![fade january 1997 infofile [#1] by fade staff](/pack/fade9701/x1/FADE9701.ANS.png)
this image contains text
One day, he awoke in a green hotel, with a strange creature groaning beside
him, sweat oozed from its shiny skin. Is everybody in? The ceremony is
about to begin. -JDM
Thank you for taking time to download the first and long awaited fade pack. We all know that some of you and most of us didnt really expect to release anything, but were proud we proved you wrong.
First off, happy new year. Some think its useless crap. It is. But hey, we
make it great. So, welcome to our very own fade uno. Most ppl expect us to
introduce you to the group, tell how it was formed and who are the newbies
in it. Let me make one thing clear - most of us are no newbies to ansi.
Sure we are no top-level artists but we do the best we can.
The beginning. Fade was formed on the ruins Action Studios left when it
died. Action had quite a good name in Holland, but outside it was just not
known. Fade will be. After Action died Pino and Vertigo invited ATN-coord
Radical to start up a new group. This became Fade. We will release every
two months now, just because we need to get started. So, there will not be
a FADE9702 - pack unless many new blood comes flocking in, and our current
members get real itchy fingers. Wait for FADE9703.
First let us introduce you the two main Fade-organisers, Pino and Radical.
Pino is in the scene for 5 years, of which 3 active. Radical is doing this
for 4 years, of which 1 drawing ansi. Pino is the weird sysop of oOZe and
he is also known as B1gbird. Radical is the dude who runs iRONYX! and
got many contacts on the net. Both our dreams is to get all Dutch artists
united to form for once and for all the best Dutch artgroup ever. And we
currently are. But we are not a Dutch-only group. We try to become a world
wide group that releases for fun only. No aquisitions or ascii textfiles
with group info. Just plain fun. We try to bring as much quality as we
can, but not if the fun becomes less because of that. When we started Big-
bird asked Radical:
P - Will we become a FUN or a PRO group?
rdL! - Whatcha mean?
P - Well.. FUN like Samsara or Apathy or PRO like Acid and Ice
rdL! - I want a group thats in the middle of it - both quality with our
usual glance and fun
P - Pfweew thats what I had in mind. Were too small to be arrogant.
And thats what Fade became. And just before I forget, about our two lil
member rules. First off the famous? dual grouping. 1. We accept dualling between any group and Fade, but might not be okay with it in very specific
cases if it could ruin Fades image, for instance. 2. If a member doesnt
release in one month he or she! will be removed from the memberlist, and
if he/she doesnt release for the second month hes out of the group. This
is ofcourse also mostly case-specific but this is the main rule.
Now let me introduce our members to you, in alphabetical order.
2 stoned - no contribution for this pack, but hes great in asquee.
alien - havent got much to say about him. Slow, but awesome.
atlantic - one of hollandias most respected artists, won the bizarre96
ansi compo. Currently not so active because his hd crashed.
blizzard - our first non-dutch member. We met him on IRC. Hes in grill,
too, where he releases ascii. Fade is his ansi-homebase.
brain - Brain is an old ansi-vet. no contribs this month. maybe in 0397
calimero - our action-vga-artist. Hes done something actually!
dirt bag - is another good artist with his own -style. Together with slc!
silence he made Aardbeien zijn lekker We like strawber-
ries, their first Fade-colly.
kenetic - originally a musician, that starts out in ansi now. He showed
some talent, so let him grow up in our group.
mailman - very hot oldskool/block-style artist. Lost his whole HD but
managed to do us a colly for 1 anyhow! Great work man!
mexx - oldskool artist. Good. No contribution yet.
mnemonix - did come from Action, where he was known as Whekkie. 100 ori-
ginal as he says in his January97 colly. Make it 101
overdose - Very cool guy checkout his ascii colly together with ShizzL:
US-NONME.ANS. It rux0rs.
paranoid - far beyond one of the biggest talents that grew up in Action.
man When he started, he did nothing and in only 8 months he draws
very nice pictures. Fun too man!
shizzl - THE hottest new talent of Fade. Known as Wast for a while. He
knows how to draw the fattest logos and pics - in only three
silence - one hell of a fresh talent too.
skull- - original artist. Draws more than a year already. I guess hell
razor do us a colly next paque.
the un- - nice drawer. Practise a little more and hes just great. No
dertaker contribution for 1 tho.
And ofcourse the big unknown - Vertigo of iMPERiAL, who started up Fade
together with Bigbird and Radical. Vertigo doesnt draw ansi, but he sure
can tell whether an ansi is good enough to be released or not. His own an-
si skills are slightly limited though
This makes the grant total of twenty more or less active members. And we
think that coming up with a premiere pack such as ours is quite a neat
thing in nowadays artscene! Thanx to all our fade-bros for that. Really.
We could write so much more, but while nobody reads this anyway, and this
is meant to be a fun paque, well just suggest you to go on and check all
the neat things brought to you by our very own Fade-artists. Cheerio!
