this image contains text
insert of exposephat:
-so, here i am with a new cluster.. some love me some hate me
i am with the ones who hate..
-thanks goes anyway to ones who really like my ansis
-and sorry for anyone who wanted to see my asciis -
you are not gonna see them now
-im feeling down now so lets get into business, shall we..
-one more thing: please dont fukin rip these anyway..
chatscreen for iceman:
- hey put that video camera down pervert! iceman
censored - @LOSER@
aif for psy and whole aif crew:
aif kickin forward-
in 19 9 7
insert of phatexpose as a guest artist for aif
black hole for iceman:
how the hell can i draw black hole if its black?
black hole
room for rent..oops.. for info
closed board for savannah?:
acid pond
closed board
deep side for silence:
-its fukin deep in here ! -wha? i cant c u
anymore.. are you
on the other side ?
deep side op silence +NL-lotsonumbers . you should give it a shot
distortion for sfinx: old logo, new ugly background
d i s t o r t i o n + NL - youknowthe
kibosh whq - affils - here
and - here --too - !
xpo promo for everybody:
e x p o s e is here to rock tha house
i n 1 9 9 7
oki.. please do not contact me in the summerjune-august..
before and after that you can contact me via email riku99@sci.fi
-so, here i am with a new cluster.. some love me some hate me
i am with the ones who hate..
-thanks goes anyway to ones who really like my ansis
-and sorry for anyone who wanted to see my asciis -
you are not gonna see them now
-im feeling down now so lets get into business, shall we..
-one more thing: please dont fukin rip these anyway..
chatscreen for iceman:
- hey put that video camera down pervert! iceman
censored - @LOSER@
aif for psy and whole aif crew:
aif kickin forward-
in 19 9 7
insert of phatexpose as a guest artist for aif
black hole for iceman:
how the hell can i draw black hole if its black?
black hole
room for rent..oops.. for info
closed board for savannah?:
acid pond
closed board
deep side for silence:
-its fukin deep in here ! -wha? i cant c u
anymore.. are you
on the other side ?
deep side op silence +NL-lotsonumbers . you should give it a shot
distortion for sfinx: old logo, new ugly background
d i s t o r t i o n + NL - youknowthe
kibosh whq - affils - here
and - here --too - !
xpo promo for everybody:
e x p o s e is here to rock tha house
i n 1 9 9 7
oki.. please do not contact me in the summerjune-august..
before and after that you can contact me via email riku99@sci.fi
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