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P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
FeBRuaRY ReLeaSe 17!
Tales from the FLiP Side
Hey, all! Welcome to another fun-filled FLiP release! I hope all of youhad a great Valentines day. As always, last month has been a busy one for all
of us here at FLiP. Right now, theres probably dozens of unanswered mail in myaccount, and Im assuming theres twice as much in KTs!G. . . Yes, folks,
theres this dreaded thing called college! I apologize to anyone whos applied
this month, since we havent been able to have the time to get back to anyone
just yet, but we will take a look at the apps with next months batch...
As the group gets even bigger, its getting more difficult to communi-
cate with each other. KTs been a big help and those that help me out with the
web page are doing a good job. Because, of the increasing size of the group,
especially the distros, we are looking for more quality couriers that are able to send our packs out all over the place. If you have an internet account that
can handle binary attachments and call many bbss in your local area, and wish
to join a fun group, fill out an app on the web page Actually, if you want
a quicker response... call up Entropic Doom 810347-2523... there is NO Nup
and you can apply to the group from the infoform menu and do a file attach in
your letter to the sysop KT... G
And speaking of the web page, its been doing quite well, though Ive
been oblivious to updating it!G...Its gotten well over 7000 accesses as of
this month, and includes a site to download recent releases by FLiP productions.If I am not too busy, it will undergo some large changes during the next month
so keep on a lookout for it...the guest book, which i havent updated since lateseptember will finally be updated:....
New Additions to FLiP productions:
Exodus - sysop of Avalon, has joined the art department...look for more of him
in the future.
Azrael - is a cool new courier from the NYC area.
Kid Java - is a courier from the local 313 area code, hes also the sysop of
Island Net.
Nothing - one of our writers, has started up a board called Pandoras Box.
Orange Crush - a great coder from the local 810 area...be on the lookout for
him...hes also joining our talented tracking dept.
Other News:
Dalamar literature has left FLiP to rejoin CiA as part of their subgroup
Revival. We hope him the best of luck:
I wish I could write some more...but once again, ive let my procrastination
get the best of me, since im writing this last minute!!!
So on with the greets!
Dinugz sends supergreets to:
Luptin and Punc Productions, Lankhmar and Bureau-13, Grail and Wyld,
Aboyz, Doobius, and the rest of ABi, all the cool people I see on irc,
including everyone on trax, abi, and whoever drops by in flip96 once
in a whileG...all our FLiP productions fans, whoever signs the guestbook
knowing that ill probably never update it anyways!...Everyone whos been
on the web page and included our page as a link to theirs, all of the local
groups in the 810/313 keep rockin...and finally all those little groups
struggling to reach the top hang in there!
Dinugz FLiP writer, tracker, and senior
P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
FeBRuaRY ReLeaSe 17!
Tales from the FLiP Side
Hey, all! Welcome to another fun-filled FLiP release! I hope all of youhad a great Valentines day. As always, last month has been a busy one for all
of us here at FLiP. Right now, theres probably dozens of unanswered mail in myaccount, and Im assuming theres twice as much in KTs!G. . . Yes, folks,
theres this dreaded thing called college! I apologize to anyone whos applied
this month, since we havent been able to have the time to get back to anyone
just yet, but we will take a look at the apps with next months batch...
As the group gets even bigger, its getting more difficult to communi-
cate with each other. KTs been a big help and those that help me out with the
web page are doing a good job. Because, of the increasing size of the group,
especially the distros, we are looking for more quality couriers that are able to send our packs out all over the place. If you have an internet account that
can handle binary attachments and call many bbss in your local area, and wish
to join a fun group, fill out an app on the web page Actually, if you want
a quicker response... call up Entropic Doom 810347-2523... there is NO Nup
and you can apply to the group from the infoform menu and do a file attach in
your letter to the sysop KT... G
And speaking of the web page, its been doing quite well, though Ive
been oblivious to updating it!G...Its gotten well over 7000 accesses as of
this month, and includes a site to download recent releases by FLiP productions.If I am not too busy, it will undergo some large changes during the next month
so keep on a lookout for it...the guest book, which i havent updated since lateseptember will finally be updated:....
New Additions to FLiP productions:
Exodus - sysop of Avalon, has joined the art department...look for more of him
in the future.
Azrael - is a cool new courier from the NYC area.
Kid Java - is a courier from the local 313 area code, hes also the sysop of
Island Net.
Nothing - one of our writers, has started up a board called Pandoras Box.
Orange Crush - a great coder from the local 810 area...be on the lookout for
him...hes also joining our talented tracking dept.
Other News:
Dalamar literature has left FLiP to rejoin CiA as part of their subgroup
Revival. We hope him the best of luck:
I wish I could write some more...but once again, ive let my procrastination
get the best of me, since im writing this last minute!!!
So on with the greets!
Dinugz sends supergreets to:
Luptin and Punc Productions, Lankhmar and Bureau-13, Grail and Wyld,
Aboyz, Doobius, and the rest of ABi, all the cool people I see on irc,
including everyone on trax, abi, and whoever drops by in flip96 once
in a whileG...all our FLiP productions fans, whoever signs the guestbook
knowing that ill probably never update it anyways!...Everyone whos been
on the web page and included our page as a link to theirs, all of the local
groups in the 810/313 keep rockin...and finally all those little groups
struggling to reach the top hang in there!
Dinugz FLiP writer, tracker, and senior
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