this image contains text
Session Start: Thu Sep 18 09:56:18 1997
* Logging discyple to: discyple.log
nahal hey there
dy452 whats up..
nahal not much..
nahal ok.. this is Nahal of Clitoris Ascii interviewing Discyple of the same
dy452 you logging all this?
nahal yeah
dy452 so lets get rolling
nahal hrmm.. ive never done an interview before btw :
nahal guinea pig
dy452 im your guinea pig? well, whatever.
nahal anyway... basic info i guess.. .. current group, past groups, name, age
measurements, etc
nahal oh wait i already said you were in clit
nahal fuck it
nahal anyway.. continue
dy452 im in awe, clit, and remorse... alphabetized so no one thinks i rank i
nahal heh
nahal youre still in awe?
nahal awe fucking rocks
dy452 yeah, but awe is dying slowly, huh?
nahal yeah
nahal i know what you mean
nahal theyre like a year old now
nahal and i havent talked to tna in like half a year
nahal well.. almost
dy452 yeah.. same here, he mails me often.. but i never see him on irc.
nahal aha
dy452 im not really on irc terribly much anymore either
nahal ive been on a lot lately.. sort of a waste of time... whatever
dy452 anyhow, moving right along.. my past groups .. who cares, ive been in
a few. i did start off with cia and noname brand, though... that
deserves mention.
nahal woop.. noname
nahal we rocked :
nahal tell me a bit about noname
nahal i basically know.. but for the viewers :
dy452 well.. noname was even though people dont know it cain AND
polymorphs creation. i joined with them, under nathans guidance,
and basically learned how to draw ascii there, until it died and we all
moved on and grew up..
nahal yeah.. a lot of people dont really give Poly credit for being a founder
dy452 it was probably my constant and prolific drawing that kept it alive in
he first few packs.
nahal .. at least cain thought so at the time
nahal heh.. yeah.. you did a lot then. : hell.. you still do
nahal i loved your joints back then
dy452 nahh.. i dont do nearly as much, pic-wise. i just do goofy stuff now,
because everything else got boring.
dy452 haha, we drew the craziest joints. i remember one where i drew a black
guy who looked like elvis presley
nahal hahahahhahhaa... i actually think i know which one youre talking about
dy452 yeah? it was a classic.. heh, i still wish i had noname packs
nahal noname was what got me into ascii btw.. i got packs 1 2 and 3 off nyt
board noname member
dy452 oh yeah? i didnt know about that... your fonts pretty much own
nahal heh.. thanks man.. that means a lot
nahal youre my fav.. you have been from the start
dy452 for real? that means a lot to me..
nahal woop
nahal im serious :
nahal hrmm.. anyway.. what were we talking about...
nahal info aobut you :
dy452 yeah.. im serious too. haha, lets move on
nahal heh
nahal name?
nahal Scott Canada
dy452 well, shit.. everyone knows my name is scott, no one really calls me
discyple anymore
dy452 right! haha.. armen armenia.
nahal to the viewers.. inside jokes :
nahal hehe
dy452 i doubt many people even know where armenia is.
dy452 im included in that group
nahal haha
nahal its a tiny island off the tip of south africa
nahal no...
nahal umm
nahal its a small country near the middle east.. it borders iran
nahal im a terrorist.. phear me
nahal heh
nahal well.. ok.. now on to some more interesting questions
dy452 hahaha.. right, i live in victoria, british columbia. im one of 2
scene people in the entire city, the 2nd is my chinese neighbour, hes
13 and i got him into ansi
dy452 he was drawing at age 12, man.
nahal thats funny
dy452 he used to come over every day in the winter, we played warcraft 2 and
rewed earl grey tea
nahal ahhh.. memories
nahal anyway... what is your opinion on the way the ascii scene is evolving
right now
dy452 haha, the way its evolving? well, i never give this much thought.
its definitely getting more refined
as far as styles go, and it seems its pretty starved for creativity.
mean, look at some of the bullshit i draw thats touted as creative.
people dig it, and its mainly bullshit
nahal heh
nahal well...
nahal youve had the style for a while.. thats true.. but.. its original :
nahal and it looks cool
nahal dont be so hard on yourself
nahal be like me.. i know im the best newschooler around
nahal umm
nahal jk
dy452 hahaha.. maybe :
nahal seriously tho.. you rock.. heh.. thatll never change
nahal ok.. now that were on the subject of creativity/ originality... who ar
your favorite ascii artists.. fonts and pics seperately
dy452 ahh.. well, forget this question. id miss someone out, and i dont
want to do that. everyone who knows i love them.. knows it.
