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P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
NoVeMBeR ReLeaSe 26!
think of FLiP as your favorite Imagetm titleG
Looks like another FLiP Pack headin yer way! Thanks to all of you
who helped out with the release of our 25th pack last month, and also to those
whove picked it up through bbss, ftp sites, or on the Web. Not many groups
have made it this far, and Im glad that all of us have stayed together through
the thick and thin. This marks the beginning of a new age, and in the near
future, expect to see some not so subtle changes in the look of the pack, and
those of you in the group, we will see some much needed changes in the organi-
zation of FLiP Productions.
Recently, weve begun implementing the addition of coordinators in the
group that have helped greatly giving the senior members some much needed sup-
port. Arsenik, our ftp site coordinator, has been instrumental in allowing us
to have ftp space on alder.alberni.net for a while now. He has also been work-
ing on a new web site for FLiP which you will see in the near future. Maldoror,our literature coordinator is involved in updating the literature archives on
our ftp site, which contains ALL of the excellent literature put out by FLiP
productions writers. Boba Fett is our communications coordinator, feel free to
send him e-mail about any questions regarding whats going on with FLiP since
he has helped me a bit in contacting some of our international headquarter
boards. Lysander has returned to join FLiP as our BBS modding coordinator. Soonhe will be showcasing some of FLiP Productions past mods which will be linked
up to the ever-popular web page. Rink Rat, our new Net coordinator is almost
ready to go with FLiPnet and he is asking any FLiP member board sysops that are
interested in joining to please contact him and leave your board name, number,
and any suggestions or question you have. We are still looking for coordinatorsfor the other departments especially in Art, so any member who believes he or
she is qualified, dont hesitate to contact me or cat!
Lets welcome the new members this month:
Black Demon 905 come to us from Binbrook, Ontario. He is a new artist and is working with Demonic Plague on a new electronic mag for the art
Claypool 810 is a local tracker from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He
is also a bassist in real life, and his handle should make it obvious
who he worships
PHroG 419 is a new artist from the Toledo, Ohio area. Look for some
of his work in the future!
Thanks to all of the members that turned in a member profile last month.We are still accepting any profiles if you havent turned one in yet, since we
will create some links on the web page to view the members information. So
keep them coming!
See ya next pack,
Dinugz FLiP senior/lit/music
P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
NoVeMBeR ReLeaSe 26!
think of FLiP as your favorite Imagetm titleG
Looks like another FLiP Pack headin yer way! Thanks to all of you
who helped out with the release of our 25th pack last month, and also to those
whove picked it up through bbss, ftp sites, or on the Web. Not many groups
have made it this far, and Im glad that all of us have stayed together through
the thick and thin. This marks the beginning of a new age, and in the near
future, expect to see some not so subtle changes in the look of the pack, and
those of you in the group, we will see some much needed changes in the organi-
zation of FLiP Productions.
Recently, weve begun implementing the addition of coordinators in the
group that have helped greatly giving the senior members some much needed sup-
port. Arsenik, our ftp site coordinator, has been instrumental in allowing us
to have ftp space on alder.alberni.net for a while now. He has also been work-
ing on a new web site for FLiP which you will see in the near future. Maldoror,our literature coordinator is involved in updating the literature archives on
our ftp site, which contains ALL of the excellent literature put out by FLiP
productions writers. Boba Fett is our communications coordinator, feel free to
send him e-mail about any questions regarding whats going on with FLiP since
he has helped me a bit in contacting some of our international headquarter
boards. Lysander has returned to join FLiP as our BBS modding coordinator. Soonhe will be showcasing some of FLiP Productions past mods which will be linked
up to the ever-popular web page. Rink Rat, our new Net coordinator is almost
ready to go with FLiPnet and he is asking any FLiP member board sysops that are
interested in joining to please contact him and leave your board name, number,
and any suggestions or question you have. We are still looking for coordinatorsfor the other departments especially in Art, so any member who believes he or
she is qualified, dont hesitate to contact me or cat!
Lets welcome the new members this month:
Black Demon 905 come to us from Binbrook, Ontario. He is a new artist and is working with Demonic Plague on a new electronic mag for the art
Claypool 810 is a local tracker from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He
is also a bassist in real life, and his handle should make it obvious
who he worships
PHroG 419 is a new artist from the Toledo, Ohio area. Look for some
of his work in the future!
Thanks to all of the members that turned in a member profile last month.We are still accepting any profiles if you havent turned one in yet, since we
will create some links on the web page to view the members information. So
keep them coming!
See ya next pack,
Dinugz FLiP senior/lit/music
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