this image contains text
The Knight of FueL here again with a
small ansi collection, including an iNK
logo, just because I like em :, a
quick logo for unreal bbs, and 2 main
screens...you guys who requested them
will know who you are, cuz I the fuck
cant really remember. Wanna join us ?
well, let us know and send us some of
your work. Quick greetz to: df,nf,thr,
*- bs,ws,tp,ph,wd,zix,cd,sf,bh,sd,etc..
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! errp....sorry, iNK!iNK!iFuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! NK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Terminal Insanity
A Abandon Conf. USER List all users E Enter a msg
F File areas ULBY Change uploaded by C Comment to Sop
D Down file REQ Launch requester V View status
U Upload file BBS Bbs list G Groovy bye!
L Locate file B Bulletins W Change info
N Newscan files M Turn on/off color mode O Yell Sop
Z Zippy search X Turn on/off xpert mode BYE Fast logoff
T Transf.protocol
Open space whatever functions installed into
to fill in with or ppes you have your pcb.
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
join conf read msg ttansf.protoc bbs listing
file areas enter a msg xpert mode
down files yar pers mail mode grafix upload files . cmt 2 sysop . wunliner locate zippy o page sysop ulbyupload by new scn fileS w change info rumour zippy dir file view info goodbye !
small ansi collection, including an iNK
logo, just because I like em :, a
quick logo for unreal bbs, and 2 main
screens...you guys who requested them
will know who you are, cuz I the fuck
cant really remember. Wanna join us ?
well, let us know and send us some of
your work. Quick greetz to: df,nf,thr,
*- bs,ws,tp,ph,wd,zix,cd,sf,bh,sd,etc..
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! errp....sorry, iNK!iNK!iFuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! NK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel!Fuel! K!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!iNK!
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Terminal Insanity
A Abandon Conf. USER List all users E Enter a msg
F File areas ULBY Change uploaded by C Comment to Sop
D Down file REQ Launch requester V View status
U Upload file BBS Bbs list G Groovy bye!
L Locate file B Bulletins W Change info
N Newscan files M Turn on/off color mode O Yell Sop
Z Zippy search X Turn on/off xpert mode BYE Fast logoff
T Transf.protocol
Open space whatever functions installed into
to fill in with or ppes you have your pcb.
- cut! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
join conf read msg ttansf.protoc bbs listing
file areas enter a msg xpert mode
down files yar pers mail mode grafix upload files . cmt 2 sysop . wunliner locate zippy o page sysop ulbyupload by new scn fileS w change info rumour zippy dir file view info goodbye !
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