this image contains text
s t u d i o s
Cynical Servant, The Fool
global co-ordinator
Criminal Minded
ansi graphics
Computer Wizard, Dark Delusion, Fade Away, Muddy Waters, Mystic Plague,
The Extremist, The Fool, Zippo, Criminal Minded, Fire Lord, Azreal
rip graphics
Fire Lord, The Extremist, Azreal
vga graphics
Cardinal, Last Surge, Fire Lord, Mystic Plague, The Extremist
Destiny, Erebus, The Fool, The Missing, Zippo
Cynical Servant, Zippo, The Distortionist
Jester, The Extremist, The Fool, Computer Wizard
Erebus, Sparhawk
!dark grey normal member, grey devision senior, dark magenta new member!
affiliate boards
The Wicked Garden world hq 519 xxx-xxxx
Strawberry Fields world hq 705 726-4595
The Crib courier hq 705 725-6263
The Twisted Tower canadian hq 905 xxx-xxxx
The Sanctuary usa hq 305 xxx-xxxx
Alcatraz! dist site 813 xxx-xxxx
Ill Communation dist site 305 xxx-xxxx
Pantheon dist site 703 xxx-xxxx
Synagogue of Satan dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
Technical Ecstacy dist site 813 xxx-xxxx
The Apocalyptic City dist site 517 xxx-xxxx
The Crazy Train dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
The Dark Side dist site 801 xxx-xxxx
The Dead Zone dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
The Relic dist site 305 xxx-xxxx
The Round Table dist site 407 xxx-xxxx
Digital Distortion member board 519 xxx-xxxx
The Dreaming member board 705 721-0324
This has been the official Euphoria Studios memberlist, updated 07.01.95
ALL ex-FEAR affiliated boards are now affiliated with EUPHORIA, as it is
mostly the same group with the same senior staff, basically. :
s t u d i o s
Cynical Servant, The Fool
global co-ordinator
Criminal Minded
ansi graphics
Computer Wizard, Dark Delusion, Fade Away, Muddy Waters, Mystic Plague,
The Extremist, The Fool, Zippo, Criminal Minded, Fire Lord, Azreal
rip graphics
Fire Lord, The Extremist, Azreal
vga graphics
Cardinal, Last Surge, Fire Lord, Mystic Plague, The Extremist
Destiny, Erebus, The Fool, The Missing, Zippo
Cynical Servant, Zippo, The Distortionist
Jester, The Extremist, The Fool, Computer Wizard
Erebus, Sparhawk
!dark grey normal member, grey devision senior, dark magenta new member!
affiliate boards
The Wicked Garden world hq 519 xxx-xxxx
Strawberry Fields world hq 705 726-4595
The Crib courier hq 705 725-6263
The Twisted Tower canadian hq 905 xxx-xxxx
The Sanctuary usa hq 305 xxx-xxxx
Alcatraz! dist site 813 xxx-xxxx
Ill Communation dist site 305 xxx-xxxx
Pantheon dist site 703 xxx-xxxx
Synagogue of Satan dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
Technical Ecstacy dist site 813 xxx-xxxx
The Apocalyptic City dist site 517 xxx-xxxx
The Crazy Train dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
The Dark Side dist site 801 xxx-xxxx
The Dead Zone dist site 519 xxx-xxxx
The Relic dist site 305 xxx-xxxx
The Round Table dist site 407 xxx-xxxx
Digital Distortion member board 519 xxx-xxxx
The Dreaming member board 705 721-0324
This has been the official Euphoria Studios memberlist, updated 07.01.95
ALL ex-FEAR affiliated boards are now affiliated with EUPHORIA, as it is
mostly the same group with the same senior staff, basically. :
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