nahal heh..
nahal its like doing greets
nahal i hate it
dy452 yeah, i stay away from greets and questions that make you list off name
.. its just not worth it
nahal agreed
nahal ok.. new question.. what are your feelings toward oldschool...
dy452 well.. ive drawn maybe 3 oldschool asciis. every time, they sucked
cock. i dont understand oldschool, or even pretend to. granted, some
of it is cool, but i still cant glance at it and make a judgment one
way or the other
nahal yeah.. same here
dy452 so i generally stay away from it..
nahal this sucks i cant think of any more questions
dy452 well, uh.. ask me something non-ascii related
nahal do you consider yourself to be a democrat, republican, something a
bit more intelligent, etc?
dy452 actually, i understand politics just as much as i understand oldschool:
i look at it, but dont really have an opinion
nahal heh
nahal k... inside joke
nahal ok.. i know youve got a girlfriend named jen whos got electric ears..
tell me about her and your
relationship with her.. even her feelings about ascii, etc
nahal your sex life, whatever
dy452 what? well, shit man.. weve been together over a year, and were just
dealing with a mildly long-distance relationship right now and some
problems thats causing. truthfully its not a big deal, the
university year will be over soon enough.. well survive.
nahal thats good.. years a long time.. to have been together that is.
dy452 realistically there arent any problems.
dy452 yeah, itll end up being years and years, these feelings wont change
nahal i just broke up with my first real girlfriend like 2 weeks ago.. we had
gone out for like 8+ months... it sucks.
ed note.. im writing this two weeks later.. im happy i dumped her
shes a fucking sell-out.
dy452 yeah? thats not good..
nahal nope its not
nahal actually it fucking sucks
nahal i thot it was gonna like last and shit.. fuck me
dy452 well hey.. i only showed her my ascii a few weeks ago.. she didnt re
really have any preconceptions about what it was like, so she thought i
was pretty cool.
nahal heh.. thats cool
nahal she sounds nice.. viewers.. she was on a conf with scott a little whil
dy452 haha, whats this sex life question..
nahal oh nothing
dy452 yeah she was pretty reluctant to get on a conf.. sargon didnt help he
nahal haha.. yeah.. brads a dick
nahal worthless cow tipping hick
nahal but all in all.. hes a nice guy i guess.
dy452 hahaha, you know jen laughed pretty hard at your comment about the hym
nahal hehe
dy452 yeah, i have nothing against brad. brad: i love you.. jules, you too
nahal aww.. how sweet
nahal hmm
dy452 what do you think about the racist/anti-semitism going on in ascii, hu
nahal hey.. im supposed to be asking the questions around here..
nahal hrmm
nahal well you answer this too after im thru
dy452 well, fuck. interviews dont have to be completely one-sided
dy452 sure ill answer it.
nahal i think the people that do it are fucking morons... even if theyre kidd
ng aroudn.. its fucking stupid
nahal cause like.. i dont mean to sound cheesy or anything.. but fuck.. what
the hell... if it gets to someone.. then well.. thats enuf.. if youve
hurt someone about something like that.. then youre a dick
nahal fuck.. scott.. i hae to get off.. answer this question take as long as
you like and then ill get off.. can continue this tomorow or somethin
nahal sorry
dy452 man, im having trouble expressing what i want to say about this..
nahal yeah i know what you mean.. what i said isnt like exactly what i feel .
and theres like more stuff i wanna add.. but its hard .. right?
dy452 i mean, sure, racism and anti-semitism is wrong. thats the bottom lin
yet, i dont see any irc klans being rallied together to persecute *.il
either.. it seems that everyone acts alone, and to me.. thats fine. i
people want to vent their frustations by perpetuating racial stereotype
on irc, then thats their business
dy452 ive never encountered anyone who is truly, honest-to-god RACIST
nahal true... on irc at least.
