this image contains text
ldlor: pic
savagecow: fixing
anvilhed: additional fixing + e/snot
electric pictures
issue 1
Welcome to the first issue
of epic, the group also known as
project one, orgasm, neon etc:
Just sit back and enjoy a group
that isnt afraid to try things new,
to learn more about ansi and admit
our mistakes. no more bullshit,
epic is more like a workshop for
members to release and learn by
public review as well as teach
by releasing in the first place.
While this debut pack isnt the
powerhouse we have all come to expect
from new groups, I think the art holds
its own due to its originality and
sheer diversity with BINs, logos,
25 liners, full length pics, various
styles, etc..
What I hope is that you as a viewer
feel this pack was worth the download,
and that every artist in epic is proud of what
hes released, even though we all know theres room
for improvement. Learning is an integral part of
this group..
Now, onwards ad infinitum..
argon a moment for us.
many of you have observed me acting quite weird lately.. i.e.:
arglag has joined channel ans
spearfx sup arg
funk-eOOO argonnizer
arglag amoogie agoo bagoo! i DONT HAVE TIME i DONT HAVE TIME
arglag oh GOD
arglag has quit IRC Leaving
Ok, I believe an explanation is in order.. My cable modem started screwing
up a few weeks ago. After a few minutes being online, it would overload with
information and lag to oldschool 8086-with-2400 speed 50 packetloss :
Its interesting how incidents like this just show you how
many sharp, skilled technicians cable companies have employed with them.
They just kept coming and replacing the modem like idiots, when from the start
I kept telling them the problem was on THEIR side.. hmm.. But im just a stupid
consumer, eh ? So I had to call up every single day for a week and talk to
some stupid bitch in friggin GEORGIA i live in california
a simulation of the problem turn icecolor off:
nd here is a simulation of the events that followed:
thank you for calling GTE.. press 2
thank you for calling GTE.. press 9
--cut to hold music courtesy Ludvig Van Beethoven
--piano sonata, movement one.
--piano sonata, movement two.
hi my name is Alda how may I help you?
Hi... its been about a week now and my cable modem is still messed up.
Youve sent over 4 people to my house, and all of them couldnt fix it.
A representative from my ethernet cards company came by and installed a
BRAND NEW ethernet card replacing my brand new old one just in case,
since you told me before that my ethernet card was the problem. A guy
came and replaced my cable modem with one he said would work, which has
actually worsened the problem it used to lag-- now it lags and recycles
online and offline. What is going on?
Ok... heres what I need you to do.. Is your computer on? Turn your computer
Its on.
Now, I need you to turn your modem on. Is it on?
Now, does it work?
Ok.. let me transfer you to one of our engineers..
--piano sonata, movement three.
Hi! my name is Ed, what seems to be the problem?
Hi... its been about a week now and my cable modem is still messed up.
Youve sent over 4 people to my house, and all of them couldnt fix it.
A representative from my ethernet cards company came by and installed a
BRAND NEW ethernet card replacing my brand new old one just in case,
since you told me before that my ethernet card was the problem. A guy
came and replaced my cable modem with one he said would work, which has
actually worsened the problem it used to lag-- now it lags and recycles
online and offline. What is going on?
Hmm... ok, what Im going to do is schedule someone to come to your house
and take a look at it. Is tomorrow morning 8-12 good for you?
Gee thanks...
So anyway, the moral of the story is.. GTE are a bunch of fucking morons.
And thats all I have to say about that...
This section is for small gibs quake term: peices of info...
all my art this month is 100 original.. except ar-relle.ans which is 50
taken from a comic...my focus is diversity is that a contradiction?
im saying this here because the info isnt on all my ansis
happy 19th birthday maytag, happy 4th of july america..
epic is cursed.. !
ricky martin is SUCH a babe!!
group loyalty is SO shot nowadays.. i know the whole group thing is
overdone, but groups are still very important.. if you dont believe me,
just try to release solo, and regularly. youll get disinterested with
ANSI very quickly.. anyway, people who leave groups before the release
date piss me off. Its just a bad thing to give your word to someone
and break it..
one thing I love about epic is that we have some veteran artists mixed in
with relative newbies. Ive learned more in this group in one month than
I have in my entire ansi scene history before this.. Im proud of each
and every member, newbie or veteran, who put time and effort into epic
to make things happen..
the final word
Epic is all about learning, developing, teaching.. and trying new things
out.. incorporate more emotion, more substance into your pics.. dont be afraid
to create art dont just doodle.
special thanks to massd, spear, and aztec..
argon of epic
http://epic.ellvee.org cipe fo nogra
elemnt@hotmail.com ,ylerecnis
Here it is.. its unveiled. The answer to the question everyones been
askin me.. What are you doing now that you stepped down from CIA savage?
