this image contains text
/ I try to get Out, and they suck me back In.
/ Don Bugsy.
/ The Next Chapter
/ ,-- In the Saga Of.. .
,,---,,-- / TLG Megga Hertz TKP
EP Presents - The Don Bugsy. The 7 Day Theory
This aint no muthaphuckin krew.
/,, / // /bugsmH /
Mobstyle Assassinz . :
The Man That Brought You Jagoff!, The Day After, The Kingpin, The Last Don,
The Godfather, Hit Em Up!, Thug Immortal, and Skills Ascii Press. .
Capo de capi : Don Bugsy
----- ,,--- /,-------BugsyEP2
Do you love the art?
* / // kw E s t
: //w E S T
* Thanks to Kwest, and Cain for
releasing me during this time.
,,, Consider me unavailable for comment.
I refuse to be mentored, I refuse to be censored.
Haha, your ass is in jail, noone posting up no bail, getting beat up in your
bitch ass cell, aint livin well, so-called empire fell. U know Wh0 U are.
Extreme at times, guided by passion and fury, look at me laughing at my
competition, flashing my jewelery. Mob Life, Mobster, L.A!
!a -- Seal of Quality. The Lord God Megga Hertz the Kingpin producing.
1L, 1T, 1N. ,
// / Bugsy
This be against all odds.. .
- Peace from Bugsy -- I love you all.
- Its getting close to the end yall.
- So were gonna kick it like this for the last album.
Fuck Black Jack, Fuck the haters, Fuck XXXXXXX, Fuck Error, and his cousin.
Fuck Novastrom, Fuck Sabby, Fuck eVer, Fuck everybody that used to be down,
that isnt down anymore. Fuck everyone that knows theyre not cool with me,
and fuck everyone Ive ever said fuck you to in the past. U know who U are.
t h u g l i f e
Black Jack - Lets be honest, youre a punk, or youd see me with slugs.
Remember that shit in your script about me being a thug?
You can tell the people you roll with whatever you want,
but you and I know whats going on.
mHzrip/haters You cant do your thing, without using mine, but yet still,
I see you on the grind.
XXXXXXX - You shot me, but you didnt finish, now youre bout to feel
the wrath of a menace.
Error/Nova - You wanna fuck with us? You little young ass fuckers.
Sabby - Next time grown folks are talking kid, watch your mouth.
eVer - Youre a fucking joke, and thats all there is.
One Love to everyone that has stayed true over the years, Felix, Sherlock,
Bleach, UniquE, KorrupT, Outspoken, PimpLife, and Sexecutioner. One Love to
Necromancer and RaD Man, for the madstyle groups we call ACiD, and Remorse. 1L.
One Love to my true homies in the asc scene, Cain, Hiro, TinyZ, Dy1.
Necromancer -- Ima do my own thing, I know you dont mind maing.. .
One Thug to C-Dogg, Jay, Big Red, and Moskee, who have kept me safe, and
educated for the latter half of my life. 1t.
One Nation to ACiD, Cia, Blade, Dark, Fire, Fuel, iCE, and the rest of the
krews that have badass seniors, and always put out the true kwalitee. 1n.
Free - John Gotti, Frank LoCascio.
Kill - Salvatore Gravano
Call - !abraxas/diabolic, .vos., Exodus Crossroads, Scotland Yard.
Visit - Rayazzas Luncheonette in Los Angeles.
Now I want war.
c o m m e n t a r y
I love that my style has influenced newer oldschool ascii artists, seriously.
Everyone seems to have tons of commentary in their collies these days, most
of it negative venom, being spit at their enemies -- wasnt it better when I
was the only one throwing words and violence? Stay strong,
Don Bugsy.
c o m m e n t a r y
o. Exit - mHz
.o Enter - Bugsy
/ / / Bugsy /
? - !abraxas
!abraxas,, s bugs a acid:: awe, blade, cia, dark, fire, fuel, twi.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - CyberCrime International
CCi Info,,
/ ,, Bugsy
Updated Effective 26 July 97
CyberCrime was designed to enhance
the worldwide computer underground
via a collection of 20 free speech
message echoes. CCi, now offering
Private Point Nodes, and pkt xfers
: via e-mail. CyberCrime is required :
reading for all scene members. So
download this infopack now, cci!
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Creators of Intense Art
l :::
,-Cia Pak 50-, /
// / Bugsy!
Creators of Intense ArtCiA, gave me my start in the national scene,
a scene that currently regards me as a very talented oldskool artist.