dy452 it doesnt really bother me terribly much.. but then again, im not in
minority. maybe im blind to that shit
nahal but ive seen times when people start banning *.il servers with ban msg
like .. umm.. fuck i dont remember.. oh yeah.. something about kykes a
anyway.. i know there are a lot of people that it would get to if it
was done to them.. you know what i mean? even if the people that were
doing it were just kidding around
nahal hrmm.. but i guess since i know theyre kidding i dont really do anythin
dy452 yeah, personally ive never seen shit like that happen.. the bans, i
mean... thats pretty gay
nahal ive seen it once.. a couple months back.. skatter and someone else.. do
dont remember who.. umm.. yeah.. i thot that was stupid
nahal it was like repeated bans.. you know? thats just fucking dumb
dy452 haha, skatter is classic. hes not serious about that shit... i think
? .. hahahaha
nahal yeah.. i know.. im not saying i really have anything against him.. caus
i know hes kidding.. its just like.. there are people who dont.. and it
gets to them .. or might at least
nahal skatter: dont hate me
nahal brb.. pissing
dy452 yeah.. well, its unrealistic to think you can force everyone to be sh
rie-carie perfect all the time, so why bother. thats my point of view
people make realizations and shape themselves up..
dy452 no point in forcing anything on them
nahal back
dy452 right, word
nahal yeah.. i agree with that.. ive never been like.. Hey Buster! STOP THAT!
nahal cause like you said.. its pointless
nahal back
nahal yeah
dy452 because.. if someone thinks youre talking down to them, theyre quick
to close off their minds
nahal you are so wise
dy452 wise? not really, but thanks anyhow.
nahal but.. my opinion.. true racism is fucking bullshit tho.. and it reall
pisses the shit out of me
nahal heh
dy452 yeah. true racism isnt my cup of tea.. heh
nahal god damnit.. ive gotta go.. fuck.. sorry.. this comp is in my moms roo
and she wants to go to sleep
nahal fuck
dy452 hahaha, okay man
nahal well start this back up tomorow?
dy452 sure thing.. this is a pretty protracted interview. i like it... so
far, 0 elements of humour.. maybe someone will actually read it for th
substance and not the penis references. .. heh
nahal haha
dy452 PENIS
nahal what a word
nahal P
nahal E
nahal N
nahal I
nahal S
nahal p to the e to the n to the i to the s
nahal oh baby
dy452 nahal has mc skills
dy452 alright man.. well hook up tomorrow
nahal yeah
nahal i think this is actually coming along pretty well
nahal fuck.. my moms about to beat me
nahal heh...
nahal later
dy452 see you then, armen e
dy452 later
Session Close: Thu Sep 18 10:51:21 1997
Session Start: Fri Sep 19 07:10:14 1997
nahal k.. log back on
nahal ok.. where were we.. oh yeah.. racism
dy1 did you think of any more questions?
nahal fuck no
nahal hrmm
nahal ok.. what do you think of dualing and dualing policies
dy1 dualing is fine, but within the realm of reason. in other words, dont
be pariah. hahahaha, sorry pariah..
dy1 i remember when he even released some stuff twice, im not sure if it wa
on accident or just to meet quota.
nahal haha
nahal yeah.. hate it when people do that
nahal god damnit i had a good question to ask
nahal fuck i forgot
nahal let me think
dy1 haha, okay
nahal hmm.. oh.. ok.. what do you think about ansi, and why dont you do more
of it.
dy1 ah, actually i started off drawing ansi for a year and a bit, and never
really got anywhere with it. the first group i joined was cia, and i
actually joined it for ansi, and then cain got me into ascii more, and
things went from there
nahal thats cool.. id love to see some of your older ansi stuff
dy1 right now, though.. i have a hard time drawing ansi, so ive stopped
for a while
nahal thats cool.. whatever you want.. but.. and i speak for most of the scen
i think when i say this.. youre a fucking amazing ansi logoist
dy1 nah, to me i think thats bullshit, because most of the ansi logos i
drew.. pretty much sucked cock, in my opinion
nahal yeah, well you dont know what the fuck youre talking about, so shut the
hell up
nahal so.. since youve tried both ascii and ansi.. which one do you think is
harder, better, etc
dy1 ansi is way harder, to do it *properly*.
