warning: explicit content
this image contains text
--- Shinigamis first eXpose pack! ---
--- -- Sum time ago, I began working for this group called Devotion. My ansis were quite good emh?, but I also made a huge number of ansis for the Devotion art pack 500k. But then my cewl friend Maverick told me that I should join the biggest Dutch art group called eXpose. The problem was that I already worked for Devotion. But then SkullRazor came over to Mavericks house and : I heard from him that the next eXpose art pack was coming out in a few days. So then I decided that I would try to join this group... : : But damnit, I had only a few nights to make sumtin really cewl. What to do cause most of my good ansis I had already promised for the other group... My biggest problem was that I want everyone to see all my ansis, but Mav and eSheR told me that its perfectly ok to have sum ansis in one group and sum : in another. But then I got an idea ! Because this pack was only gonna be a start where I try to show off my style so that eXpose people could decide if : I would stay, I decided to include ansis that I had already shown in another group, but to make sure that they were different, I completely re-did the shading, and touched them up to perfection a few hours job. But Maverick still told me that I should include sum of my art that would have gone into : the next Devotion pack, and so with tears in my eyes I withdrew my Girl ansis from the soon-to-come Dvt 3 art pack. Amen ! : Sorry for talking so long, it wont happen again it will :-D. --- -- --- -- h / m
And now, --- --
time for enjoy .,::
another the :::
Manga chick :::
. style : ::::
: girl .::::: : hey, :::: :. I make ::::
::. other stuff ANIME PICTURES ::::
::::. too, but... PX ::.
:::::::.. . :: h
:::::::::::::::::::::::: :: .. . PRESENTS...
If u have any questions to ask from me, This time I made a sexy little chick u can leave a mail to me in The Outpost that is not a catwoman, but it still or u can try to call Switzerland and go looks like the girl of my dreams . to the RaveBase BBS. This pic was made View this picture in 320x200x256 res for the eXpose art pack, and it may not or higher to see it perfectly. Hmmm, be altered in any form at all. You may I hope nobody minds that I make ansi use this picture in any BBS, but u must like this, and if ya like this kinda give me credit. I will kill anyone who pics, tell me, but dont rip em :-! changes my pictures without permission!
----- -- h / m
And here --- --
will be
the last Umm,
chick u enjoy
will see the
from me. sexy
. but this girl : picture :: contains ANIME PICTURES
:::. a mildly PX
:::::. erotic scene,
:::::::. so get ready. h
:::::::::::::::::::::::... .. . PRESENTS...
If u have any questions to ask from me, Whats wrong with me, I just had to u can leave a mail to me in The Outpost go and create a chick masturbating ! or u can try to call Switzerland and go MASTURBATING... Whoooppiii... ehmmz, to the RaveBase BBS. This pic was made sorry, if my picture has offended u for the eXpose art pack, and it may not or sumtin, chill : and check out da be altered in any form at all. You may pic in high resolution to see it all use this picture in any BBS, but u must in one go and if u like this pic, give me credit. I will kill anyone who tell me, it makes me happy :-D. c u. changes my pictures without permission!
----- -- h / m
So howdcha . --- -- .
like those : .:
nice ansi :: Enjoy .::
chicks, .::: all the :::
now get :::: cewl ? ::
ready .:::: Logos. .::
for .::::: .....,:: sum ::::: ::::::::: of my :::::::: ::::::::::::: Logos. :::::: :::::::::::
To begin with, heres a little X-perience Logo is that DirtBags Board name ?
.sy. . : : .::::::::::::
: dy
? :, :
y! s,,.. . ,. . .
? . y :: .. . , . ,ss
: . h :
Hmm, kinda interesting, but people say that my Logos suck, but please Dirt Bag could you make an Ansi for my board : I need talented people like u to make
beautiful Logos, u rule with Logos... well, lez go onto the next one...
How about a cewl eXpose Logo, not too bad I think.
Only one problem, I used my special fonts package to make it, so its not
completely original :
And heres a very bright and colourful eXpose logo, please dont puke :
Actually, this dont look too bad, a bit like a graffiti on a wall :
I just had to do a Blactron Music Productions logo too :
But it is also... ripped off my Fonts package.
Lets try Ascii :
P / /1
/ / h --
My Ascii stuff suuuuuuuucks...
Hmm, lez try ansi once more, a MAIN MENU Logo.
Board Name: ,Ss, ,sS, ,SssS, S ,Ss, ,Ss,
Join conference
Transfer Protocol A perfect main menu for boards with few
etc... options, thats why there is so little space
here is Time/KilobyteLeft/ConferenceNumber/Anythingelseyoucanthinkof:
here is Rumour/anim8ion:
here is Command:
Not really great now is it... awww, nobody is gonna use this anyway :
Back to colourful stuff, so C YA :
W8 w8 WAIT, do u really think Im stopping here :
A RaveBase Logo now, demanded by Maverick.
Well, I guess it looks ok ?
Lez make another RaveBase Logo to drive the message in...
Boy, this is UGLY Why are all my RaveBase Logos so bad, mebbe its a curse.
