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k a b o o m
There is no perfection. Only God.
Taintedx Of Zenith ... We are the highest point of the heavens We are the light above all others We are Zenith.
f i r e
The time for the Fire to end is here. The torch it burned for so long is now down to its final ambers and rays of light. The passion and fury of the flame has been spent. Now with the final flickers of light the spirit of the Fire rises up in the nite. In a cloud of smoke, rising like the phoenix from the
ashes, now the spirit raises up to the heavens where a new group resides full ofpassion. Zenith has embraced the spirit of passion that once the Fire did burn.
Now with their own turn, and their own chance the spirit lives on in them with a new hope once again. May the Zenith in the heavens allow the spirit to rise
Blue Devil CiA Senior Staff of Lit. In a Tribute To Fire, let not its memory be forgotten
There is no perfection. Only God.
Taintedx Of Zenith ... We are the highest point of the heavens We are the light above all others We are Zenith.
f i r e
The time for the Fire to end is here. The torch it burned for so long is now down to its final ambers and rays of light. The passion and fury of the flame has been spent. Now with the final flickers of light the spirit of the Fire rises up in the nite. In a cloud of smoke, rising like the phoenix from the
ashes, now the spirit raises up to the heavens where a new group resides full ofpassion. Zenith has embraced the spirit of passion that once the Fire did burn.
Now with their own turn, and their own chance the spirit lives on in them with a new hope once again. May the Zenith in the heavens allow the spirit to rise
Blue Devil CiA Senior Staff of Lit. In a Tribute To Fire, let not its memory be forgotten
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