this image contains text
Howdy everyone and a Happy Late New Year! And
with the new ETERNiTY continues to thrive and bring you gre
at ANSi art to look at each month. 93 was a good year for ET
ERNiTY. We broke into the scene as a group with potential. N
ow, it is January and we have by far proven oursleves to be
an awesome group. When you look at this pack make sure you n
otice how much weve improved from month to month. And also
realize that ETERNiTY was started from scratch. No ex ACiD/iCE
guys to get us going. We did this all on our own and are damn proud
of it. Things can only get better. Now, with having a group
there are a few things that come with the territory. People
come and go, its almost and everyday happening in the scen
e today. Well, this month we say goodbye to Kinayda who has
left to join Gothic. We wish him the best of luck and hope h
e has as much fun with them as we do with here. But, on the
same note we welcome three new talents to our humble little
organiztion. Cybernary, former president of iMAGE, has came on over t
ETERNiTY to join the fun. Deeply Disturbed, formerly of GRiP/AD has
also joined the crew. And finally, HANNiN, a newcomer to the scene ha
decided to develop his skills with us. A great big howdy do da goes o
to them all.
So, what else has been going on? Well, the official ETERNiTY
network has been moved to FanaticNet. FanaticNet is an ANSi Only
invite network. If you are interested in picking it up, call the WHQ
Death Row at 413 782-1851 NUP: Nokdaglok. Just leave mail to the
SysOp Flat Line and hell get back to you with some information. Also
ETERNiTY is looking for someone to help set up 1-800 Teleconferences.
If you are interested and you think you can handle it, please leave
mail to any Senior Staff member and we will get back to you ASAP.
Now this goes out to all of you that wanted to write Lit for
ETERNiTY. We still do not have a lit dept, but Reality is an all Lit
ETERNiTY affiliated group. So, if you are interested in Reality, you
can contact Hot Rod or call the WHQ Death Row at the same number abov
Their first pack will be coming out on the 15th of next month, so loo
for it. Ok, I think I have ran my mouth enough, enjoy the pack.
Maestro The ETERNiTY Prez
Howdy everyone and a Happy Late New Year! And
with the new ETERNiTY continues to thrive and bring you gre
at ANSi art to look at each month. 93 was a good year for ET
ERNiTY. We broke into the scene as a group with potential. N
ow, it is January and we have by far proven oursleves to be
an awesome group. When you look at this pack make sure you n
otice how much weve improved from month to month. And also
realize that ETERNiTY was started from scratch. No ex ACiD/iCE
guys to get us going. We did this all on our own and are damn proud
of it. Things can only get better. Now, with having a group
there are a few things that come with the territory. People
come and go, its almost and everyday happening in the scen
e today. Well, this month we say goodbye to Kinayda who has
left to join Gothic. We wish him the best of luck and hope h
e has as much fun with them as we do with here. But, on the
same note we welcome three new talents to our humble little
organiztion. Cybernary, former president of iMAGE, has came on over t
ETERNiTY to join the fun. Deeply Disturbed, formerly of GRiP/AD has
also joined the crew. And finally, HANNiN, a newcomer to the scene ha
decided to develop his skills with us. A great big howdy do da goes o
to them all.
So, what else has been going on? Well, the official ETERNiTY
network has been moved to FanaticNet. FanaticNet is an ANSi Only
invite network. If you are interested in picking it up, call the WHQ
Death Row at 413 782-1851 NUP: Nokdaglok. Just leave mail to the
SysOp Flat Line and hell get back to you with some information. Also
ETERNiTY is looking for someone to help set up 1-800 Teleconferences.
If you are interested and you think you can handle it, please leave
mail to any Senior Staff member and we will get back to you ASAP.
Now this goes out to all of you that wanted to write Lit for
ETERNiTY. We still do not have a lit dept, but Reality is an all Lit
ETERNiTY affiliated group. So, if you are interested in Reality, you
can contact Hot Rod or call the WHQ Death Row at the same number abov
Their first pack will be coming out on the 15th of next month, so loo
for it. Ok, I think I have ran my mouth enough, enjoy the pack.
Maestro The ETERNiTY Prez
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