this image contains text
,dP dbb. wow i actually did a second logo colly. okay,
d ,dn b askees are cut back dis month due to the new
,d P ! division but they are all quality askees so
! P like if i did one for you consider yourself
! ,dP lucky !and now the askee colly!
b !.b
db. ,d
bP. of ESP
dP aab
P !
--heres the essential esp logo fer dis month---------------------------------- it will most likely be this months distro askee unless otherwise noted
w h o l e s a l e d i s t r o b u t i o n s i t e
--okay this is for nobody inparticular, just trying out my askee pic skillz--- its my first one so shut up, oh yea, use it if you want to
,n. b.
,n. ,n. d. b
,db d. ,b.,b.
,d. ,b.! db
d!b , .,n@! dP
,n@! ,d ,d ,d ,d
dP .. ,dP ,dP ,dP ,dP
!! . P. , ,n., P.
b, ,. db. !b db.
.. * .,n!@ b. .P !b b .P
,.,n!@!! cP , d d, ,
. ,!!! ,nb , d!!. handle : d., security :
,dbbndb last on : ! etc..... . d.P etc..... . !bn. ndb etc.....
n etc.....
b.P! etc.....
dP,nn db etc..... . .anna ..n etc.....
d !b P etc..... b. ,P etc..... dbnn!@!P etc..... dP
--Here you go Red Dog your long awaited askee, sorry it took so long----------
a. .aa. a. a.
.. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ii .. .. ..
ii ii ii iiiiii iiiiii ii ii ii ii ii ii
w h e r e d r e a m s b e c o m e r e a l i t y
--The last and final askee for dis colly, and it belongs to Acid Reflu------
a b a b
n na
b handle -
P P dP 4
usernote -
password -
recently dd p a c w h q . e s p d i s
/ cP.esp
--well there you have it, there done------------------------------------------
c esp productions kickin mutha fuckin ass in da nine six
cP is a registered trademark of Cyberpunk
copy note - check out the moddin pak included inside this months release
,dP dbb. wow i actually did a second logo colly. okay,
d ,dn b askees are cut back dis month due to the new
,d P ! division but they are all quality askees so
! P like if i did one for you consider yourself
! ,dP lucky !and now the askee colly!
b !.b
db. ,d
bP. of ESP
dP aab
P !
--heres the essential esp logo fer dis month---------------------------------- it will most likely be this months distro askee unless otherwise noted
w h o l e s a l e d i s t r o b u t i o n s i t e
--okay this is for nobody inparticular, just trying out my askee pic skillz--- its my first one so shut up, oh yea, use it if you want to
,n. b.
,n. ,n. d. b
,db d. ,b.,b.
,d. ,b.! db
d!b , .,n@! dP
,n@! ,d ,d ,d ,d
dP .. ,dP ,dP ,dP ,dP
!! . P. , ,n., P.
b, ,. db. !b db.
.. * .,n!@ b. .P !b b .P
,.,n!@!! cP , d d, ,
. ,!!! ,nb , d!!. handle : d., security :
,dbbndb last on : ! etc..... . d.P etc..... . !bn. ndb etc.....
n etc.....
b.P! etc.....
dP,nn db etc..... . .anna ..n etc.....
d !b P etc..... b. ,P etc..... dbnn!@!P etc..... dP
--Here you go Red Dog your long awaited askee, sorry it took so long----------
a. .aa. a. a.
.. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ii .. .. ..
ii ii ii iiiiii iiiiii ii ii ii ii ii ii
w h e r e d r e a m s b e c o m e r e a l i t y
--The last and final askee for dis colly, and it belongs to Acid Reflu------
a b a b
n na
b handle -
P P dP 4
usernote -
password -
recently dd p a c w h q . e s p d i s
/ cP.esp
--well there you have it, there done------------------------------------------
c esp productions kickin mutha fuckin ass in da nine six
cP is a registered trademark of Cyberpunk
copy note - check out the moddin pak included inside this months release
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