this image contains text
ok, I did this menuset for a dude, but he said he didnt want the elite look.
So as a result, I guess this is a free menuset for anyone to mutilate or use or
whatever. enjoy. mrdflg98
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
,,,,, to /
/ / Youre at: xxxxxxxxx
/ , , / , Sysop: xxxxxxxxx
Time left:
F - files
G - games
U - system info / Utils
M - messages
C - chat
S - page/mail to sysops
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / file
/ / menu
G - group
A - area
L - list
D - leech
U - upload
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / , / / / game
/ / , / , , / page
Muds Dungeon Master
A - Legends N - The Abysses
B - Tower Of Shadows Q - The Books of Blood
C - Virtual Hunt R - The Recesses of Tesah
S - Death Rogues of Lazarus
Other T - Joe vs. The Aliens
D - Castlerock Casino
E - Falcons Eye RpGs
F - Falcons Honor U - Arrowbridge II
G - Tetris V - Hackers
H - Hangman W - Jezebel
J - Virtual Sysop Y - L.O.R.D
K - Barren Realms Elite Z - Planets: TEOS
M - Global War
------------------- Make a choice - --------------------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / / control
/ / panel
A - change password
C - change location
U - user options
V - view userbase
B - bbs statistics
S - user statistics
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / mail
/ , , / , / menu
W - write note
R - read notes
G - group
A - area
N - new notes to you
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / , / chat
/ // ,, / , menu
W - whos online
P - page user
C - chat rooms
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / , skizzs
/ / , / desk
Z - page Sysop Joe
C - message Sysop Joe
H - message Co-skiz 1
M - message Co-skiz 2
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / / , / global
/ / / , / , / , / menu
! - logoff
L - last callers
X - expert menus
O - whos online
P - page user
I - ignore on/off
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
So as a result, I guess this is a free menuset for anyone to mutilate or use or
whatever. enjoy. mrdflg98
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
,,,,, to /
/ / Youre at: xxxxxxxxx
/ , , / , Sysop: xxxxxxxxx
Time left:
F - files
G - games
U - system info / Utils
M - messages
C - chat
S - page/mail to sysops
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / file
/ / menu
G - group
A - area
L - list
D - leech
U - upload
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / , / / / game
/ / , / , , / page
Muds Dungeon Master
A - Legends N - The Abysses
B - Tower Of Shadows Q - The Books of Blood
C - Virtual Hunt R - The Recesses of Tesah
S - Death Rogues of Lazarus
Other T - Joe vs. The Aliens
D - Castlerock Casino
E - Falcons Eye RpGs
F - Falcons Honor U - Arrowbridge II
G - Tetris V - Hackers
H - Hangman W - Jezebel
J - Virtual Sysop Y - L.O.R.D
K - Barren Realms Elite Z - Planets: TEOS
M - Global War
------------------- Make a choice - --------------------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / / control
/ / panel
A - change password
C - change location
U - user options
V - view userbase
B - bbs statistics
S - user statistics
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ , , / , / menu
W - write note
R - read notes
G - group
A - area
N - new notes to you
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / , / chat
/ // ,, / , menu
W - whos online
P - page user
C - chat rooms
B - back to main
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / , skizzs
/ / , / desk
Z - page Sysop Joe
C - message Sysop Joe
H - message Co-skiz 1
M - message Co-skiz 2
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
/ / / / / , / global
/ / / , / , / , / menu
! - logoff
L - last callers
X - expert menus
O - whos online
P - page user
I - ignore on/off
------------- Make a choice - -----------//
-------------------8-------- you gotta cut along this line! ---8-------------
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