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flatline november 1995
flatline dead? hah hah! no. after the beginning of school, 69,
tek, and innervision have been quite busy with classes, lives,
etc. also, quite alot of the members had not finished their
artwork which still happens to be the case. due to these
circumstances, flatline was unable to release last month. aight,
nuff said.
in the past few months, members have chosen to be idle. so we
have chosen them to leave. heh, heh, heh... despite all the
members have left, we have gained several mad artists. in
addition we have started new divisions, namely vga and music.
to get right to the point here is a brief list. rip : misfit.
vga : cat, icto, sprite. music : distorted silence. public
relations : mr. muff. ansi : psychoholic.
inner vision has been promoted to a senior.
we are releasing tempestrip comic and artifactsmini-mag
next month.
as some of you may know, flatline has been working on present-
ing our art on the world wide web. we are proud to announce that
the page is complete. we urge you to visit the page, even if you
dont have netscape compatible browser. so far, we have pages
supporting Mozilla/HTML 3.0 and text only pages. WWW for
flatline is at:
http://serv2.fwi.com/flatline/index.html HTML3.0 / Mozilla
http://serv2.fwi.com/flatline/text.html Text
if you would like to submit anything, or send anything
to flatline, send mail to flatline@serv2.fwi.com.
for further information, e-mail 69 at
flatline november 1995
flatline dead? hah hah! no. after the beginning of school, 69,
tek, and innervision have been quite busy with classes, lives,
etc. also, quite alot of the members had not finished their
artwork which still happens to be the case. due to these
circumstances, flatline was unable to release last month. aight,
nuff said.
in the past few months, members have chosen to be idle. so we
have chosen them to leave. heh, heh, heh... despite all the
members have left, we have gained several mad artists. in
addition we have started new divisions, namely vga and music.
to get right to the point here is a brief list. rip : misfit.
vga : cat, icto, sprite. music : distorted silence. public
relations : mr. muff. ansi : psychoholic.
inner vision has been promoted to a senior.
we are releasing tempestrip comic and artifactsmini-mag
next month.
as some of you may know, flatline has been working on present-
ing our art on the world wide web. we are proud to announce that
the page is complete. we urge you to visit the page, even if you
dont have netscape compatible browser. so far, we have pages
supporting Mozilla/HTML 3.0 and text only pages. WWW for
flatline is at:
http://serv2.fwi.com/flatline/index.html HTML3.0 / Mozilla
http://serv2.fwi.com/flatline/text.html Text
if you would like to submit anything, or send anything
to flatline, send mail to flatline@serv2.fwi.com.
for further information, e-mail 69 at
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