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mR.ds ANSiaSC!! cOLLy 2 sMALL wHITEFONt sPECIAL - fLAnGe pRoDuTioNs 1998
Well you have heared about the white font mental sickness. Here it is,.
I did these ones for my bbs and almost the whole bbs is in this style now,.
The style is a larger version of devs white font which he started for my bbs
and I finnished the job with these. Im not going to comment on them cause there
all the same. Try viewing this in VGA or SVGA mode and it looks really good,.
There ya go,. There all the same
but there pretty good. Simple but
effective. I think ive done more so
check them out on my bbs THEDRAIN,.
134 LiNes oF LoGos tO The mAx fLAnGe proDuCtioNs 1997
Well you have heared about the white font mental sickness. Here it is,.
I did these ones for my bbs and almost the whole bbs is in this style now,.
The style is a larger version of devs white font which he started for my bbs
and I finnished the job with these. Im not going to comment on them cause there
all the same. Try viewing this in VGA or SVGA mode and it looks really good,.
There ya go,. There all the same
but there pretty good. Simple but
effective. I think ive done more so
check them out on my bbs THEDRAIN,.
134 LiNes oF LoGos tO The mAx fLAnGe proDuCtioNs 1997
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