this image contains text
I made this ansi some time ago, but never really got any chance to
release it.. Here tis.. Damn i still n3ed to d0 some homework..
Greetz flop out to :
Dr.Chaos Cybercide Thrasher Burps Pino Radical The Knight
Bass Parse Atlantic Ewheat Demerzel Teekay
And of course all the other fADE members.
And a big hug to everyone in ansi, oldwarez and bean.
And my special greet goes to the best BOT on iRC, i love you Phlome
--chainsaw here-----------------------------------------------------------------
S y s t e m X ! mn!
an.original.ansi.by.MEAN.MACHINE.done.for.nobody. .requests.are.free.
--chainsaw here-----------------------------------------------------------------
This pic was drawn by Mean Machine of fuel. He left becouse of some private
reasons and some arguements with some other members.
We would like to thank him for allowing us to release this pic after all and we
would like to wish him all the best in his upcoming fuel carreer.
Im sure well speak on ansi many many times.
-Fade Staff
release it.. Here tis.. Damn i still n3ed to d0 some homework..
Greetz flop out to :
Dr.Chaos Cybercide Thrasher Burps Pino Radical The Knight
Bass Parse Atlantic Ewheat Demerzel Teekay
And of course all the other fADE members.
And a big hug to everyone in ansi, oldwarez and bean.
And my special greet goes to the best BOT on iRC, i love you Phlome
--chainsaw here-----------------------------------------------------------------
S y s t e m X ! mn!
an.original.ansi.by.MEAN.MACHINE.done.for.nobody. .requests.are.free.
--chainsaw here-----------------------------------------------------------------
This pic was drawn by Mean Machine of fuel. He left becouse of some private
reasons and some arguements with some other members.
We would like to thank him for allowing us to release this pic after all and we
would like to wish him all the best in his upcoming fuel carreer.
Im sure well speak on ansi many many times.
-Fade Staff
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