this image contains text
istic rtists with Talent
Newsletter 2
September 1994
.. N
ew WHQ ..
Ah, the Sep
tember Pack, many new ansis, and new members, als
o a new World Head Quar
ters. The need for a new WHQ was great,
things were starting t
o get messy and communication with our
members was getting com
plicated, so a new WHQ was a must. It is
an all art-oriented b
bs called Eternal State. 7O8.456.O212.
This is where to call
if you want to meet the fabulous FT
Artists and pick up
the latest FT Releases. Call today!
FTView ..
re is a new viewer in this pack. Itll view all the FT a
nsi files
and other .NFO files and such. It supports 8Ox25 and 8Ox5
O text modes an
d ansis up to 8OO lines long. Sorry, no VGA modes
yet, but in the futur
e they should be implemented. Hey, it takes
time to do these kinds
of things.
.. New Membe
rs ..
Its been a good month in terms of n
ew members, we have acquired
KAMiKAZi as our new coordinator an
d hopefully things will be
running a little smoother from now
on. As for coders we picked
up Winter Mute, so look out for som
e of his work soon. Shazam,
Dynosaw, Angel of Death, and Image
are the new guys this month,
all talented artists so look for the
ir work. DTH WISHR is the
new musician, and several of his .MO
Ds are included in this pack
so make sure you check them out. A
lso this month, we have two
new couriers, Mighty Mouse and Spy,
so if you dont see our pack
on every board youre on, nag these gu
.. Final Word
Enjoy, and by the way, please take the ti
me to appreciate our
work. Our artists work hard to ma
ke this group successful so
please consider sending a fairly la
rge cash donation to us. We
would really appreciate it. : Well, e
njoy our third pack!
ad o
y ill FT
Senior Staff
Destroyer Whats wrong with red?
KAMiKAZi Movin up eh? :
Death Wisher Ever gonna make a Mortal Kombat .mod?
Mighty Mouse Youre gonna need a computer first!
Dynosaw Zzzzzzz.
Shred Hey thanx for the .diz man! It looks great!
.. c1994 Futuris
tic rtists wit
h Talent ..
istic rtists with Talent
Newsletter 2
September 1994
.. N
ew WHQ ..
Ah, the Sep
tember Pack, many new ansis, and new members, als
o a new World Head Quar
ters. The need for a new WHQ was great,
things were starting t
o get messy and communication with our
members was getting com
plicated, so a new WHQ was a must. It is
an all art-oriented b
bs called Eternal State. 7O8.456.O212.
This is where to call
if you want to meet the fabulous FT
Artists and pick up
the latest FT Releases. Call today!
FTView ..
re is a new viewer in this pack. Itll view all the FT a
nsi files
and other .NFO files and such. It supports 8Ox25 and 8Ox5
O text modes an
d ansis up to 8OO lines long. Sorry, no VGA modes
yet, but in the futur
e they should be implemented. Hey, it takes
time to do these kinds
of things.
.. New Membe
rs ..
Its been a good month in terms of n
ew members, we have acquired
KAMiKAZi as our new coordinator an
d hopefully things will be
running a little smoother from now
on. As for coders we picked
up Winter Mute, so look out for som
e of his work soon. Shazam,
Dynosaw, Angel of Death, and Image
are the new guys this month,
all talented artists so look for the
ir work. DTH WISHR is the
new musician, and several of his .MO
Ds are included in this pack
so make sure you check them out. A
lso this month, we have two
new couriers, Mighty Mouse and Spy,
so if you dont see our pack
on every board youre on, nag these gu
.. Final Word
Enjoy, and by the way, please take the ti
me to appreciate our
work. Our artists work hard to ma
ke this group successful so
please consider sending a fairly la
rge cash donation to us. We
would really appreciate it. : Well, e
njoy our third pack!
ad o
y ill FT
Senior Staff
Destroyer Whats wrong with red?
KAMiKAZi Movin up eh? :
Death Wisher Ever gonna make a Mortal Kombat .mod?
Mighty Mouse Youre gonna need a computer first!
Dynosaw Zzzzzzz.
Shred Hey thanx for the .diz man! It looks great!
.. c1994 Futuris
tic rtists wit
h Talent ..
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