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You know what really pisses me off? Ill tell you. The fact that some ignorant
fucks, usually but not always from North America, express their foolish yet
determined opinions about Israel and the Israeli people, thus making themselves
sound so patheticly stupid. Fuck you people. Really. If you dont know anything for certain, fucking shut up. You are stereotyping Israel as if it was a fuckingthird world country full of sand-niggers and all. Its not.
The UN has released its annual Human Development report last month. The reportstated that Israel was the 22nd most developed country in the world, in terms oflife expectancy, gross national product, environment, education, health, sexual
equality and social differences.
So fucking do me a favour, and before you start bashing people and countries,
think for a while. Fucking assholes. Die.
fucks, usually but not always from North America, express their foolish yet
determined opinions about Israel and the Israeli people, thus making themselves
sound so patheticly stupid. Fuck you people. Really. If you dont know anything for certain, fucking shut up. You are stereotyping Israel as if it was a fuckingthird world country full of sand-niggers and all. Its not.
The UN has released its annual Human Development report last month. The reportstated that Israel was the 22nd most developed country in the world, in terms oflife expectancy, gross national product, environment, education, health, sexual
equality and social differences.
So fucking do me a favour, and before you start bashing people and countries,
think for a while. Fucking assholes. Die.
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