this image contains text
pACk 4 - nEWSLETTEr 18-06-98 fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
flange artpack four is here now, YOU downloaded it, YOU deal with it!
1. Introduction
Yes hello there, come in, take a seat. Now what we have here is the fourth
flange art pack. Whats so special about the forth i hear you ask?
Well nothing special i guess but I do get to introduce you to our newest
artist, Danno. You cant miss his work. His style is completely pencil and
scanned, and if yer sayin, nah thats not digital, take a look, cos Im
sure youll agree, its sure as hell grouse artwork!
Anyways, take a look at what we got and tell us what ya think . Enjoy. mrd
2. Members
mr.d sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
dev sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
genocyber sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ibanez sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ataxia sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ninja sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
danno sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
kannible sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
xlr8 above ground manager raves,radio,publicity,etc
3. The Middle Bit
Apologies go out to those who had to d/l our last artpack, we hope you liked it
if you did, however it should be the last of its size for a quite a while.
We are always looking for new members so if you think that you might have what
it takes to track, draw or code for flange then dont hesitate to send us some
work. Joining details can be found below.
4. Pack Contents
news.ans - this file.
mrd-room.rip - a room with nice detail and a pyramid fishtank xlr8s idea.
mrd-demo.jpg - design for one of the flange demo cassettes.
mrd-sudd.ans - an intro ansi for sudden amnesia.
dan-skel.jpg - sik pencil sketch of a skeleton.
dan-abe.jpg - Abe.. now this pic is one sik pic.
dan-land.jpg - a small landscape drawing.
dev-imp1.jpg - for no reason dev designed a catalogue for a womens fashion storedev-barl.jpg - a couple of dudes in yellow suits attending to a toxic barrel.
dev-brwn.jpg - brown boxes
dev-mfld.jpg - a um,.... a cyberspacish kinda picture i guess. says flange.
dev-rvac.jpg - retrovac, carefully put together for vacuming pleasure.
dev-medd.jpg - very dev style, nice mello green modern art picture.
dev-dpth.jpg - In Depth
flg!app.exe - flange application generator.
5. Distro Sites
WHQ the drain 9873-5513 mr.D
illusion 9873-5150 iBANEz
digital utopia 9795-3803 is0T0ne
6. Joining Information
If you wish to join flange, you must be completely dedicated or
down the drain with you. We are all motivated here.
Contact Dev or Mr.D at any of the bbss listed above
to inquire about our group and/or to recieve joining information.
7. Credits
fLANGe is entirely to blame for this groovy pack.
If you have ANY complaints critisizm etc etc. direct them to MR.D at the drain
or any of the boards he calls, e-mail to drainboyz@hotmail.com.
or just call the Drain BBS on 9873-5513 and leave notes to whomever.
please note: All flange material is 100 original unless otherwise indicated.
No animals were harmed during the making of this artpack and
lab testing is not in any way supported by flange.
This artpack was brought to you today by the letters F and A
and by the number 4.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
flange artpack four is here now, YOU downloaded it, YOU deal with it!
1. Introduction
Yes hello there, come in, take a seat. Now what we have here is the fourth
flange art pack. Whats so special about the forth i hear you ask?
Well nothing special i guess but I do get to introduce you to our newest
artist, Danno. You cant miss his work. His style is completely pencil and
scanned, and if yer sayin, nah thats not digital, take a look, cos Im
sure youll agree, its sure as hell grouse artwork!
Anyways, take a look at what we got and tell us what ya think . Enjoy. mrd
2. Members
mr.d sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
dev sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
genocyber sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ibanez sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ataxia sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ninja sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
danno sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
kannible sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
xlr8 above ground manager raves,radio,publicity,etc
3. The Middle Bit
Apologies go out to those who had to d/l our last artpack, we hope you liked it
if you did, however it should be the last of its size for a quite a while.
We are always looking for new members so if you think that you might have what
it takes to track, draw or code for flange then dont hesitate to send us some
work. Joining details can be found below.
4. Pack Contents
news.ans - this file.
mrd-room.rip - a room with nice detail and a pyramid fishtank xlr8s idea.
mrd-demo.jpg - design for one of the flange demo cassettes.
mrd-sudd.ans - an intro ansi for sudden amnesia.
dan-skel.jpg - sik pencil sketch of a skeleton.
dan-abe.jpg - Abe.. now this pic is one sik pic.
dan-land.jpg - a small landscape drawing.
dev-imp1.jpg - for no reason dev designed a catalogue for a womens fashion storedev-barl.jpg - a couple of dudes in yellow suits attending to a toxic barrel.
dev-brwn.jpg - brown boxes
dev-mfld.jpg - a um,.... a cyberspacish kinda picture i guess. says flange.
dev-rvac.jpg - retrovac, carefully put together for vacuming pleasure.
dev-medd.jpg - very dev style, nice mello green modern art picture.
dev-dpth.jpg - In Depth
flg!app.exe - flange application generator.
5. Distro Sites
WHQ the drain 9873-5513 mr.D
illusion 9873-5150 iBANEz
digital utopia 9795-3803 is0T0ne
6. Joining Information
If you wish to join flange, you must be completely dedicated or
down the drain with you. We are all motivated here.
Contact Dev or Mr.D at any of the bbss listed above
to inquire about our group and/or to recieve joining information.
7. Credits
fLANGe is entirely to blame for this groovy pack.
If you have ANY complaints critisizm etc etc. direct them to MR.D at the drain
or any of the boards he calls, e-mail to drainboyz@hotmail.com.
or just call the Drain BBS on 9873-5513 and leave notes to whomever.
please note: All flange material is 100 original unless otherwise indicated.
No animals were harmed during the making of this artpack and
lab testing is not in any way supported by flange.
This artpack was brought to you today by the letters F and A
and by the number 4.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
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