Thats what Im doin now. Argon and Anvil read on summed up pretty
nicely what Epics all about. Id like to say Epic is a more mature
group, more interested in improving ourselves and each other rather than
crankin out shit just so ans says wHOA d00d! eYE pH34r!.
Id write a little more, but I know when I drop back to irc my screens
gonna be filled with ARE YOU DONE YET?! STOP WRITING, LETS GO!. Its
time for the pack.. Argon and Anvil said enough for me for the next 4
releases GEEZUZ THIS IS A LONG INFOFILE GUYS! : Anyways.. Im out.
savageCOW - scow@kracked.com
PS: catch22 - I havent forgotten. :P
PPS: I guess I should apologize for telling everyone Epic was
an emag. Heh.. we just wanted to keep it a surprise. :
Oh sure, you narrow-minded, untrustworthy and pessimistic people
think that we havent got anything else to do than draw teenage tits n ass ..
And the only way for us to prove otherwise is here, on your hard disk drive.
Unfortunately, you are the judges. You alone decide whats good.
And whats not. And well, I happen to like teenage tits n ass.
I would like to describe epic with the word honest at this point.
I cant promise anything by myself, but well see.
16:11 facade pack pack pack. savage, stop cleaning yourself and finish
your ansi.
16:11 anvilhed :D
16:12 argon yeah my ansi is 99.99 done , its rushed as hell at the
bottom tho.. owell its passable
16:12 argon :
16:13 anvilhed a train named Epic went on the rail, but suddenly,
they noticed that a COW was standing on the rails
farther in the horizon .. so they had to stop.
and still, they are waiting for the COW to make its move.
16:13 facade hahahaha.
16:14 facade word anvil :
16:16 anvilhed move your ass, COW!! yelled a short,
fat passenger in clean, white clothes sitting
in the train, smoking a cigar.
But the COW wouldnt respond. it just sat there ...
16:17 argon anvil write the info file :
16:17 facade yeah, add that to the infofile :
16:17 facade so anyway, the scenes gone to hell.
16:18 facade g2a everywhere, no one able to pull a release together,
quality really low, quantity the pits, letting cheaters off.
16:18 facade what has the scene come to?
16:19 anvilhed the fat man had some friends, who called him Amadeus ..
but his real name was Amadeus Raphael Gon.
He was born in Africa, but he was white as chalk.
This Mr. A.R.Gon was tired of looking at the
COW from the window of his seat ..
it was hot and the train smelled bad ..
the situation tested everybodys nerves
16:23 argon seriously anvie, i need you to write some of the info file :
16:27 anvilhed from the back of the train, a tall, dirty black man
stood up. The man had a real big head, with weird shaped
ears .. some say he had been in an accident,
but some assure that the man was true evil ..
which is cough bullshit. People call him Anvil,
because of the shape of his head ..
which wasnt too accurate, because the head looked
more like a submarine, than an anvil.
apparently, the man was crazy. he always acted strangely.
No one knew why he stood up, anyway.
He just stood there .. silently
16:29 facade how does everyone know about this channel?! :
16:30 argon i dunno
16:30 kitiara *** argon grim@calnet5-195.gtecablemodem.com invites you
to join ...
16:30 facade oh.
16:30 argon hahahh
16:31 anvilhed Another man stood up, next to this Anvil guy ..
He kicked Anvil hard in the ass and yelled
JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED !!!.. The poor man fell on the
floor, his teeth flying out of his mouth and blood
flooding all over to the floor .. This anarchist dudes
name was Ade ... his friends, like Anvil,
sometimes called him Fuck-Ade .. for an unknown reason.
maybe it just sounded so good .. FuckAde. yeah.
