this image contains text
Y0wd3lz!.. Heres my IVth colly. Much has changed over the past months.
Action died and i was hospitalized for a few weeks. But hey, heres my
first FaDE colly...its called : pile o coloured chars..
oOZe, opped by yours truly.+31 0546 455213
PPLH, Viragos homepage.
3WZ3, Main menu .
100 . PiNO . . . . . . .
z zippy search r read mail x doors
n newfile scan p post mail u upload files s scan new mail b oOZe liners
d download files settings
j join conference y page operator userlist
c change area i msg to operator g goodbye l list files groupsupport a apply4bbslist
not implemented yet
fAde, thingy for stuff and stuff
3WZ3, Statisticos
. . Handle . :
. Group/location :
. . Connect speed. :
. . 1st call :
. Last call . :
of calls :
. . Msgs send :
. Msgs received :
. . . . Files uploaded :
. . Files leeched :
. . Kbs uploaded :
. Kbs leeched .:
. . . . . .pino.
3WZ3, Upload checker
Filename :12345678.123
Grab Fileid.diz
PuBLIC hANGING, opped by 2sTON3D
PuBLIC hANGING, opped by 2sTON3D
.mm. .mm.
m. .mm. . ssss bPbsdP.PbsdP PbsdP,s sssssY7Sssss..mm. m. m. m..mm. m. .mm. .m P PbsdP Pbsd Pbsd
Shrooms, for paddopeople!
Preacherdude, for whoever wants it.
Doors, only for true fans!
i . . di . .i .
I d7 7 l 7. l d7
.7, .b7.
.m . SSSm. .mSSS . ,mm. .mS Sm.
. . P
. . m. . ... . b. b. ,db. ,d b. ,dSSSSSSS
10min. doorway ansci, for silence
.mP .mP7m. .mP7m. .mP7m.
bsssP bsssdP
b7bsssdP 7bsss 7bsss sss .sssdP, .mP .mP .mP7m.
7bsssdP 7bsssdP 7bsss
man, what is it with these colours..people nearly beg me for it !?!!?
Shit, for someone, who appreciates it.
the futures uncertain and the end is allways near!
I must be out of my mind, making these insane large logocollys.
Hell, you might even start wondering whether i got a live or not.
Anyway, i really dont care what some 3l1t3 hotshot thinks of a
Logocolly. I draw just for the pure fun of it. My stuff is *free*
and every once in a while somebody likes it!
Greetings go to : the fADE crew, skizmo,ash,gmc,venom,psycho,brain
plan 9,tvf,night watch,deadline,asgorath,sid,heretic,2stoned,genic
kicksystem,highlite,bertjuh,genic,scandalmonger, you!!
all users of my board oOZe. and the nicer dudes on ansi :
yow people on chaosnet i hope to be back soon!as a point!
Need a *FREE* logo?. call my board, +31 0546 455213, or find me on
ansi. You can allso email me at Bigbird@freemail.nl.
PiNO/Bigbird outtahere
Wonder why i got two handles? Pino is the dutch version of sesame-
streets bigbird. say peno!. I never thought, that my shit would
be on the net sometimes, so i decided also to use bigbird too!
We will meet next MoO, virtual brother
Y0wd3lz!.. Heres my IVth colly. Much has changed over the past months.
Action died and i was hospitalized for a few weeks. But hey, heres my
first FaDE colly...its called : pile o coloured chars..
oOZe, opped by yours truly.+31 0546 455213
PPLH, Viragos homepage.
3WZ3, Main menu .
100 . PiNO . . . . . . .
z zippy search r read mail x doors
n newfile scan p post mail u upload files s scan new mail b oOZe liners
d download files settings
j join conference y page operator userlist
c change area i msg to operator g goodbye l list files groupsupport a apply4bbslist
not implemented yet
fAde, thingy for stuff and stuff
3WZ3, Statisticos
. . Handle . :
. Group/location :
. . Connect speed. :
. . 1st call :
. Last call . :
of calls :
. . Msgs send :
. Msgs received :
. . . . Files uploaded :
. . Files leeched :
. . Kbs uploaded :
. Kbs leeched .:
. . . . . .pino.
3WZ3, Upload checker
Filename :12345678.123
Grab Fileid.diz
PuBLIC hANGING, opped by 2sTON3D
PuBLIC hANGING, opped by 2sTON3D
.mm. .mm.
m. .mm. . ssss bPbsdP.PbsdP PbsdP,s sssssY7Sssss..mm. m. m. m..mm. m. .mm. .m P PbsdP Pbsd Pbsd
Shrooms, for paddopeople!
Preacherdude, for whoever wants it.
Doors, only for true fans!
i . . di . .i .
I d7 7 l 7. l d7
.7, .b7.
.m . SSSm. .mSSS . ,mm. .mS Sm.
. . P
. . m. . ... . b. b. ,db. ,d b. ,dSSSSSSS
10min. doorway ansci, for silence
.mP .mP7m. .mP7m. .mP7m.
bsssP bsssdP
b7bsssdP 7bsss 7bsss sss .sssdP, .mP .mP .mP7m.
7bsssdP 7bsssdP 7bsss
man, what is it with these colours..people nearly beg me for it !?!!?
Shit, for someone, who appreciates it.
the futures uncertain and the end is allways near!
I must be out of my mind, making these insane large logocollys.
Hell, you might even start wondering whether i got a live or not.
Anyway, i really dont care what some 3l1t3 hotshot thinks of a
Logocolly. I draw just for the pure fun of it. My stuff is *free*
and every once in a while somebody likes it!
Greetings go to : the fADE crew, skizmo,ash,gmc,venom,psycho,brain
plan 9,tvf,night watch,deadline,asgorath,sid,heretic,2stoned,genic
kicksystem,highlite,bertjuh,genic,scandalmonger, you!!
all users of my board oOZe. and the nicer dudes on ansi :
yow people on chaosnet i hope to be back soon!as a point!
Need a *FREE* logo?. call my board, +31 0546 455213, or find me on
ansi. You can allso email me at Bigbird@freemail.nl.
PiNO/Bigbird outtahere
Wonder why i got two handles? Pino is the dutch version of sesame-
streets bigbird. say peno!. I never thought, that my shit would
be on the net sometimes, so i decided also to use bigbird too!
We will meet next MoO, virtual brother
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