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do people really read all those greets
in ansis ? duh, dunno, but heres a
few to bore ya with then...
deep, brainy, burps, venoire le grand,
cyrix, ghory, whity yes thats you
ws, cd, speedbelly, bc, rc, koffie,
*- the mod, mabuse, the tick, omicron...
I forgot someone...was it you thrasher
or was it the necro ?
Ansi 100 by The KNiGHT/FUEL!
if you want an ansi from me, well, pretty simple, get a hold of me on one of these boards: pointbreak, genesis bbs or tha gulf. or you can send your request to deep freezer on inet : han.welvaarts@ping.be
in ansis ? duh, dunno, but heres a
few to bore ya with then...
deep, brainy, burps, venoire le grand,
cyrix, ghory, whity yes thats you
ws, cd, speedbelly, bc, rc, koffie,
*- the mod, mabuse, the tick, omicron...
I forgot someone...was it you thrasher
or was it the necro ?
Ansi 100 by The KNiGHT/FUEL!
if you want an ansi from me, well, pretty simple, get a hold of me on one of these boards: pointbreak, genesis bbs or tha gulf. or you can send your request to deep freezer on inet : han.welvaarts@ping.be
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