16:32 argon its prOject neOn baby
16:32 facade anvil, heheheh :
16:32 anvilhed Many people committed suicide .. the situation was just
too much. Especially after the COW fell totally asleep ..
16:32 anvilhed they just couldnt take it anymore
Ripping, gif2ansi, being unartistic.
All words, with the same basic
meaning. Ripping is the world
of today. People talk about it,
People hate it and people do it. If theres a problem
in the scene, this is it: Ripping other peoples art and using
gif2ansi dishonestly. To tell the truth, I dont know anything about the
program. I have never used it or never seen it used. Its not that
I have geeph-tew-ansee-phobia or anything. Well why should I have even
heard of it? The thing is pure evil anyway.
I have founded a ripping-resistance called ARAKNO, which stands for
Anti-Ripping Association against Kleptomaniacs N the Outclassed.
Current members are: me applause
ARAKNO is about not giving up the scene to rippers, purely hating rippers,
neutralizing rippers and so on. A bit like the Anti-ShowDown members.
Want to join us? If you do not rip, hate ripping and all that, contact
me preferrably on IRC or by e-mail anvilhed@hotmail.com.
Maybe well even start releasing a small mag about ripping ..
Well at least well have a homepage with a complete user list as soon
as I get it done ...
Rip and R.I.P -anvilhed 99
16:17 facade so anyway, the scenes gone to hell.
16:18 facade g2a everywhere, no one able to pull a release together,
quality really low, quantity the pits, letting cheaters off.
16:18 facade what has the scene come to?
Hail FuckAde! .. FuckAde. Yeah.
H A P P Y 1 9 T H B I R T H D A Y
8 cherries
sink em in the cream and shake.
1 kg of natural cream
6 kg of chocolate, Fazer grand preferred.
umm .. oh yeah, and put some
avh flour in it, I guess ..
Luke Maytag Weagant, born 4TH OF JULY, 1980 at Belleville General Hospital,
Ontario is having his 19th birthday !! can you hear the fanfare??!!
Happy birthday Maytag !!!
savagecow: fixing
anvilhed: additional fixing + e/snot
electric pictures
issue 1
Welcome to the first issue
of epic, the group also known as
project one, orgasm, neon etc:
Just sit back and enjoy a group
that isnt afraid to try things new,
to learn more about ansi and admit
our mistakes. no more bullshit,
epic is more like a workshop for
members to release and learn by
public review as well as teach
by releasing in the first place.
While this debut pack isnt the
powerhouse we have all come to expect
from new groups, I think the art holds
its own due to its originality and
sheer diversity with BINs, logos,
25 liners, full length pics, various
styles, etc..
What I hope is that you as a viewer
feel this pack was worth the download,
and that every artist in epic is proud of what
hes released, even though we all know theres room
for improvement. Learning is an integral part of
this group..
Now, onwards ad infinitum..
argon a moment for us.
many of you have observed me acting quite weird lately.. i.e.:
arglag has joined channel ans
spearfx sup arg
funk-eOOO argonnizer
arglag amoogie agoo bagoo! i DONT HAVE TIME i DONT HAVE TIME
arglag oh GOD
arglag has quit IRC Leaving
Ok, I believe an explanation is in order.. My cable modem started screwing
up a few weeks ago. After a few minutes being online, it would overload with
information and lag to oldschool 8086-with-2400 speed 50 packetloss :
Its interesting how incidents like this just show you how
many sharp, skilled technicians cable companies have employed with them.
They just kept coming and replacing the modem like idiots, when from the start
I kept telling them the problem was on THEIR side.. hmm.. But im just a stupid
consumer, eh ? So I had to call up every single day for a week and talk to
some stupid bitch in friggin GEORGIA i live in california
a simulation of the problem turn icecolor off:
nd here is a simulation of the events that followed:
thank you for calling GTE.. press 2
thank you for calling GTE.. press 9
--cut to hold music courtesy Ludvig Van Beethoven
--piano sonata, movement one.
--piano sonata, movement two.
hi my name is Alda how may I help you?
Hi... its been about a week now and my cable modem is still messed up.
