this image contains text
- Font by Black Viper from Fire
, at NAID 1996.
F i r e G f x 9 6
Hmmm... Do you like my new stuff this month? I trie
d to make more curves
and no square fonts... btw, my email address isnt
anymore, I will have
a new inet account very soon. You can rejoin me on
irc, as bviper, on
fire or ice. You can also send me 5 for a 23-lin
er or 3 for a logo to
this address:
Yanick Castonguay
305 Marcel Giguere
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7E 4H4
I just want to say something. I think that Fire is
the best group of
the scene presently. Not too elite, always good org
anized, very good,
and thats a family. Thats why I will NEVER leave
Fire, Ill leave Fire
only if:
1 One day Fire dies
2 I quit the scene.
Thats it youll always see Black Viper of Fire.
Real Life Greets. Artists too!
Fluor : Elito Burrito, Poutine Elite?! Non, seri
eusement, met la main
de ton frere dans lfridge!
Tnangel : Bonnnjourrrr tnaaa!! replique de bv?
Phlare : In 2 months, youll be better than me!
Biggie : Tourne-round tourneline au Naid?
Text : Laquelle chambre la plus elite? 418 Ansi
ou 514 Ansi
Jeepee : Wow, 12 beers and 3 acids at Naid. Your
e crazy MAN :
SoulAssas: Pis toi, 2 bieres pis tes chaud, wow, c
risse de difference
SGrunger : Tu mfais tu un header a moi
aussi si je call tna ?! :
FireStone: Cool, cest ou btw ta fait ton chandail
Zarkon : Ta flaque brune etait ecoeurante.. h...
TNProwler: Wow, arrete moi, jcommence a aimer Nine
Inch Nails :0
Zoukini : Doh, Radman a pas vu les zanimaux zeli
te :
IRC Greets.
rD : Yeah, Ill finally do your logo dude ..
just question of time
Fractal : Yew rock, you simply rule, youre too el
ite for iCE
iv : Wow, your last pics rocked..
Halaster : IM NOT TOO LATE FOR PACK WORK. Really..
not.. hmm
Btw, whats happening to our trade?! 2
LCracker : !g Hot Game dude D
Spear : Why did you leave fire? sniff
. 8D
Defiant : Hey, congrats for joining ice, I said yo
u would join huh? :
Blatz- : Hey super ascii dude, how are yew going
@:- - eLViS
Egoteq : Hey E-Q, yeah, Q, :
Hey, I greet all fire members!
Im forgetting too much people here.
Msgs or fuck you?
Sinned : Hmmm. Why did you type on one of Naids
computer with aciddraw:
thanks for using my program, but register it
Do you *REALLY* think that someone will register
Aciddraw someday?
Dont worry, nobody lives forever. - David Gilmour
bob the viper .. on fire!
fire rules.
fire fucking rules
fire rules, too much for you!!
Ice melts at fire.
Acid sucks!!!
Fire rules. :
, at NAID 1996.
F i r e G f x 9 6
Hmmm... Do you like my new stuff this month? I trie
d to make more curves
and no square fonts... btw, my email address isnt
anymore, I will have
a new inet account very soon. You can rejoin me on
irc, as bviper, on
fire or ice. You can also send me 5 for a 23-lin
er or 3 for a logo to
this address:
Yanick Castonguay
305 Marcel Giguere
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7E 4H4
I just want to say something. I think that Fire is
the best group of
the scene presently. Not too elite, always good org
anized, very good,
and thats a family. Thats why I will NEVER leave
Fire, Ill leave Fire
only if:
1 One day Fire dies
2 I quit the scene.
Thats it youll always see Black Viper of Fire.
Real Life Greets. Artists too!
Fluor : Elito Burrito, Poutine Elite?! Non, seri
eusement, met la main
de ton frere dans lfridge!
Tnangel : Bonnnjourrrr tnaaa!! replique de bv?
Phlare : In 2 months, youll be better than me!
Biggie : Tourne-round tourneline au Naid?
Text : Laquelle chambre la plus elite? 418 Ansi
ou 514 Ansi
Jeepee : Wow, 12 beers and 3 acids at Naid. Your
e crazy MAN :
SoulAssas: Pis toi, 2 bieres pis tes chaud, wow, c
risse de difference
SGrunger : Tu mfais tu un header a moi
aussi si je call tna ?! :
FireStone: Cool, cest ou btw ta fait ton chandail
Zarkon : Ta flaque brune etait ecoeurante.. h...
TNProwler: Wow, arrete moi, jcommence a aimer Nine
Inch Nails :0
Zoukini : Doh, Radman a pas vu les zanimaux zeli
te :
IRC Greets.
rD : Yeah, Ill finally do your logo dude ..
just question of time
Fractal : Yew rock, you simply rule, youre too el
ite for iCE
iv : Wow, your last pics rocked..
Halaster : IM NOT TOO LATE FOR PACK WORK. Really..
not.. hmm
Btw, whats happening to our trade?! 2
LCracker : !g Hot Game dude D
Spear : Why did you leave fire? sniff
. 8D
Defiant : Hey, congrats for joining ice, I said yo
u would join huh? :
Blatz- : Hey super ascii dude, how are yew going
@:- - eLViS
Egoteq : Hey E-Q, yeah, Q, :
Hey, I greet all fire members!
Im forgetting too much people here.
Msgs or fuck you?
Sinned : Hmmm. Why did you type on one of Naids
computer with aciddraw:
thanks for using my program, but register it
Do you *REALLY* think that someone will register
Aciddraw someday?
Dont worry, nobody lives forever. - David Gilmour
bob the viper .. on fire!
fire rules.
fire fucking rules
fire rules, too much for you!!
Ice melts at fire.
Acid sucks!!!
Fire rules. :
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