dy1 with ascii, you really dont have to put a hell of a lot of time
thinking about the composition of what youre
drawing, and just draw. with ansi, to get a good finished product and
i mean *good*, not just cool you need to spend a lot more time than
nahal yeah
nahal i agree.. ive tried ansi .. believe me you dont wanna see it... but i
dy1 haha
nahal hmm.. heres a question you might not answer tell me if you dont.. caus
you dont ahve to answer : but what do you think of kwest and what cai
is/was/has been doing to it
dy1 well, whats he been doing to it? :
nahal god damnit.. you know what im talking about
dy1 seriously, go ahead and explain it
nahal its different from what it started as.. i wanna know what you think of
nahal im not gonna give my opinion.. unless you want me to
nahal i think when it started it was tighter.. i think thats obvious
dy1 oh, yeah. well in the beginning, cain lost sight of the original ideal
and was .. ahh, dissing in the channels, saying kwest owns, you suck
in not so many words. that was a bad move, but hes from the ascii
generation that thinks competition prosperity. personally i dont
agree with that at all
nahal interesting
nahal yeah.. cains been around for a while
dy1 yeah.
nahal i think the genral feel of the ascii scene has changed a lot in the las
t 1-2 years
nahal it was new back then i guess
nahal personally .. this opinion is from looking at/reading old packs i
think it was cooler then
nahal i started drawing ascii a year ago..a nd got on irc about 2 months late
.. i think i missed a lot
dy1 yeah, maybe it was cooler.. but today its a little more refined
nahal not sure of course
nahal yeah.. that definately is true
nahal lots of great artists..
dy1 yeah, for sure, lots of great artists, things are a lot more about
expression nowadays i think..
nahal aha
nahal there are pros and cons to both eras.. if you will
dy1 well, i cant comment. i wasnt really around for the oldschool, i onl
hear the legends
nahal yeah.. same here
nahal next question....
nahal what kind of music are you into.. what are your favorite bands
nahal et cetera
dy1 you name it.. im not going to discount country music, thats a popula
cliche. ive never really given country a chance, is more like it :
nahal heh
nahal billy ray cyrus
dy1 is he the achy breaky heart faggot?
nahal hahahaha.. yeah
dy1 too bad i condemn those texans as faggots.. brad.
nahal now that.. you must admit.. is pure bullshit.. in its most concentrated
nahal heh
nahal yeah.. for real tho.. there are a lot of good artists in texas
dy1 yeah, there a few that i know of..
dy1 Nahal:
dy1 oops.
nahal :
dy1 fucking nick completion, i cant start a sentence with a period without
that shit happening
nahal whatre you using
dy1 wow, my mom just served me some shit from aw
dy1 ah, im using hamster.
nahal oh
nahal aw
nahal ?
dy1 yeah my mom bought some shit because they have those cheap 99 cent
nahal oh
nahal they dont have aw here in new york
dy1 bullshit they dont.. what do they have?
nahal burger king, mcdonalds, white castle, hmm i think thats it
dy1 white castle? what the fuck is that?
nahal heh
nahal theyve got restaurants shaped like castles and they have burgers that
are about the size of quarters and cost just as much :
nahal ooh.. you know what? theres a textile company in florida called the
armen company www.armen.com and theyre making burger king kids
club clothes
nahal cool eh?
dy1 thats the shit!
dy1 burgers the size of quarters?!
note: there was a LONG pause following this.. and for no apparent reason.
dy1 armen?
dy1 fuck..
nahal :
nahal say something
dy1 something.
nahal h0h0. wow
nahal hey.. wanna see a tiny ascii that says dy? note-look at end of file
dy1 sure.
dy1 send it again
dy1 that says something!?
nahal it says dy :
dy1 ahem.. ill take your word for it :
nahal hey.. fuck.. ive gotta go for liek 10 mins.. my mom needs to call my da
in japan business trip do you wanna continue then or do you wanna
just end the interview now
dy1 in japan? holy shit
nahal :
dy1 well, okay, lets just end it. its stagnating anyhow
nahal yeah
nahal ok.. this has been an mtv production
dy1 i dont get mtv.
nahal youre lucky
nahal anyway.. thanks a lot scott
nahal anything youd like to say ?
nahal final words?
dy1 i get the canadian equivalent, muchmusic. and believe me, its
horseshit. youre welcome.
dy1 muchmusic blows. thats all
nahal muchmusic has some good stuff on it.. my friend gets it
nahal or used to.. i dunno.. i saws it once.. like 5 months ago
nahal well? last words?
dy1 last words? well, not really. maybe.. i hear interzone is nice this
time of year
part: dy1 has left channel discyple.
Session Close: Fri Sep 19 08:01:08 1997
hope you liked the interview -nahal
by the way.. here is the tiny ascii that i sent scott that says dy
can you see it?
