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Equate Issue 01 Release Date: February 10, 2000
Current Members Information
a Absent Spinsister We kept this issue very nice and simple. It is all
ab Acidbrain about the art, right? So weve chosen to keep it that
arl Arlequin way. No more long drawn out information files, no more
i1 Irie1 elaborate member lists. Just pure art. Memberlists andln Lint info files were meant for informative reasons, and they
mt Martz rarely get read through. Anyways, our website is in
po Portia production right now, we hope to have it up soon. For
pt Produkt more information on what the equate crew is working on
rx Rebix check with http://www.purg.com.
sph Sephiroth
s2 Spag
tr The Reaper WWW: http://equate.purg.com
to Two11Two FTP: ftp://ftp.purg.com
vb Vagabond MAIL: equate@purg.com
xb Xebra IRC: equate
Current Members Information
a Absent Spinsister We kept this issue very nice and simple. It is all
ab Acidbrain about the art, right? So weve chosen to keep it that
arl Arlequin way. No more long drawn out information files, no more
i1 Irie1 elaborate member lists. Just pure art. Memberlists andln Lint info files were meant for informative reasons, and they
mt Martz rarely get read through. Anyways, our website is in
po Portia production right now, we hope to have it up soon. For
pt Produkt more information on what the equate crew is working on
rx Rebix check with http://www.purg.com.
sph Sephiroth
s2 Spag
tr The Reaper WWW: http://equate.purg.com
to Two11Two FTP: ftp://ftp.purg.com
vb Vagabond MAIL: equate@purg.com
xb Xebra IRC: equate
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