this image contains text
note: this ansi was a lot harder to create than one would assume. it is
mirrored horizontally from the midsection, but only to enhance the
effect displayed here. this is inspired partly by tnas rhythmic
pattern ansi found in his refusal pack, containing the same
style of arranged rectangles but with added bands of color. the
problem creating this peice was keeping the colors in an ever
alternating pattern, while blending the color shades in a subtle
way. the particular arrangement of colored bands gives an impression
of gentle warmth and activity, hence the name.
suggested viewer: pablodraw at 80x25 mode
pablodraw at VGA characterwidth 4 or 5 alt-O to modify
note: this ansi was a lot harder to create than one would assume. it is
mirrored horizontally from the midsection, but only to enhance the
effect displayed here. this is inspired partly by tnas rhythmic
pattern ansi found in his refusal pack, containing the same
style of arranged rectangles but with added bands of color. the
problem creating this peice was keeping the colors in an ever
alternating pattern, while blending the color shades in a subtle
way. the particular arrangement of colored bands gives an impression
of gentle warmth and activity, hence the name.
suggested viewer: pablodraw at 80x25 mode
pablodraw at VGA characterwidth 4 or 5 alt-O to modify
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