4 .
. ,d
* Logging discyple to: discyple.log
nahal hey there
dy452 whats up..
nahal not much..
nahal ok.. this is Nahal of Clitoris Ascii interviewing Discyple of the same
dy452 you logging all this?
nahal yeah
dy452 so lets get rolling
nahal hrmm.. ive never done an interview before btw :
nahal guinea pig
dy452 im your guinea pig? well, whatever.
nahal anyway... basic info i guess.. .. current group, past groups, name, age
measurements, etc
nahal oh wait i already said you were in clit
nahal fuck it
nahal anyway.. continue
dy452 im in awe, clit, and remorse... alphabetized so no one thinks i rank i
nahal heh
nahal youre still in awe?
nahal awe fucking rocks
dy452 yeah, but awe is dying slowly, huh?
nahal yeah
nahal i know what you mean
nahal theyre like a year old now
nahal and i havent talked to tna in like half a year
nahal well.. almost
dy452 yeah.. same here, he mails me often.. but i never see him on irc.
nahal aha
dy452 im not really on irc terribly much anymore either
nahal ive been on a lot lately.. sort of a waste of time... whatever
dy452 anyhow, moving right along.. my past groups .. who cares, ive been in
a few. i did start off with cia and noname brand, though... that
deserves mention.
nahal woop.. noname
nahal we rocked :
nahal tell me a bit about noname
nahal i basically know.. but for the viewers :
dy452 well.. noname was even though people dont know it cain AND
polymorphs creation. i joined with them, under nathans guidance,
and basically learned how to draw ascii there, until it died and we all
moved on and grew up..
nahal yeah.. a lot of people dont really give Poly credit for being a founder
dy452 it was probably my constant and prolific drawing that kept it alive in
he first few packs.
nahal .. at least cain thought so at the time
nahal heh.. yeah.. you did a lot then. : hell.. you still do
nahal i loved your joints back then
dy452 nahh.. i dont do nearly as much, pic-wise. i just do goofy stuff now,
because everything else got boring.
dy452 haha, we drew the craziest joints. i remember one where i drew a black
guy who looked like elvis presley
nahal hahahahhahhaa... i actually think i know which one youre talking about
dy452 yeah? it was a classic.. heh, i still wish i had noname packs
nahal noname was what got me into ascii btw.. i got packs 1 2 and 3 off nyt
board noname member
dy452 oh yeah? i didnt know about that... your fonts pretty much own
nahal heh.. thanks man.. that means a lot
nahal youre my fav.. you have been from the start
dy452 for real? that means a lot to me..
nahal woop
nahal im serious :
nahal hrmm.. anyway.. what were we talking about...
nahal info aobut you :
dy452 yeah.. im serious too. haha, lets move on
nahal heh
nahal name?
nahal Scott Canada
dy452 well, shit.. everyone knows my name is scott, no one really calls me
discyple anymore
dy452 right! haha.. armen armenia.
nahal to the viewers.. inside jokes :
nahal hehe
dy452 i doubt many people even know where armenia is.
dy452 im included in that group
nahal haha
nahal its a tiny island off the tip of south africa
nahal no...
nahal umm
nahal its a small country near the middle east.. it borders iran
nahal im a terrorist.. phear me
nahal heh
nahal well.. ok.. now on to some more interesting questions
dy452 hahaha.. right, i live in victoria, british columbia. im one of 2
scene people in the entire city, the 2nd is my chinese neighbour, hes
13 and i got him into ansi
dy452 he was drawing at age 12, man.
nahal thats funny
dy452 he used to come over every day in the winter, we played warcraft 2 and
rewed earl grey tea
nahal ahhh.. memories
nahal anyway... what is your opinion on the way the ascii scene is evolving
right now
dy452 haha, the way its evolving? well, i never give this much thought.
its definitely getting more refined
as far as styles go, and it seems its pretty starved for creativity.
mean, look at some of the bullshit i draw thats touted as creative.
people dig it, and its mainly bullshit
nahal heh
nahal well...
nahal youve had the style for a while.. thats true.. but.. its original :
nahal and it looks cool
nahal dont be so hard on yourself
nahal be like me.. i know im the best newschooler around
nahal umm
nahal jk
dy452 hahaha.. maybe :
nahal seriously tho.. you rock.. heh.. thatll never change
nahal ok.. now that were on the subject of creativity/ originality... who ar
your favorite ascii artists.. fonts and pics seperately
dy452 ahh.. well, forget this question. id miss someone out, and i dont
want to do that. everyone who knows i love them.. knows it.
