this image contains text
epic release 6
august 2000
Well, its been about a billion years since
our last release january to be exact the but once again we return with a vengeance, epic crew: ready to take on all those alleged artists out there glue? used?: @argon alla xulUnless youve been living in some obscure ansichristfar away land like finland you no doubt +h7have noticed Epic has been, to put it +juice kindly, DEAD lately. I admit I am at platoonim partial fault for this. The simple reanimator fact is that Ive been interested skybax in other things lately, ranging from @sodium school to different hobbies, so naturally +stone the crowI had no time to draw anything for awhile. Members of epic seemed to mirror this + new for a few months, as the group was about@ staff as lively as a nursing home on heroin. However, I must take this opportunity to rant get a few things off my chest. Like I said, this was partially my fault. But the blame also lies on the group as a whole. I dont expect artists to produce 6 pics a month although that would kick ass, but I just want to put out the word that we as a group
need to draw more regularly, and support each
other whenever need be. We havent been much
of a group lately, just a collection of names.As much as I hate to say it, its true. With that in mind, understandably the group membership changes has gone through many membership changes in the past few months. Some of the members have greets go to: left so obscurely that Im not even sure who the epic crew has officially quit, so Ill make things easy: aesthetic rippa the member list, as it stands, is final. a.k.a. Anyone not on the list is no longer in the STCs No.1 fan! group, unless they email meabout it and draw regularly. Needless to say I really hate it when did you know?artists just drop out of the scene without epic was formerly notifying me they are quitting... known as one. we had a name changeStone the Crow has joined up, yes thats right the before the first oldschooler himself! His art always gives me release, and many warm fuzzies inside, kinda like the feeling after artists left, a six pack of coronas. Yes, my friends, thats theincluding the co- STC feeling.founder ellisdee Juice has joined, formerly known as Phli of Sodapop.
Hes got some great logos in the pack and hopefully
well see amazing things out of this artist in the months to come. Also, H7 has joined us. This guys got some skills, both in ansi and ascii art! Welcome Juice and H7! Rumor has it Stone the Crow is working on a new rumor mill emag! With such greats as Bitchslap! and Crash N Burn under his belt, Im sure he has got some phearsome stuff to show us once this baby rolls around. Gutter? Wtf is that? In other news, the epicart.org domain is in limbo epicart.org for the moment, as Sod mysteriously stopped paying. Not to worry though , if sodium is a cheap bastard Ill pay for the hosting myself : Assembly 2000 is now over, and when all the dust assembly 2k has settled Epic stands on top. My pic placed 1st with 5421 points! Woohoo! Luminator of Sodapop contact epic: placed second, with around 4500 points congrats to contact argon at Lum and the Sodapop family for kicking some ass at argon@gte.net, Asm as well. 3rd place was an unknown artist named or find us on irc Charon from Pyrotech a doodlegirl! with a pretty at EFNet channel unimpressive pic. Unfortunately Presidents pic was ans. Also, check disqualified for being late, otherwise he would have www.acheron.org, definitely placed in the top 3. Sorry pres : the ansi artscene headquarters. Thats all for this release. We will try to release more often, so keep your eyes open! Any interested artists should email argon@gte.net to apply. Include 2 recent pics or 4 logos if you are a logo artist. Congrats to the Epic crew for continuing to shine: Stone the Crow, Reanimator, Skybax welcome back!, Sodium, H7, Platz, Alla Xul, Ansichrist, and Juice. Until next time! Enjoy the pack!
Argon / Epic Artwork infofile by argon of epic
note: this is version 2 of the
epic pack, with errors fixed:
- skybax added to memlist
- fixed sauce descriptions
- fixed sbx ansi mistake
august 2000
Well, its been about a billion years since
our last release january to be exact the but once again we return with a vengeance, epic crew: ready to take on all those alleged artists out there glue? used?: @argon alla xulUnless youve been living in some obscure ansichristfar away land like finland you no doubt +h7have noticed Epic has been, to put it +juice kindly, DEAD lately. I admit I am at platoonim partial fault for this. The simple reanimator fact is that Ive been interested skybax in other things lately, ranging from @sodium school to different hobbies, so naturally +stone the crowI had no time to draw anything for awhile. Members of epic seemed to mirror this + new for a few months, as the group was about@ staff as lively as a nursing home on heroin. However, I must take this opportunity to rant get a few things off my chest. Like I said, this was partially my fault. But the blame also lies on the group as a whole. I dont expect artists to produce 6 pics a month although that would kick ass, but I just want to put out the word that we as a group
need to draw more regularly, and support each
other whenever need be. We havent been much
of a group lately, just a collection of names.As much as I hate to say it, its true. With that in mind, understandably the group membership changes has gone through many membership changes in the past few months. Some of the members have greets go to: left so obscurely that Im not even sure who the epic crew has officially quit, so Ill make things easy: aesthetic rippa the member list, as it stands, is final. a.k.a. Anyone not on the list is no longer in the STCs No.1 fan! group, unless they email meabout it and draw regularly. Needless to say I really hate it when did you know?artists just drop out of the scene without epic was formerly notifying me they are quitting... known as one. we had a name changeStone the Crow has joined up, yes thats right the before the first oldschooler himself! His art always gives me release, and many warm fuzzies inside, kinda like the feeling after artists left, a six pack of coronas. Yes, my friends, thats theincluding the co- STC feeling.founder ellisdee Juice has joined, formerly known as Phli of Sodapop.
Hes got some great logos in the pack and hopefully
well see amazing things out of this artist in the months to come. Also, H7 has joined us. This guys got some skills, both in ansi and ascii art! Welcome Juice and H7! Rumor has it Stone the Crow is working on a new rumor mill emag! With such greats as Bitchslap! and Crash N Burn under his belt, Im sure he has got some phearsome stuff to show us once this baby rolls around. Gutter? Wtf is that? In other news, the epicart.org domain is in limbo epicart.org for the moment, as Sod mysteriously stopped paying. Not to worry though , if sodium is a cheap bastard Ill pay for the hosting myself : Assembly 2000 is now over, and when all the dust assembly 2k has settled Epic stands on top. My pic placed 1st with 5421 points! Woohoo! Luminator of Sodapop contact epic: placed second, with around 4500 points congrats to contact argon at Lum and the Sodapop family for kicking some ass at argon@gte.net, Asm as well. 3rd place was an unknown artist named or find us on irc Charon from Pyrotech a doodlegirl! with a pretty at EFNet channel unimpressive pic. Unfortunately Presidents pic was ans. Also, check disqualified for being late, otherwise he would have www.acheron.org, definitely placed in the top 3. Sorry pres : the ansi artscene headquarters. Thats all for this release. We will try to release more often, so keep your eyes open! Any interested artists should email argon@gte.net to apply. Include 2 recent pics or 4 logos if you are a logo artist. Congrats to the Epic crew for continuing to shine: Stone the Crow, Reanimator, Skybax welcome back!, Sodium, H7, Platz, Alla Xul, Ansichrist, and Juice. Until next time! Enjoy the pack!
Argon / Epic Artwork infofile by argon of epic
note: this is version 2 of the
epic pack, with errors fixed:
- skybax added to memlist
- fixed sauce descriptions
- fixed sbx ansi mistake
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