this image contains text
another nosegos pic.. And it sucks. Its just ugly .. Spose noone wants to be igreeted in tthis aw- ful sthing n o s e y
nosegos of the golden bees..... ng ah, ill greet you anyway: numb, owyn, hal, abnormal and toon goon
HATE MY FONTS! they get uglier and uglier! argh!
-------------------away-ska-den-hr---------------------------------------------Original by a certain Jeff Smith. well.. dont have anything to say, really...mail your requests to nosegos@swipnet.se oh yes, ansi by nosegos.-
D frklarade Truman den globala politiken
och hur friheten i Grekland hade gjort honom besviken
Ty kampen stod ju bara mellan tv alternativ:
Mellan kommunismens vld, och kapitalets fria liv
nosegos of the golden bees..... ng ah, ill greet you anyway: numb, owyn, hal, abnormal and toon goon
HATE MY FONTS! they get uglier and uglier! argh!
-------------------away-ska-den-hr---------------------------------------------Original by a certain Jeff Smith. well.. dont have anything to say, really...mail your requests to nosegos@swipnet.se oh yes, ansi by nosegos.-
D frklarade Truman den globala politiken
och hur friheten i Grekland hade gjort honom besviken
Ty kampen stod ju bara mellan tv alternativ:
Mellan kommunismens vld, och kapitalets fria liv
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