this image contains text
current handle: maldoror
past: nothing, focks
true: james
sex: definately a touchy issue.. depends on mood
age: 16
position: literary coordinator
style: fucked up.. touching on most
literary: isadore ducasse, keats, byron, dylan thomas, poppy z. brite
music: current 93, swans, projekt bands, death in june, orb, psychic tv,
scorn, spiderbait.. wide range, but mostly goth/industrial
art: tor lundvall and edvard munch
films: the city of lost children, last temptation of christ, the hunger
philosophy: neitschze, ayn rand, crowley
things you should know: average goth.. fascination with death and dying, very
pale, much black wearing, whatever.. its so boring fitting
stereotypes, but some things cannot be helped
misc: blah.. this is extremely bland, but i know not what i should type here.
the best profile of me would be my writings. my writings are who i am,
and they tell more about me than any other thing ever could... perhaps
this could be livened up a little though, if i had the energy i might
even take on the task of helping it along, but strength is not a strong
point at the moment due to lack of food/sleep/blood caused by an
interesting weekend with the only person i believe would ever kill me.
i believe i may be falling in love with her.
greets: none really.. ive never really had anyone in this scene that i
would wish to send a greet to.. but perhaps in jest, and simply
as an insult, ill send one out to lifetime are you still out there?
last i remember you were in CIA or something.. youre a bastard man..
ill love you forever... and although i doubt either of you will ever
read this, andrea and asphodel.. that pale green flame in the
darkness will burn for eternity.
anyone wanting more should go to my webpage: http://members.iglou.com/maldoror
or email me at: maldoror@iglou.com
vi ses,
past: nothing, focks
true: james
sex: definately a touchy issue.. depends on mood
age: 16
position: literary coordinator
style: fucked up.. touching on most
literary: isadore ducasse, keats, byron, dylan thomas, poppy z. brite
music: current 93, swans, projekt bands, death in june, orb, psychic tv,
scorn, spiderbait.. wide range, but mostly goth/industrial
art: tor lundvall and edvard munch
films: the city of lost children, last temptation of christ, the hunger
philosophy: neitschze, ayn rand, crowley
things you should know: average goth.. fascination with death and dying, very
pale, much black wearing, whatever.. its so boring fitting
stereotypes, but some things cannot be helped
misc: blah.. this is extremely bland, but i know not what i should type here.
the best profile of me would be my writings. my writings are who i am,
and they tell more about me than any other thing ever could... perhaps
this could be livened up a little though, if i had the energy i might
even take on the task of helping it along, but strength is not a strong
point at the moment due to lack of food/sleep/blood caused by an
interesting weekend with the only person i believe would ever kill me.
i believe i may be falling in love with her.
greets: none really.. ive never really had anyone in this scene that i
would wish to send a greet to.. but perhaps in jest, and simply
as an insult, ill send one out to lifetime are you still out there?
last i remember you were in CIA or something.. youre a bastard man..
ill love you forever... and although i doubt either of you will ever
read this, andrea and asphodel.. that pale green flame in the
darkness will burn for eternity.
anyone wanting more should go to my webpage: http://members.iglou.com/maldoror
or email me at: maldoror@iglou.com
vi ses,
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