nahal heh..
nahal its like doing greets
nahal i hate it
dy452 yeah, i stay away from greets and questions that make you list off name
.. its just not worth it
nahal agreed
nahal ok.. new question.. what are your feelings toward oldschool...
dy452 well.. ive drawn maybe 3 oldschool asciis. every time, they sucked
cock. i dont understand oldschool, or even pretend to. granted, some
of it is cool, but i still cant glance at it and make a judgment one
way or the other
nahal yeah.. same here
dy452 so i generally stay away from it..
nahal this sucks i cant think of any more questions
dy452 well, uh.. ask me something non-ascii related
nahal do you consider yourself to be a democrat, republican, something a
bit more intelligent, etc?
dy452 actually, i understand politics just as much as i understand oldschool:
i look at it, but dont really have an opinion
nahal heh
nahal k... inside joke
nahal ok.. i know youve got a girlfriend named jen whos got electric ears..
tell me about her and your
relationship with her.. even her feelings about ascii, etc
nahal your sex life, whatever
dy452 what? well, shit man.. weve been together over a year, and were just
dealing with a mildly long-distance relationship right now and some
problems thats causing. truthfully its not a big deal, the
university year will be over soon enough.. well survive.
nahal thats good.. years a long time.. to have been together that is.
dy452 realistically there arent any problems.
dy452 yeah, itll end up being years and years, these feelings wont change
nahal i just broke up with my first real girlfriend like 2 weeks ago.. we had
gone out for like 8+ months... it sucks.
ed note.. im writing this two weeks later.. im happy i dumped her
shes a fucking sell-out.
dy452 yeah? thats not good..
nahal nope its not
nahal actually it fucking sucks
nahal i thot it was gonna like last and shit.. fuck me
dy452 well hey.. i only showed her my ascii a few weeks ago.. she didnt re
really have any preconceptions about what it was like, so she thought i
was pretty cool.
nahal heh.. thats cool
nahal she sounds nice.. viewers.. she was on a conf with scott a little whil
dy452 haha, whats this sex life question..
nahal oh nothing
dy452 yeah she was pretty reluctant to get on a conf.. sargon didnt help he
nahal haha.. yeah.. brads a dick
nahal worthless cow tipping hick
nahal but all in all.. hes a nice guy i guess.
dy452 hahaha, you know jen laughed pretty hard at your comment about the hym
nahal hehe
dy452 yeah, i have nothing against brad. brad: i love you.. jules, you too
nahal aww.. how sweet
nahal hmm
dy452 what do you think about the racist/anti-semitism going on in ascii, hu
nahal hey.. im supposed to be asking the questions around here..
nahal hrmm
nahal well you answer this too after im thru
dy452 well, fuck. interviews dont have to be completely one-sided
dy452 sure ill answer it.
nahal i think the people that do it are fucking morons... even if theyre kidd
ng aroudn.. its fucking stupid
nahal cause like.. i dont mean to sound cheesy or anything.. but fuck.. what
the hell... if it gets to someone.. then well.. thats enuf.. if youve
hurt someone about something like that.. then youre a dick
nahal fuck.. scott.. i hae to get off.. answer this question take as long as
you like and then ill get off.. can continue this tomorow or somethin
nahal sorry
dy452 man, im having trouble expressing what i want to say about this..
nahal yeah i know what you mean.. what i said isnt like exactly what i feel .
and theres like more stuff i wanna add.. but its hard .. right?
dy452 i mean, sure, racism and anti-semitism is wrong. thats the bottom lin
yet, i dont see any irc klans being rallied together to persecute *.il
either.. it seems that everyone acts alone, and to me.. thats fine. i
people want to vent their frustations by perpetuating racial stereotype
on irc, then thats their business
dy452 ive never encountered anyone who is truly, honest-to-god RACIST
nahal true... on irc at least.