Spear, Sudden Death, and Napalm let me into the ascii division around
pack 35, one pack before the 3 year anniversary pack that I appeared
in. CiA Ascii changed hands from Spear to Cain, who left soon after
: to start a small ascii group known as Noname Brand Ascii. I left for
ACiD!Ascii, and quickly worked my way up to ACiD Senior. No matter
where I go, or what I do, Ill always remember my early CiA Days All
the Dark Prophet conferences, talking to Discyple, Sudden Death, Cain :
Napalm, everyone. Agent42 passing out my ops, CiA getting me props in
my local area. My first 1000 line colly, and that undying CiA love,
that I still have. With this 50th pack, CiA shares with you the ingr
edients that made us succesful. Good viewing, and Stay Strong --
Megga Hertz the Kingpin aka Bugsy the Don -CiA/ACiD
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Color Menu
casino area,, !a -- manual color setup !a
!a press a to select a color pallette,.
!a press C to select a custom pallette,.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Delerium
,,--- BugsymHz ,,----- /
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Ep
/ Bep
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Exodus Crossroads
,,// ,,/ / BugsEp
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Fuel
Damn those boys at Fuel repreSENT.
God dont like ugly, it was written.
Hey yo xxxxxx, your WHOLE DAMN STYLE IS BITTEN.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - In Bloom
/ ,, / /BugsymHz, ,, ,/
: / / / EP! /
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Logic
L o g i c - - B i o g e n e s i s o f K w e s t
Executive Producer - Megga Hertz the Kingpin
, Bugsyep
Crumblin, rumblin, catastrophy, blasphemy. Bugsy the Don. On On On On
L o g i c - - B i o g e n e s i s o f K w e s t
/ / / Bugsy /
? - PipeLine
: DonBugsy : / /
. : . PiPELiNE .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas prots
/ / / Bugsy/EP /
key protdesc !abraxas,, available protocols. .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Sarkazm
,,/ s A r k A z m
Bugsy /
: : / Name : Megga Hertz
: / Note : Ep2
/ Pass : ,,,,,,,,,,,
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas voting topics
// !a/Sovereignty reigns supreme, a keno girl
,,/ walks up in handing you some voting cards.
Bug / / / /
! a b r a x a s / t o p i c s
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas top users
/ Bugsy!
/ !a ,, topuser
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Vision/2
. . .. : / / //BugsyEP .. . .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Water
,, ,,// DonBugsy
/ / / Bugsy /
? - XPak 2
/,, ,,----- ,, BugsymHz
x p a k 2
/ / / Bugsy /
? - XView
BugsymHz / XView
Ep Bugsy!
Seeya around -- Bugsy.
@BEGINFILEID.DIZEP EP Presents - The Don Bugsy EP
Released: By Kwest ASCII Productions
- - BugsymHz
/ Chapter 2 in the Saga of Bugsy
/ Don Bugsy.
/ The Next Chapter
/ ,-- In the Saga Of.. .
,,---,,-- / TLG Megga Hertz TKP
EP Presents - The Don Bugsy. The 7 Day Theory
This aint no muthaphuckin krew.
/,, / // /bugsmH /
Mobstyle Assassinz . :
The Man That Brought You Jagoff!, The Day After, The Kingpin, The Last Don,
The Godfather, Hit Em Up!, Thug Immortal, and Skills Ascii Press. .
Capo de capi : Don Bugsy
----- ,,--- /,-------BugsyEP2
Do you love the art?
* / // kw E s t
: //w E S T
* Thanks to Kwest, and Cain for
releasing me during this time.
,,, Consider me unavailable for comment.
I refuse to be mentored, I refuse to be censored.
Haha, your ass is in jail, noone posting up no bail, getting beat up in your
bitch ass cell, aint livin well, so-called empire fell. U know Wh0 U are.
Extreme at times, guided by passion and fury, look at me laughing at my
competition, flashing my jewelery. Mob Life, Mobster, L.A!
!a -- Seal of Quality. The Lord God Megga Hertz the Kingpin producing.
1L, 1T, 1N. ,
// / Bugsy
This be against all odds.. .
- Peace from Bugsy -- I love you all.
- Its getting close to the end yall.
- So were gonna kick it like this for the last album.
Fuck Black Jack, Fuck the haters, Fuck XXXXXXX, Fuck Error, and his cousin.
Fuck Novastrom, Fuck Sabby, Fuck eVer, Fuck everybody that used to be down,
that isnt down anymore. Fuck everyone that knows theyre not cool with me,
and fuck everyone Ive ever said fuck you to in the past. U know who U are.
t h u g l i f e
Black Jack - Lets be honest, youre a punk, or youd see me with slugs.
Remember that shit in your script about me being a thug?
You can tell the people you roll with whatever you want,
but you and I know whats going on.
mHzrip/haters You cant do your thing, without using mine, but yet still,
I see you on the grind.
XXXXXXX - You shot me, but you didnt finish, now youre bout to feel
the wrath of a menace.
Error/Nova - You wanna fuck with us? You little young ass fuckers.
Sabby - Next time grown folks are talking kid, watch your mouth.
eVer - Youre a fucking joke, and thats all there is.
One Love to everyone that has stayed true over the years, Felix, Sherlock,
Bleach, UniquE, KorrupT, Outspoken, PimpLife, and Sexecutioner. One Love to
Necromancer and RaD Man, for the madstyle groups we call ACiD, and Remorse. 1L.