Damnit, I can do better than this, RaveBase Logo number three coming up.
Jezuz, I guess Ill never learn :
I must make a good Logo, I must ! Blacktron Music Productions Logo, NOW !
Is it BMP ?
- nope, a bird
Kwaak, Blacktron Music Productions
YEZ, after one long hour of hard work, the gods have spoken to me, thank you. This is a Logo I am truly satisfied with, I am so happy Im trembling with
delight like the first time I had sex... umm, lez change the subject :
And to finish off, heres sum fishy thingies at the bottom of the sea.
oo : .
Oo o
oo oO .
. . - o
oo .. o
Actually, this is a very funny pic : but I do admit that the style in this
picture is half ripped, so I apologise to any other artist who has made art
with similar stuff. But I did not copy this or sumtin, I took all straight out of my head, so please be kind to me :
Thats it for my contribution to the eXpose art pack, nearly 800 lines of cewl art : am I bragging?. Oh well, I have to go to sleep now and stuff, : its been a tough day, but enjoy and use my art as much as u want, but do : not rip my art, it was a big job doing it, and it would be an evil thing to : do, u see, most of my art is 100 original, only sumtimes I take sum ideas : etc if I think they might be able to help me on my own work. Well, thanks reading/looking, and hope to see u again, l8erz. --- --
--- -- h / m
Oops, nearly forgot to greet my friends : Here goes: First of all a big greetz to everyone in eXpose : Secondly I wanna through greetz to my friends in Devotion. : And lez not forget all my real friends like: Maverick, SkullRazor, and all : the sysops whos boards I visit :, also my IRC buddies, my close friends, : all the goodlooking models hay Claudia wanna dance, umm... and YOU, yes you for looking at my art, THANKS DOODE, now bugger off and enjoy the other things in life and huggles to all the people I forgot to mention... c ya. --- -- --- -- h / m
Sorry for blabbering on so much I always do it , but Ive got one last thing to say well come on dildo, say it ! OK OK, its about requests. I am : not the kind of person that will fulfil ur requests if I dont know you, so : dont ask me to make a log or sumtin, I might not do it, but although I make : lotsa stuff. they are mostly stuff I WANNA DO, so unless you really ask me : kindla or u wanna pay : I will not make sumtin for u unless ur name is Maverick, in which case I will make u art :. So Mav, when are u finally gonna make me a song ??? You little bastard :. Umm, Im tired and stuff so Im gonna stop rite here, and hey, nobody ever told u to read all this : --- -- --- -- h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RaveBase
Sysop: Maverick
Tel: +41022-348-5521
A real E133tE board!
I command the Devil...
--- -- Sum time ago, I began working for this group called Devotion. My ansis were quite good emh?, but I also made a huge number of ansis for the Devotion art pack 500k. But then my cewl friend Maverick told me that I should join the biggest Dutch art group called eXpose. The problem was that I already worked for Devotion. But then SkullRazor came over to Mavericks house and : I heard from him that the next eXpose art pack was coming out in a few days. So then I decided that I would try to join this group... : : But damnit, I had only a few nights to make sumtin really cewl. What to do cause most of my good ansis I had already promised for the other group... My biggest problem was that I want everyone to see all my ansis, but Mav and eSheR told me that its perfectly ok to have sum ansis in one group and sum : in another. But then I got an idea ! Because this pack was only gonna be a start where I try to show off my style so that eXpose people could decide if : I would stay, I decided to include ansis that I had already shown in another group, but to make sure that they were different, I completely re-did the shading, and touched them up to perfection a few hours job. But Maverick still told me that I should include sum of my art that would have gone into : the next Devotion pack, and so with tears in my eyes I withdrew my Girl ansis from the soon-to-come Dvt 3 art pack. Amen ! : Sorry for talking so long, it wont happen again it will :-D. --- -- --- -- h / m
And now, --- --
time for enjoy .,::
another the :::
Manga chick :::
. style : ::::
: girl .::::: : hey, :::: :. I make ::::
::. other stuff ANIME PICTURES ::::
::::. too, but... PX ::.
:::::::.. . :: h
:::::::::::::::::::::::: :: .. . PRESENTS...
If u have any questions to ask from me, This time I made a sexy little chick u can leave a mail to me in The Outpost that is not a catwoman, but it still or u can try to call Switzerland and go looks like the girl of my dreams . to the RaveBase BBS. This pic was made View this picture in 320x200x256 res for the eXpose art pack, and it may not or higher to see it perfectly. Hmmm, be altered in any form at all. You may I hope nobody minds that I make ansi use this picture in any BBS, but u must like this, and if ya like this kinda give me credit. I will kill anyone who pics, tell me, but dont rip em :-! changes my pictures without permission!
----- -- h / m
And here --- --
will be
the last Umm,
chick u enjoy
will see the
from me. sexy
. but this girl : picture :: contains ANIME PICTURES
:::. a mildly PX
:::::. erotic scene,
:::::::. so get ready. h
:::::::::::::::::::::::... .. . PRESENTS...