dy452 it doesnt really bother me terribly much.. but then again, im not in
minority. maybe im blind to that shit
nahal but ive seen times when people start banning *.il servers with ban msg
like .. umm.. fuck i dont remember.. oh yeah.. something about kykes a
anyway.. i know there are a lot of people that it would get to if it
was done to them.. you know what i mean? even if the people that were
doing it were just kidding around
nahal hrmm.. but i guess since i know theyre kidding i dont really do anythin
dy452 yeah, personally ive never seen shit like that happen.. the bans, i
mean... thats pretty gay
nahal ive seen it once.. a couple months back.. skatter and someone else.. do
dont remember who.. umm.. yeah.. i thot that was stupid
nahal it was like repeated bans.. you know? thats just fucking dumb
dy452 haha, skatter is classic. hes not serious about that shit... i think
? .. hahahaha
nahal yeah.. i know.. im not saying i really have anything against him.. caus
i know hes kidding.. its just like.. there are people who dont.. and it
gets to them .. or might at least
nahal skatter: dont hate me
nahal brb.. pissing
dy452 yeah.. well, its unrealistic to think you can force everyone to be sh
rie-carie perfect all the time, so why bother. thats my point of view
people make realizations and shape themselves up..
dy452 no point in forcing anything on them
nahal back
dy452 right, word
nahal yeah.. i agree with that.. ive never been like.. Hey Buster! STOP THAT!
nahal cause like you said.. its pointless
nahal back
nahal yeah
dy452 because.. if someone thinks youre talking down to them, theyre quick
to close off their minds
nahal you are so wise
dy452 wise? not really, but thanks anyhow.
nahal but.. my opinion.. true racism is fucking bullshit tho.. and it reall
pisses the shit out of me
nahal heh
dy452 yeah. true racism isnt my cup of tea.. heh
nahal god damnit.. ive gotta go.. fuck.. sorry.. this comp is in my moms roo
and she wants to go to sleep
nahal fuck
dy452 hahaha, okay man
nahal well start this back up tomorow?
dy452 sure thing.. this is a pretty protracted interview. i like it... so
far, 0 elements of humour.. maybe someone will actually read it for th
substance and not the penis references. .. heh
nahal haha
dy452 PENIS
nahal what a word
nahal P
nahal E
nahal N
nahal I
nahal S
nahal p to the e to the n to the i to the s
nahal oh baby
dy452 nahal has mc skills
dy452 alright man.. well hook up tomorrow
nahal yeah
nahal i think this is actually coming along pretty well
nahal fuck.. my moms about to beat me
nahal heh...
nahal later
dy452 see you then, armen e
dy452 later
Session Close: Thu Sep 18 10:51:21 1997
Session Start: Fri Sep 19 07:10:14 1997
nahal k.. log back on
nahal ok.. where were we.. oh yeah.. racism
dy1 did you think of any more questions?
nahal fuck no
nahal hrmm
nahal ok.. what do you think of dualing and dualing policies
dy1 dualing is fine, but within the realm of reason. in other words, dont
be pariah. hahahaha, sorry pariah..
dy1 i remember when he even released some stuff twice, im not sure if it wa
on accident or just to meet quota.
nahal haha
nahal yeah.. hate it when people do that
nahal god damnit i had a good question to ask
nahal fuck i forgot
nahal let me think
dy1 haha, okay
nahal hmm.. oh.. ok.. what do you think about ansi, and why dont you do more
of it.
dy1 ah, actually i started off drawing ansi for a year and a bit, and never
really got anywhere with it. the first group i joined was cia, and i
actually joined it for ansi, and then cain got me into ascii more, and
things went from there
nahal thats cool.. id love to see some of your older ansi stuff
dy1 right now, though.. i have a hard time drawing ansi, so ive stopped
for a while
nahal thats cool.. whatever you want.. but.. and i speak for most of the scen
i think when i say this.. youre a fucking amazing ansi logoist
dy1 nah, to me i think thats bullshit, because most of the ansi logos i
drew.. pretty much sucked cock, in my opinion
nahal yeah, well you dont know what the fuck youre talking about, so shut the
hell up
nahal so.. since youve tried both ascii and ansi.. which one do you think is
harder, better, etc
dy1 ansi is way harder, to do it *properly*.