One Love to my true homies in the asc scene, Cain, Hiro, TinyZ, Dy1.
Necromancer -- Ima do my own thing, I know you dont mind maing.. .
One Thug to C-Dogg, Jay, Big Red, and Moskee, who have kept me safe, and
educated for the latter half of my life. 1t.
One Nation to ACiD, Cia, Blade, Dark, Fire, Fuel, iCE, and the rest of the
krews that have badass seniors, and always put out the true kwalitee. 1n.
Free - John Gotti, Frank LoCascio.
Kill - Salvatore Gravano
Call - !abraxas/diabolic, .vos., Exodus Crossroads, Scotland Yard.
Visit - Rayazzas Luncheonette in Los Angeles.
Now I want war.
c o m m e n t a r y
I love that my style has influenced newer oldschool ascii artists, seriously.
Everyone seems to have tons of commentary in their collies these days, most
of it negative venom, being spit at their enemies -- wasnt it better when I
was the only one throwing words and violence? Stay strong,
Don Bugsy.
c o m m e n t a r y
o. Exit - mHz
.o Enter - Bugsy
/ / / Bugsy /
? - !abraxas
!abraxas,, s bugs a acid:: awe, blade, cia, dark, fire, fuel, twi.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - CyberCrime International
CCi Info,,
/ ,, Bugsy
Updated Effective 26 July 97
CyberCrime was designed to enhance
the worldwide computer underground
via a collection of 20 free speech
message echoes. CCi, now offering
Private Point Nodes, and pkt xfers
: via e-mail. CyberCrime is required :
reading for all scene members. So
download this infopack now, cci!
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Creators of Intense Art
l :::
,-Cia Pak 50-, /
// / Bugsy!
Creators of Intense ArtCiA, gave me my start in the national scene,
a scene that currently regards me as a very talented oldskool artist.
Spear, Sudden Death, and Napalm let me into the ascii division around
pack 35, one pack before the 3 year anniversary pack that I appeared
in. CiA Ascii changed hands from Spear to Cain, who left soon after
: to start a small ascii group known as Noname Brand Ascii. I left for
ACiD!Ascii, and quickly worked my way up to ACiD Senior. No matter
where I go, or what I do, Ill always remember my early CiA Days All
the Dark Prophet conferences, talking to Discyple, Sudden Death, Cain :
Napalm, everyone. Agent42 passing out my ops, CiA getting me props in
my local area. My first 1000 line colly, and that undying CiA love,
that I still have. With this 50th pack, CiA shares with you the ingr
edients that made us succesful. Good viewing, and Stay Strong --
Megga Hertz the Kingpin aka Bugsy the Don -CiA/ACiD
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Color Menu
casino area,, !a -- manual color setup !a
!a press a to select a color pallette,.
!a press C to select a custom pallette,.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Delerium
,,--- BugsymHz ,,----- /
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Ep
/ Bep
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Exodus Crossroads
,,// ,,/ / BugsEp
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Fuel
Damn those boys at Fuel repreSENT.
God dont like ugly, it was written.
Hey yo xxxxxx, your WHOLE DAMN STYLE IS BITTEN.
/ / / Bugsy /
? - In Bloom
/ ,, / /BugsymHz, ,, ,/
: / / / EP! /
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Logic
L o g i c - - B i o g e n e s i s o f K w e s t
Executive Producer - Megga Hertz the Kingpin
, Bugsyep
Crumblin, rumblin, catastrophy, blasphemy. Bugsy the Don. On On On On
L o g i c - - B i o g e n e s i s o f K w e s t
/ / / Bugsy /
? - PipeLine
: DonBugsy : / /
. : . PiPELiNE .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas prots
/ / / Bugsy/EP /
key protdesc !abraxas,, available protocols. .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Sarkazm
,,/ s A r k A z m
Bugsy /
: : / Name : Megga Hertz
: / Note : Ep2
/ Pass : ,,,,,,,,,,,
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas voting topics
// !a/Sovereignty reigns supreme, a keno girl
,,/ walks up in handing you some voting cards.
Bug / / / /
! a b r a x a s / t o p i c s
/ / / Bugsy /
? - abraxas top users
/ Bugsy!
/ !a ,, topuser
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Vision/2
. . .. : / / //BugsyEP .. . .
/ / / Bugsy /
? - Water
,, ,,// DonBugsy
/ / / Bugsy /
? - XPak 2
/,, ,,----- ,, BugsymHz
x p a k 2
/ / / Bugsy /
? - XView
BugsymHz / XView
Ep Bugsy!
Seeya around -- Bugsy.
@BEGINFILEID.DIZEP EP Presents - The Don Bugsy EP
Released: By Kwest ASCII Productions
- - BugsymHz
/ Chapter 2 in the Saga of Bugsy
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