this image contains text
The time has come,
the end is near.
I get no sleep
i will die here!
by the way folks,
this is the little asshole!
we only stop to vormit!
fACt! enterprises seventh art attack!
Hellow babies ! Let me welcome you to a new fACt! art pack,
this time not very big, but i actually dont give a fuck ! What
counts is the quality, not quantity.
You have maybe realized, that we got a small member problem at the mom
but fact is doin its way - with a small or a large group - anyway! So
i think this pack again is quit ok and we had, and that is i think
very important, a lot of phun doing this shit here. If anyone wants to
apply for a membership in our crew, just type your facts onto a mail,
add some samples of your work and send it to fxaes208@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
We also got a new board - we have choosen tha fatal revenge as our
brazil headquater! Give Bad Worm, tha operator, a big hand ....
Again a word to tha dewds who applied for a hq or distribution side :
We only give away one !! hq and distro per country.
We lost one members, Marshmallow was kicked because of inactivity and
Blaze had temporarily tried to start a new group RAW but changed his
plans and is now again full hopefully fact member!
I would also like to thank our this months guest artist, Positive
Pain, for his partition in this pack - a little late, but alright!
Our UK HQ has gone down so we are therefor in need of another one! By
the way, we are also in need of hqs around the world daft punk! -
look at tha side listing to see which countries are still free .
So again, thats it! I wish you a happy summer and phun with tha
pack - we will release in maybe 3 months or so ...
fACt! enterprises member listing...
-tha management-
PUSSYLOVER ......... main organizing / coordination gfx sec. leader
SUNSET ............. background coordination music sec. leader
-the 16 color sub division-
PUSSYLOVER ......... ansi ..... fxaes208@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
BLAZE .............. ansi ..... sorry@no.email.present
BREAKER ............ vga! ..... sorry@no.email.present
-the audio sub division-
SUNSET ............. MOD! ..... sorry@no.email.present
E-LiTE ............. DMF! ..... fxfvs204@uni-frankfurt.de
-the courier crew-
SiK ................ GERMANY .. sorry@no.email.present
iNOCiD ............. SWISS .... sorry@no.email.present
-this months guest artist-
If you are not listed at all or if there is
anything wrong with this list, please contact
the management - we are willing to help!
fACt! enterprises side listing
w o r l d h e a d q u a t e r
tha delirium - operator is PUSSYLOVER - +49.O6196.758O29
e u r o p e a n h e a d q u a t e r
xpress - operator is SiNUS - +49.O3O.4O63237
g e r m a n h e a d q u a t e r
mouldy vaults - operator is CiRiON - +49.o2323.897151
s w i z e r l a n d h e a d q u a t e r
ultimate - operator is iNOCiD - +41.o56.222912o
s w e d i s h h e a d q u a t e r
the prevail - operator is REX - +46.o3o4.678236
f i n i s h h e a d q u a t e r
icebreaker - operator is hash - +358-9-8552774
b r a z i l h e a d q u a t e r
fatal revenge - operator is bad worm - +55-11-7295-1015
a u s t r a l i a n h e a d q u a t e r
organized kaos - operator is KRiSiS - +612.876.156
c o u r i e r h e a d q u a t e r
writas hideout - operator is SiK - +49.xxx.xxxx
If you are not listed at all or if there is
anything wrong with this list, please contact
the management - we are willing to help!
the end is near.
I get no sleep
i will die here!
by the way folks,
this is the little asshole!
we only stop to vormit!
fACt! enterprises seventh art attack!
Hellow babies ! Let me welcome you to a new fACt! art pack,
this time not very big, but i actually dont give a fuck ! What
counts is the quality, not quantity.
You have maybe realized, that we got a small member problem at the mom
but fact is doin its way - with a small or a large group - anyway! So
i think this pack again is quit ok and we had, and that is i think
very important, a lot of phun doing this shit here. If anyone wants to
apply for a membership in our crew, just type your facts onto a mail,
add some samples of your work and send it to fxaes208@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
We also got a new board - we have choosen tha fatal revenge as our
brazil headquater! Give Bad Worm, tha operator, a big hand ....
Again a word to tha dewds who applied for a hq or distribution side :
We only give away one !! hq and distro per country.
We lost one members, Marshmallow was kicked because of inactivity and
Blaze had temporarily tried to start a new group RAW but changed his
plans and is now again full hopefully fact member!
I would also like to thank our this months guest artist, Positive
Pain, for his partition in this pack - a little late, but alright!
Our UK HQ has gone down so we are therefor in need of another one! By
the way, we are also in need of hqs around the world daft punk! -
look at tha side listing to see which countries are still free .
So again, thats it! I wish you a happy summer and phun with tha
pack - we will release in maybe 3 months or so ...
fACt! enterprises member listing...
-tha management-
PUSSYLOVER ......... main organizing / coordination gfx sec. leader
SUNSET ............. background coordination music sec. leader
-the 16 color sub division-
PUSSYLOVER ......... ansi ..... fxaes208@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
BLAZE .............. ansi ..... sorry@no.email.present
BREAKER ............ vga! ..... sorry@no.email.present
-the audio sub division-
SUNSET ............. MOD! ..... sorry@no.email.present
E-LiTE ............. DMF! ..... fxfvs204@uni-frankfurt.de
-the courier crew-
SiK ................ GERMANY .. sorry@no.email.present
iNOCiD ............. SWISS .... sorry@no.email.present
-this months guest artist-
If you are not listed at all or if there is
anything wrong with this list, please contact
the management - we are willing to help!
fACt! enterprises side listing
w o r l d h e a d q u a t e r
tha delirium - operator is PUSSYLOVER - +49.O6196.758O29
e u r o p e a n h e a d q u a t e r
xpress - operator is SiNUS - +49.O3O.4O63237
g e r m a n h e a d q u a t e r
mouldy vaults - operator is CiRiON - +49.o2323.897151
s w i z e r l a n d h e a d q u a t e r
ultimate - operator is iNOCiD - +41.o56.222912o
s w e d i s h h e a d q u a t e r
the prevail - operator is REX - +46.o3o4.678236
f i n i s h h e a d q u a t e r
icebreaker - operator is hash - +358-9-8552774
b r a z i l h e a d q u a t e r
fatal revenge - operator is bad worm - +55-11-7295-1015
a u s t r a l i a n h e a d q u a t e r
organized kaos - operator is KRiSiS - +612.876.156
c o u r i e r h e a d q u a t e r
writas hideout - operator is SiK - +49.xxx.xxxx
If you are not listed at all or if there is
anything wrong with this list, please contact
the management - we are willing to help!
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