this image contains text
welcome to this anscii colly. this colly is put together with strictly
doorway-made ansciis.
so dont expect to much, it may look ALL the same.
but to me, its just for fun and people are happy with it bbss.
if you want some ansciis like these for your own, dont be afraid and
give me a call or write me some message on boards im on. i would prefer
to call my board.
this colly may not be that long, but maybe long enough for you to enjoy.
now go watch the logos.
SSs ssg it says : dark reflection
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
..sSS..sSS ssP
SSsa. dark reflection
bsd o 1 6 5 - 3 2 o o 6 4
sss. ..Ss ..sSSs aaas
sSSs sSSsss S Sbs.
aaaS S S
bsd S ..SS bsd
ss 7bsdPbsdP bsd 7bsdP
bsdP 7bss ssP7bsdP
7bss 7bssss slc
SSs ssg it says : conference
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
ss asdSsbsdP sS
7bsdP sSSS S bsdP s 7bss 7bsdPSbsdP
7bsdP . 7bss . sS slc 7bss
this was a private anscii .--.
dont use!
SSs ssg it says : CBL and DB
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
.ggga..gggg gggg
ggggS .:..
::: sSS SS::: gggg
.:.. Ss sssa asss
slc7SbsdS7bsdS7bsdSP ..sS Ss..
- c y b E r l u l - S.:..
mUSICiAN, kIBOSH ! sS ::::::
..:. slc
7bsdP 7bsdP
- -- d i r t b a g -- -
which way?
SSs ssg it says : mainmenu
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
.sSsa.asS Ss. sSs SSs.
d, :: slc
sS.7bsdP :
. - m a i n m e n u o v e r l o a d ! - .
. j join conference m toggle ansi .
f files list o operator page l list users .
n new files scan c comment sysop t local time
z zippy text search global mail scan s user statistics
v view textfile r read your mail w edit setups
: a alter flagfile e enter message . not for you!!! :
q request files fr file reverser
d downleech x toggle expert fs file statistics
. u upfreak! ? this menu cf conference flags.
---. g goodbye! .----
argh, cable broke?!
lets try with some thicker
SSs ssg it says : kibosh
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
::SSss.. ::: ::: b.dd! :::
s:ss b.dd s:ss s:ss :s:ss b.dd
7bsdP7bsdP7bsdP slc
- - - k i b O s h - - -
drunk ?
SSs ssg it says : dark reflection
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
. sS .as
. :: . 7s.
. :: Ss.sSS.as s
s.s 7s.
bsd bsd sS
ah, the cable is fixed!
SSs ssg it says : overload
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
Ss. SSSSSSS SSSSSSS :: SSSSSS S ::: SS sS SS .as gS SSsa.gn .S ::: . SsS7Ss.SSm sS ..:.: Sgn.as SS..sLC! SSSg .. ::: sS sss SS sS ss.s bsdS SS SSsa.gn ::: SSbsdSSSbsdSSSbss SSbsdSSbsdSSSbsd.: SSbsdSSg .. .. ..
.. .. oVERL0AD!
doorway-made ansciis.
so dont expect to much, it may look ALL the same.
but to me, its just for fun and people are happy with it bbss.
if you want some ansciis like these for your own, dont be afraid and
give me a call or write me some message on boards im on. i would prefer
to call my board.
this colly may not be that long, but maybe long enough for you to enjoy.
now go watch the logos.
SSs ssg it says : dark reflection
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
..sSS..sSS ssP
SSsa. dark reflection
bsd o 1 6 5 - 3 2 o o 6 4
sss. ..Ss ..sSSs aaas
sSSs sSSsss S Sbs.
aaaS S S
bsd S ..SS bsd
ss 7bsdPbsdP bsd 7bsdP
bsdP 7bss ssP7bsdP
7bss 7bssss slc
SSs ssg it says : conference
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
ss asdSsbsdP sS
7bsdP sSSS S bsdP s 7bss 7bsdPSbsdP
7bsdP . 7bss . sS slc 7bss
this was a private anscii .--.
dont use!
SSs ssg it says : CBL and DB
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
.ggga..gggg gggg
ggggS .:..
::: sSS SS::: gggg
.:.. Ss sssa asss
slc7SbsdS7bsdS7bsdSP ..sS Ss..
- c y b E r l u l - S.:..
mUSICiAN, kIBOSH ! sS ::::::
..:. slc
7bsdP 7bsdP
- -- d i r t b a g -- -
which way?
SSs ssg it says : mainmenu
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
.sSsa.asS Ss. sSs SSs.
d, :: slc
sS.7bsdP :
. - m a i n m e n u o v e r l o a d ! - .
. j join conference m toggle ansi .
f files list o operator page l list users .
n new files scan c comment sysop t local time
z zippy text search global mail scan s user statistics
v view textfile r read your mail w edit setups
: a alter flagfile e enter message . not for you!!! :
q request files fr file reverser
d downleech x toggle expert fs file statistics
. u upfreak! ? this menu cf conference flags.
---. g goodbye! .----
argh, cable broke?!
lets try with some thicker
SSs ssg it says : kibosh
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
::SSss.. ::: ::: b.dd! :::
s:ss b.dd s:ss s:ss :s:ss b.dd
7bsdP7bsdP7bsdP slc
- - - k i b O s h - - -
drunk ?
SSs ssg it says : dark reflection
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
. sS .as
. :: . 7s.
. :: Ss.sSS.as s
s.s 7s.
bsd bsd sS
ah, the cable is fixed!
SSs ssg it says : overload
--Ssas-SSsas-Ssas---- - - -----
Ss. SSSSSSS SSSSSSS :: SSSSSS S ::: SS sS SS .as gS SSsa.gn .S ::: . SsS7Ss.SSm sS ..:.: Sgn.as SS..sLC! SSSg .. ::: sS sss SS sS ss.s bsdS SS SSsa.gn ::: SSbsdSSSbsdSSSbss SSbsdSSbsdSSSbsd.: SSbsdSSg .. .. ..
.. .. oVERL0AD!
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