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B a d T a S t e
Operator - LoRD Rio
Remote - buGGie
.grafix,art,games,music,bbs stuff,texts.
We got it all!
PreSS dA BiG PlaStiC ButtON
----------------scission-- Heres a login pic to Bad Taste... Its supposed to be Malcolm from the
PC-game Kyrandia III... If you want to order an ansi to your board, mail
me at Split Second or email me at db321@hotmail.com and ill get
back to you.
B a d T a S t e
Operator - LoRD Rio
Remote - buGGie
.grafix,art,games,music,bbs stuff,texts.
We got it all!
PreSS dA BiG PlaStiC ButtON
----------------scission-- Heres a login pic to Bad Taste... Its supposed to be Malcolm from the
PC-game Kyrandia III... If you want to order an ansi to your board, mail
me at Split Second or email me at db321@hotmail.com and ill get
back to you.
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