- fade staff
Bigbird Radical Vertigo
Atlantic at! 2Stoned 2s Alien aL!
B1gbird PiNO Atlantic at! B1gbird PiNO
Blizzard Bl! B1gbird PiNO Calimero CA!
Brain Br! Blizzard Bl! DirtBag dB!
DirtBag dB! Kenetic kn!
Kenetic kn! Mailman mza
Mnemonix mnx Mexx mX!
Paranoid Man PM! Overdose ovd
Radical rdL! Radical rdL!
Shizzl shl SkullRazor sr!
The Undertaker tU! 20 twenty!
If the lifelong membership in fade appeals to you, feel free to send an e-
mail to one of our coordinators. You will have to send some of your best
art. We are trying to become an international artgroup, so feel free to
apply even though you live in Namibia or wherever.
Radical G.Wijnalda@Net.Hcc.Nl / Radical@Dsl.Nl
B1gbird! Bigbird@Freemail.Nl
Vertigo Predator@Xs4all.Nl
universal headquarters
oOZe +31546455-213 b1gbird
world headquarters
iRONYX! +31715896391 radical
alumina +31 BACK SOON vertigo
deepside +31793315-482 silence
the legend +31299672220 paranoid man
the outpost +31345616-402 skullrazor
passoa +31793460269 mnemonix
public hanging +31547261154 2 stoned
the prodigy +31756177886 mailman
shannara +31 BACKSOON atlantic
x-perience +31 SOON dirt bag
We dont need anymore distribution sites inside the netherlands.
Feel free to apply for the position of headquarter outside the
Netherlands. However to become a headquarter, your board has to
be an artboard, or has to support the artscene in some neat way.
Group greetings fly out to these dedicated groups:
Destiny MoOPeOPLe RBi Psychic Ambience Excessive Force Crew Tadauw!
Weird Magic Expose Imperial Bunghole! Productions? No Logic
Sound Alliance Hypnotix COT TDC Blacktron Imperial Gravitation
Smokey TranceFusion Explizit
And to these art groups:
Fuel Phat Black Maiden Blend - together keep up the euro name!
Mistigris Grill Fire Remorse Cia Noname Brand Twilight
FOS Dark Teklordz Apathy AWE lettering
this infofile was written in a hurry, next one will be more entertaining.
please note radical has a column in acrylic weekly too - palette.
fade january 97 infofile - pi/rdL!
any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental
01/02/1997 - EOF - c1997
One day, he awoke in a green hotel, with a strange creature groaning beside
him, sweat oozed from its shiny skin. Is everybody in? The ceremony is
about to begin. -JDM
Thank you for taking time to download the first and long awaited fade pack. We all know that some of you and most of us didnt really expect to release anything, but were proud we proved you wrong.
First off, happy new year. Some think its useless crap. It is. But hey, we
make it great. So, welcome to our very own fade uno. Most ppl expect us to
introduce you to the group, tell how it was formed and who are the newbies
in it. Let me make one thing clear - most of us are no newbies to ansi.
Sure we are no top-level artists but we do the best we can.
The beginning. Fade was formed on the ruins Action Studios left when it
died. Action had quite a good name in Holland, but outside it was just not
known. Fade will be. After Action died Pino and Vertigo invited ATN-coord
Radical to start up a new group. This became Fade. We will release every
two months now, just because we need to get started. So, there will not be
a FADE9702 - pack unless many new blood comes flocking in, and our current
members get real itchy fingers. Wait for FADE9703.
First let us introduce you the two main Fade-organisers, Pino and Radical.
Pino is in the scene for 5 years, of which 3 active. Radical is doing this
for 4 years, of which 1 drawing ansi. Pino is the weird sysop of oOZe and
he is also known as B1gbird. Radical is the dude who runs iRONYX! and
got many contacts on the net. Both our dreams is to get all Dutch artists
united to form for once and for all the best Dutch artgroup ever. And we
currently are. But we are not a Dutch-only group. We try to become a world
wide group that releases for fun only. No aquisitions or ascii textfiles
with group info. Just plain fun. We try to bring as much quality as we
can, but not if the fun becomes less because of that. When we started Big-
bird asked Radical:
P - Will we become a FUN or a PRO group?
rdL! - Whatcha mean?
P - Well.. FUN like Samsara or Apathy or PRO like Acid and Ice
rdL! - I want a group thats in the middle of it - both quality with our
usual glance and fun
P - Pfweew thats what I had in mind. Were too small to be arrogant.
And thats what Fade became. And just before I forget, about our two lil
member rules. First off the famous? dual grouping. 1. We accept dualling between any group and Fade, but might not be okay with it in very specific
cases if it could ruin Fades image, for instance. 2. If a member doesnt
release in one month he or she! will be removed from the memberlist, and
if he/she doesnt release for the second month hes out of the group. This
is ofcourse also mostly case-specific but this is the main rule.