Youve sent over 4 people to my house, and all of them couldnt fix it.
A representative from my ethernet cards company came by and installed a
BRAND NEW ethernet card replacing my brand new old one just in case,
since you told me before that my ethernet card was the problem. A guy
came and replaced my cable modem with one he said would work, which has
actually worsened the problem it used to lag-- now it lags and recycles
online and offline. What is going on?
Ok... heres what I need you to do.. Is your computer on? Turn your computer
Its on.
Now, I need you to turn your modem on. Is it on?
Now, does it work?
Ok.. let me transfer you to one of our engineers..
--piano sonata, movement three.
Hi! my name is Ed, what seems to be the problem?
Hi... its been about a week now and my cable modem is still messed up.
Youve sent over 4 people to my house, and all of them couldnt fix it.
A representative from my ethernet cards company came by and installed a
BRAND NEW ethernet card replacing my brand new old one just in case,
since you told me before that my ethernet card was the problem. A guy
came and replaced my cable modem with one he said would work, which has
actually worsened the problem it used to lag-- now it lags and recycles
online and offline. What is going on?
Hmm... ok, what Im going to do is schedule someone to come to your house
and take a look at it. Is tomorrow morning 8-12 good for you?
Gee thanks...
So anyway, the moral of the story is.. GTE are a bunch of fucking morons.
And thats all I have to say about that...
This section is for small gibs quake term: peices of info...
all my art this month is 100 original.. except ar-relle.ans which is 50
taken from a comic...my focus is diversity is that a contradiction?
im saying this here because the info isnt on all my ansis
happy 19th birthday maytag, happy 4th of july america..
epic is cursed.. !
ricky martin is SUCH a babe!!
group loyalty is SO shot nowadays.. i know the whole group thing is
overdone, but groups are still very important.. if you dont believe me,
just try to release solo, and regularly. youll get disinterested with
ANSI very quickly.. anyway, people who leave groups before the release
date piss me off. Its just a bad thing to give your word to someone
and break it..
one thing I love about epic is that we have some veteran artists mixed in
with relative newbies. Ive learned more in this group in one month than
I have in my entire ansi scene history before this.. Im proud of each
and every member, newbie or veteran, who put time and effort into epic
to make things happen..
the final word
Epic is all about learning, developing, teaching.. and trying new things
out.. incorporate more emotion, more substance into your pics.. dont be afraid
to create art dont just doodle.
special thanks to massd, spear, and aztec..
argon of epic
http://epic.ellvee.org cipe fo nogra
elemnt@hotmail.com ,ylerecnis
Here it is.. its unveiled. The answer to the question everyones been
askin me.. What are you doing now that you stepped down from CIA savage?
Thats what Im doin now. Argon and Anvil read on summed up pretty
nicely what Epics all about. Id like to say Epic is a more mature
group, more interested in improving ourselves and each other rather than
crankin out shit just so ans says wHOA d00d! eYE pH34r!.
Id write a little more, but I know when I drop back to irc my screens
gonna be filled with ARE YOU DONE YET?! STOP WRITING, LETS GO!. Its
time for the pack.. Argon and Anvil said enough for me for the next 4
releases GEEZUZ THIS IS A LONG INFOFILE GUYS! : Anyways.. Im out.
savageCOW - scow@kracked.com
PS: catch22 - I havent forgotten. :P
PPS: I guess I should apologize for telling everyone Epic was
an emag. Heh.. we just wanted to keep it a surprise. :
Oh sure, you narrow-minded, untrustworthy and pessimistic people
think that we havent got anything else to do than draw teenage tits n ass ..
And the only way for us to prove otherwise is here, on your hard disk drive.
Unfortunately, you are the judges. You alone decide whats good.
And whats not. And well, I happen to like teenage tits n ass.
I would like to describe epic with the word honest at this point.
I cant promise anything by myself, but well see.
16:11 facade pack pack pack. savage, stop cleaning yourself and finish
your ansi.
16:11 anvilhed :D
16:12 argon yeah my ansi is 99.99 done , its rushed as hell at the
bottom tho.. owell its passable
16:12 argon :
16:13 anvilhed a train named Epic went on the rail, but suddenly,
they noticed that a COW was standing on the rails
farther in the horizon .. so they had to stop.
and still, they are waiting for the COW to make its move.
