the senior members so he can be returned to the
Sadly, we also learned of the passing of TourianBLaDE, a former FLiP artist
and sysop of Damage, Inc. 313. He joined FLiP Productions July 1995 pack 11
as Scott Summers and left in November pack 14 as Tourian. He will always be
remembered as a very down-to-earth person whose positive attitude and sense of
humor made all those around him happy. His untimely death heart attack at age
21 reminds us how fragile life is and that there are real people behind the
handles and electronic mail. Our deepest condolences go out to his friends
and family during this holiday season.
Luckily there is some good news this month! The Warden has taken the position
of Lit Coordinator. He also has a lot of great ideas for FLiP that will soon
be implemented in the future. Lysander, the BBS modding coordinator, has made
a new website for new applicants of BBS Modding. Please take a look at it on
http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/6162/app.html. Starvo, one of our Lit
writers, has become the Webheads HTML coordinator, currently he is working on
helping FLiP out with another site.
And speaking of webpages, the FLiP webpage has undergone a massive makeover for
this month. Its still under construction as we speak, so be patient. Also
available, will be Maldorors final releases, which were extremely large poetry
XMs. If you would like to download them, please check out the ftp site as wellas the webpage very soon.
In this pack, the talented coders of FLiP bring various utlities. Votiputox
codes FLiPmail and FLiPfinger internet clients for Windows 95 and Redcoat cranksout a new VGA FLiPapplication generator with mouse support and a new viewer
called FlipSee. Wow! End this year with a BANG!!!G
Now that were on the verge of a new year, we will make a point of giving our
selves a few New Years Resolutions. During the next year, FLiP will continue
to improve communications and the quality of artwork by implementing some
coordinators in several departments. As a member, if you have ideas or
comments, please voice them out... FLiP is a group for the members and encouragemember participation in shaping the future of the group.
In the near future, there will be many things to look forward
to. There will be a change in the format of the flip member list and info file.Both will be combined into an emag format where members may contribute articles
about various topics that spark their interest email Cat about it...but please,NOT with FLiPmailEG.
To improve communication between members, the FLiPnet message network will link
the various FLiP BBSs together and those members who do not have internet emailaccounts and also, we will soon have a FLiP mailing list and official IRC
channel for members that frequent the internet.
Many great changes will occur as the group gets bigger and expands its scope,
and were happy to have made it this far. We always welcome new ideas and
talent. If you are interested in joining a group where you can share your
talent with others as well as working at your own pace no need to look further!Fill out an app with the new appgenG, wed love to see your work. So until
next time
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dinugz FLiP Senior Catastrophe FLiP Senior
criscokid@hotmail.com catastrophe@hotmail.com
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