If u have any questions to ask from me, Whats wrong with me, I just had to u can leave a mail to me in The Outpost go and create a chick masturbating ! or u can try to call Switzerland and go MASTURBATING... Whoooppiii... ehmmz, to the RaveBase BBS. This pic was made sorry, if my picture has offended u for the eXpose art pack, and it may not or sumtin, chill : and check out da be altered in any form at all. You may pic in high resolution to see it all use this picture in any BBS, but u must in one go and if u like this pic, give me credit. I will kill anyone who tell me, it makes me happy :-D. c u. changes my pictures without permission!
----- -- h / m
So howdcha . --- -- .
like those : .:
nice ansi :: Enjoy .::
chicks, .::: all the :::
now get :::: cewl ? ::
ready .:::: Logos. .::
for .::::: .....,:: sum ::::: ::::::::: of my :::::::: ::::::::::::: Logos. :::::: :::::::::::
To begin with, heres a little X-perience Logo is that DirtBags Board name ?
.sy. . : : .::::::::::::
: dy
? :, :
y! s,,.. . ,. . .
? . y :: .. . , . ,ss
: . h :
Hmm, kinda interesting, but people say that my Logos suck, but please Dirt Bag could you make an Ansi for my board : I need talented people like u to make
beautiful Logos, u rule with Logos... well, lez go onto the next one...
How about a cewl eXpose Logo, not too bad I think.
Only one problem, I used my special fonts package to make it, so its not
completely original :
And heres a very bright and colourful eXpose logo, please dont puke :
Actually, this dont look too bad, a bit like a graffiti on a wall :
I just had to do a Blactron Music Productions logo too :
But it is also... ripped off my Fonts package.
Lets try Ascii :
P / /1
/ / h --
My Ascii stuff suuuuuuuucks...
Hmm, lez try ansi once more, a MAIN MENU Logo.
Board Name: ,Ss, ,sS, ,SssS, S ,Ss, ,Ss,
Join conference
Transfer Protocol A perfect main menu for boards with few
etc... options, thats why there is so little space
here is Time/KilobyteLeft/ConferenceNumber/Anythingelseyoucanthinkof:
here is Rumour/anim8ion:
here is Command:
Not really great now is it... awww, nobody is gonna use this anyway :
Back to colourful stuff, so C YA :
W8 w8 WAIT, do u really think Im stopping here :
A RaveBase Logo now, demanded by Maverick.
Well, I guess it looks ok ?
Lez make another RaveBase Logo to drive the message in...
Boy, this is UGLY Why are all my RaveBase Logos so bad, mebbe its a curse.
Damnit, I can do better than this, RaveBase Logo number three coming up.
Jezuz, I guess Ill never learn :
I must make a good Logo, I must ! Blacktron Music Productions Logo, NOW !
Is it BMP ?
- nope, a bird
Kwaak, Blacktron Music Productions
YEZ, after one long hour of hard work, the gods have spoken to me, thank you. This is a Logo I am truly satisfied with, I am so happy Im trembling with
delight like the first time I had sex... umm, lez change the subject :
And to finish off, heres sum fishy thingies at the bottom of the sea.
oo : .
Oo o
oo oO .
. . - o
oo .. o
Actually, this is a very funny pic : but I do admit that the style in this
picture is half ripped, so I apologise to any other artist who has made art
with similar stuff. But I did not copy this or sumtin, I took all straight out of my head, so please be kind to me :
Thats it for my contribution to the eXpose art pack, nearly 800 lines of cewl art : am I bragging?. Oh well, I have to go to sleep now and stuff, : its been a tough day, but enjoy and use my art as much as u want, but do : not rip my art, it was a big job doing it, and it would be an evil thing to : do, u see, most of my art is 100 original, only sumtimes I take sum ideas : etc if I think they might be able to help me on my own work. Well, thanks reading/looking, and hope to see u again, l8erz. --- --
--- -- h / m
Oops, nearly forgot to greet my friends : Here goes: First of all a big greetz to everyone in eXpose : Secondly I wanna through greetz to my friends in Devotion. : And lez not forget all my real friends like: Maverick, SkullRazor, and all : the sysops whos boards I visit :, also my IRC buddies, my close friends, : all the goodlooking models hay Claudia wanna dance, umm... and YOU, yes you for looking at my art, THANKS DOODE, now bugger off and enjoy the other things in life and huggles to all the people I forgot to mention... c ya. --- -- --- -- h / m
Sorry for blabbering on so much I always do it , but Ive got one last thing to say well come on dildo, say it ! OK OK, its about requests. I am : not the kind of person that will fulfil ur requests if I dont know you, so : dont ask me to make a log or sumtin, I might not do it, but although I make : lotsa stuff. they are mostly stuff I WANNA DO, so unless you really ask me : kindla or u wanna pay : I will not make sumtin for u unless ur name is Maverick, in which case I will make u art :. So Mav, when are u finally gonna make me a song ??? You little bastard :. Umm, Im tired and stuff so Im gonna stop rite here, and hey, nobody ever told u to read all this : --- -- --- -- h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RaveBase
Sysop: Maverick
Tel: +41022-348-5521
A real E133tE board!
I command the Devil...
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