this is the logon ansi for my
new board, dont know if im
ever gonna find the time and
money to run it. i think this
is one of my better fonts, if
not even my best one, dont
you think?
Ansi drawn by NiGHT ANGEL/FUEL!
c fuel! productions 1995
you can try to contact me on deep waterz or cyberdyne systems... or find me
in den bierkelderLeuven every weekday from 23.00 till ? : you can also
reach me on COWnet! 88:132/605 ... greets: Count Drakula, The Knight, Bono,
Lister, Musky, Thrasher, Whitesnake, Necrofiliac, Speed Freak, Burps, Sad,
Beyond Cool, Penguin, Jamie, Yavick, Iron Crack, Rotting Christ, Turbo-D...
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