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line mode!
August 1995 flatline update!
u p d a t e
69?! sup, welcome ta a new installment of
flatline. in addition to gaining new
members, alot of mad shits happenin.
first, much love ta the clone fo coding
our appgen so promptly - he did a phat
job yo. also in construction by the
clone is our mini-magcurrently un-
titled. also on the topic of coding,
icepick of ice is making a rip
comic-viewer for us - we anxiously
await! AND on the topic of comics, its
still being organizedn all dat.
ra.n w
c 1
m e m b e r s
weve aquired many mad artists. first
up, peak velocity of union joined to
itt pro share his rip talent wit us. next death
adder of cia in the house - damn good
at animejapanese cartoons. weve been
a fan of ragnarok from union fo a while
so we just hadda invite him ta join.
next master ken of ice joined to contribute his multi-talented art. And
just recently, snake grunge as well as
twilight serenityaka. leomund, aka.
twotone are chilln wit us now. snake
grunge is don ripn tserenity is don
both ripn ansi. so we be expectn
a mad future wit them.
n i n e t y f i v e
like said before, our comic is still
under construction as well as many other titles from other artists. we
have currently completed 1/4th of the
69 story and a couple pages of art. were
just ironing out all the ideas you
randomly, just if you were wondering
what the hell those letters say on the
left side, they be sayn flat, as in
flatline. ohhhh.
anyway, from now on we got a little
somethin something gon on fo you guys.
if anyone was wondern where we got the
name flatline, were gunna release a
different clipin .wav format every
k, peace out yall, much love ta every
body, nenjoy our pak this month yo.
line mode!
August 1995 flatline update!
u p d a t e
69?! sup, welcome ta a new installment of
flatline. in addition to gaining new
members, alot of mad shits happenin.
first, much love ta the clone fo coding
our appgen so promptly - he did a phat
job yo. also in construction by the
clone is our mini-magcurrently un-
titled. also on the topic of coding,
icepick of ice is making a rip
comic-viewer for us - we anxiously
await! AND on the topic of comics, its
still being organizedn all dat.
ra.n w
c 1
m e m b e r s
weve aquired many mad artists. first
up, peak velocity of union joined to
itt pro share his rip talent wit us. next death
adder of cia in the house - damn good
at animejapanese cartoons. weve been
a fan of ragnarok from union fo a while
so we just hadda invite him ta join.
next master ken of ice joined to contribute his multi-talented art. And
just recently, snake grunge as well as
twilight serenityaka. leomund, aka.
twotone are chilln wit us now. snake
grunge is don ripn tserenity is don
both ripn ansi. so we be expectn
a mad future wit them.
n i n e t y f i v e
like said before, our comic is still
under construction as well as many other titles from other artists. we
have currently completed 1/4th of the
69 story and a couple pages of art. were
just ironing out all the ideas you
randomly, just if you were wondering
what the hell those letters say on the
left side, they be sayn flat, as in
flatline. ohhhh.
anyway, from now on we got a little
somethin something gon on fo you guys.
if anyone was wondern where we got the
name flatline, were gunna release a
different clipin .wav format every
k, peace out yall, much love ta every
body, nenjoy our pak this month yo.
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