Now let me introduce our members to you, in alphabetical order.
2 stoned - no contribution for this pack, but hes great in asquee.
alien - havent got much to say about him. Slow, but awesome.
atlantic - one of hollandias most respected artists, won the bizarre96
ansi compo. Currently not so active because his hd crashed.
blizzard - our first non-dutch member. We met him on IRC. Hes in grill,
too, where he releases ascii. Fade is his ansi-homebase.
brain - Brain is an old ansi-vet. no contribs this month. maybe in 0397
calimero - our action-vga-artist. Hes done something actually!
dirt bag - is another good artist with his own -style. Together with slc!
silence he made Aardbeien zijn lekker We like strawber-
ries, their first Fade-colly.
kenetic - originally a musician, that starts out in ansi now. He showed
some talent, so let him grow up in our group.
mailman - very hot oldskool/block-style artist. Lost his whole HD but
managed to do us a colly for 1 anyhow! Great work man!
mexx - oldskool artist. Good. No contribution yet.
mnemonix - did come from Action, where he was known as Whekkie. 100 ori-
ginal as he says in his January97 colly. Make it 101
overdose - Very cool guy checkout his ascii colly together with ShizzL:
US-NONME.ANS. It rux0rs.
paranoid - far beyond one of the biggest talents that grew up in Action.
man When he started, he did nothing and in only 8 months he draws
very nice pictures. Fun too man!
shizzl - THE hottest new talent of Fade. Known as Wast for a while. He
knows how to draw the fattest logos and pics - in only three
silence - one hell of a fresh talent too.
skull- - original artist. Draws more than a year already. I guess hell
razor do us a colly next paque.
the un- - nice drawer. Practise a little more and hes just great. No
dertaker contribution for 1 tho.
And ofcourse the big unknown - Vertigo of iMPERiAL, who started up Fade
together with Bigbird and Radical. Vertigo doesnt draw ansi, but he sure
can tell whether an ansi is good enough to be released or not. His own an-
si skills are slightly limited though
This makes the grant total of twenty more or less active members. And we
think that coming up with a premiere pack such as ours is quite a neat
thing in nowadays artscene! Thanx to all our fade-bros for that. Really.
We could write so much more, but while nobody reads this anyway, and this
is meant to be a fun paque, well just suggest you to go on and check all
the neat things brought to you by our very own Fade-artists. Cheerio!
- fade staff
Bigbird Radical Vertigo
Atlantic at! 2Stoned 2s Alien aL!
B1gbird PiNO Atlantic at! B1gbird PiNO
Blizzard Bl! B1gbird PiNO Calimero CA!
Brain Br! Blizzard Bl! DirtBag dB!
DirtBag dB! Kenetic kn!
Kenetic kn! Mailman mza
Mnemonix mnx Mexx mX!
Paranoid Man PM! Overdose ovd
Radical rdL! Radical rdL!
Shizzl shl SkullRazor sr!
The Undertaker tU! 20 twenty!
If the lifelong membership in fade appeals to you, feel free to send an e-
mail to one of our coordinators. You will have to send some of your best
art. We are trying to become an international artgroup, so feel free to
apply even though you live in Namibia or wherever.
Radical G.Wijnalda@Net.Hcc.Nl / Radical@Dsl.Nl
B1gbird! Bigbird@Freemail.Nl
Vertigo Predator@Xs4all.Nl
universal headquarters
oOZe +31546455-213 b1gbird
world headquarters
iRONYX! +31715896391 radical
alumina +31 BACK SOON vertigo
deepside +31793315-482 silence
the legend +31299672220 paranoid man
the outpost +31345616-402 skullrazor
passoa +31793460269 mnemonix
public hanging +31547261154 2 stoned
the prodigy +31756177886 mailman
shannara +31 BACKSOON atlantic
x-perience +31 SOON dirt bag
We dont need anymore distribution sites inside the netherlands.
Feel free to apply for the position of headquarter outside the
Netherlands. However to become a headquarter, your board has to
be an artboard, or has to support the artscene in some neat way.
Group greetings fly out to these dedicated groups:
Destiny MoOPeOPLe RBi Psychic Ambience Excessive Force Crew Tadauw!
Weird Magic Expose Imperial Bunghole! Productions? No Logic
Sound Alliance Hypnotix COT TDC Blacktron Imperial Gravitation
Smokey TranceFusion Explizit
And to these art groups:
Fuel Phat Black Maiden Blend - together keep up the euro name!
Mistigris Grill Fire Remorse Cia Noname Brand Twilight
FOS Dark Teklordz Apathy AWE lettering
this infofile was written in a hurry, next one will be more entertaining.
please note radical has a column in acrylic weekly too - palette.
fade january 97 infofile - pi/rdL!
any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental
01/02/1997 - EOF - c1997
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