dy1 with ascii, you really dont have to put a hell of a lot of time
thinking about the composition of what youre
drawing, and just draw. with ansi, to get a good finished product and
i mean *good*, not just cool you need to spend a lot more time than
nahal yeah
nahal i agree.. ive tried ansi .. believe me you dont wanna see it... but i
dy1 haha
nahal hmm.. heres a question you might not answer tell me if you dont.. caus
you dont ahve to answer : but what do you think of kwest and what cai
is/was/has been doing to it
dy1 well, whats he been doing to it? :
nahal god damnit.. you know what im talking about
dy1 seriously, go ahead and explain it
nahal its different from what it started as.. i wanna know what you think of
nahal im not gonna give my opinion.. unless you want me to
nahal i think when it started it was tighter.. i think thats obvious
dy1 oh, yeah. well in the beginning, cain lost sight of the original ideal
and was .. ahh, dissing in the channels, saying kwest owns, you suck
in not so many words. that was a bad move, but hes from the ascii
generation that thinks competition prosperity. personally i dont
agree with that at all
nahal interesting
nahal yeah.. cains been around for a while
dy1 yeah.
nahal i think the genral feel of the ascii scene has changed a lot in the las
t 1-2 years
nahal it was new back then i guess
nahal personally .. this opinion is from looking at/reading old packs i
think it was cooler then
nahal i started drawing ascii a year ago..a nd got on irc about 2 months late
.. i think i missed a lot
dy1 yeah, maybe it was cooler.. but today its a little more refined
nahal not sure of course
nahal yeah.. that definately is true
nahal lots of great artists..
dy1 yeah, for sure, lots of great artists, things are a lot more about
expression nowadays i think..
nahal aha
nahal there are pros and cons to both eras.. if you will
dy1 well, i cant comment. i wasnt really around for the oldschool, i onl
hear the legends
nahal yeah.. same here
nahal next question....
nahal what kind of music are you into.. what are your favorite bands
nahal et cetera
dy1 you name it.. im not going to discount country music, thats a popula
cliche. ive never really given country a chance, is more like it :
nahal heh
nahal billy ray cyrus
dy1 is he the achy breaky heart faggot?
nahal hahahaha.. yeah
dy1 too bad i condemn those texans as faggots.. brad.
nahal now that.. you must admit.. is pure bullshit.. in its most concentrated
nahal heh
nahal yeah.. for real tho.. there are a lot of good artists in texas
dy1 yeah, there a few that i know of..
dy1 Nahal:
dy1 oops.
nahal :
dy1 fucking nick completion, i cant start a sentence with a period without
that shit happening
nahal whatre you using
dy1 wow, my mom just served me some shit from aw
dy1 ah, im using hamster.
nahal oh
nahal aw
nahal ?
dy1 yeah my mom bought some shit because they have those cheap 99 cent
nahal oh
nahal they dont have aw here in new york
dy1 bullshit they dont.. what do they have?
nahal burger king, mcdonalds, white castle, hmm i think thats it
dy1 white castle? what the fuck is that?
nahal heh
nahal theyve got restaurants shaped like castles and they have burgers that
are about the size of quarters and cost just as much :
nahal ooh.. you know what? theres a textile company in florida called the
armen company www.armen.com and theyre making burger king kids
club clothes
nahal cool eh?
dy1 thats the shit!
dy1 burgers the size of quarters?!
note: there was a LONG pause following this.. and for no apparent reason.
dy1 armen?
dy1 fuck..
nahal :
nahal say something
dy1 something.
nahal h0h0. wow
nahal hey.. wanna see a tiny ascii that says dy? note-look at end of file
dy1 sure.
dy1 send it again
dy1 that says something!?
nahal it says dy :
dy1 ahem.. ill take your word for it :
nahal hey.. fuck.. ive gotta go for liek 10 mins.. my mom needs to call my da
in japan business trip do you wanna continue then or do you wanna
just end the interview now
dy1 in japan? holy shit
nahal :
dy1 well, okay, lets just end it. its stagnating anyhow
nahal yeah
nahal ok.. this has been an mtv production
dy1 i dont get mtv.
nahal youre lucky
nahal anyway.. thanks a lot scott
nahal anything youd like to say ?
nahal final words?
dy1 i get the canadian equivalent, muchmusic. and believe me, its
horseshit. youre welcome.
dy1 muchmusic blows. thats all
nahal muchmusic has some good stuff on it.. my friend gets it
nahal or used to.. i dunno.. i saws it once.. like 5 months ago
nahal well? last words?
dy1 last words? well, not really. maybe.. i hear interzone is nice this
time of year
part: dy1 has left channel discyple.
Session Close: Fri Sep 19 08:01:08 1997
hope you liked the interview -nahal
by the way.. here is the tiny ascii that i sent scott that says dy
can you see it?
4 .
. ,d
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