16:13 facade hahahaha.
16:14 facade word anvil :
16:16 anvilhed move your ass, COW!! yelled a short,
fat passenger in clean, white clothes sitting
in the train, smoking a cigar.
But the COW wouldnt respond. it just sat there ...
16:17 argon anvil write the info file :
16:17 facade yeah, add that to the infofile :
16:17 facade so anyway, the scenes gone to hell.
16:18 facade g2a everywhere, no one able to pull a release together,
quality really low, quantity the pits, letting cheaters off.
16:18 facade what has the scene come to?
16:19 anvilhed the fat man had some friends, who called him Amadeus ..
but his real name was Amadeus Raphael Gon.
He was born in Africa, but he was white as chalk.
This Mr. A.R.Gon was tired of looking at the
COW from the window of his seat ..
it was hot and the train smelled bad ..
the situation tested everybodys nerves
16:23 argon seriously anvie, i need you to write some of the info file :
16:27 anvilhed from the back of the train, a tall, dirty black man
stood up. The man had a real big head, with weird shaped
ears .. some say he had been in an accident,
but some assure that the man was true evil ..
which is cough bullshit. People call him Anvil,
because of the shape of his head ..
which wasnt too accurate, because the head looked
more like a submarine, than an anvil.
apparently, the man was crazy. he always acted strangely.
No one knew why he stood up, anyway.
He just stood there .. silently
16:29 facade how does everyone know about this channel?! :
16:30 argon i dunno
16:30 kitiara *** argon grim@calnet5-195.gtecablemodem.com invites you
to join ...
16:30 facade oh.
16:30 argon hahahh
16:31 anvilhed Another man stood up, next to this Anvil guy ..
He kicked Anvil hard in the ass and yelled
JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED !!!.. The poor man fell on the
floor, his teeth flying out of his mouth and blood
flooding all over to the floor .. This anarchist dudes
name was Ade ... his friends, like Anvil,
sometimes called him Fuck-Ade .. for an unknown reason.
maybe it just sounded so good .. FuckAde. yeah.
16:32 argon its prOject neOn baby
16:32 facade anvil, heheheh :
16:32 anvilhed Many people committed suicide .. the situation was just
too much. Especially after the COW fell totally asleep ..
16:32 anvilhed they just couldnt take it anymore
Ripping, gif2ansi, being unartistic.
All words, with the same basic
meaning. Ripping is the world
of today. People talk about it,
People hate it and people do it. If theres a problem
in the scene, this is it: Ripping other peoples art and using
gif2ansi dishonestly. To tell the truth, I dont know anything about the
program. I have never used it or never seen it used. Its not that
I have geeph-tew-ansee-phobia or anything. Well why should I have even
heard of it? The thing is pure evil anyway.
I have founded a ripping-resistance called ARAKNO, which stands for
Anti-Ripping Association against Kleptomaniacs N the Outclassed.
Current members are: me applause
ARAKNO is about not giving up the scene to rippers, purely hating rippers,
neutralizing rippers and so on. A bit like the Anti-ShowDown members.
Want to join us? If you do not rip, hate ripping and all that, contact
me preferrably on IRC or by e-mail anvilhed@hotmail.com.
Maybe well even start releasing a small mag about ripping ..
Well at least well have a homepage with a complete user list as soon
as I get it done ...
Rip and R.I.P -anvilhed 99
16:17 facade so anyway, the scenes gone to hell.
16:18 facade g2a everywhere, no one able to pull a release together,
quality really low, quantity the pits, letting cheaters off.
16:18 facade what has the scene come to?
Hail FuckAde! .. FuckAde. Yeah.
H A P P Y 1 9 T H B I R T H D A Y
8 cherries
sink em in the cream and shake.
1 kg of natural cream
6 kg of chocolate, Fazer grand preferred.
umm .. oh yeah, and put some
avh flour in it, I guess ..
Luke Maytag Weagant, born 4TH OF JULY, 1980 at Belleville General Hospital,
Ontario is having his 19th birthday !! can you hear the fanfare??!!
Happy birthday Maytag !!!
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